Weird Aggressive Behavior

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.
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Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hyenafan » Sat Feb 12, 2022 5:36 am

My E has been acting strangely and I figured I'd post here in the hopes that someone could give me a better idea of what's going on in his little bug brain.

I've had all 3 of my crabs for 5 years. They're in a 60 gallon tank and both the heat and humidity are kept around 80. There's about 9 inches of sand, but I want to add a bit more. The bugs:

Goliath: male, large PP, 1.75 opening turbo shell

James: male, medium E, 1.5 opening land snail shell

Chickie: female, medium PP, 1.375 opening turbo shell

So, the problem is that James keeps harassing Goliath whenever Goliath comes up from being underground. Goliath will go down (probably to molt), but a day or two later I'll come in to see James on top of Goliath and they're both in a crater because Goliath was coming back up for whatever reason. James doesn't grab him or anything, but he seems to try to spread his legs around him to try to cover him, except Goliath is at least three times his size. It seems like guarding except they're different species and both male. He also did the same thing once or twice in between instances of Goliath practicing his digging for his molt. I got a pic of that:


Goliath clearly doesn't know what's going on and has defended himself, crushing a third of James' big claw and making him drop a leg.

I saw the whole thing once. Goliath had just come up and was still down in the pit, widening it for some reason, and James was just sitting at the edge, watching. It was pretty creepy. It was like ten minutes of this. James moved away from the edge at some point, but stayed nearby, and Goliath was turned away from him and brought his legs in to start digging down. James came back over and calmly walked over and climbed right on top of him. I separated them immediately of course. The whole thing was really weird and felt almost calculated.

Now James is separated in a 20 long and everyone is molting, so everyone's safe for now, but I can't keep him in there. He wasn't always like this. He's been doing this for two years now (although no one had been hurt before), but Goliath only molts once a year and they don't really dig much outside of that. I kept hoping it was a weird phase and he'd stop, but now he's lost a limb. I've tried giving different foods and sources of protein and calcium, but it hasn't changed anything.

I think it must either be that he wants his shell or that he's desperate for a girlfriend or any E friend.

James' shell is tiny on him. Once, while I was holding him, he stretched out of his shell all the way until even his last pair of legs was clearly visible and he still didn't feel like he was in any danger of falling out. The entire inside of his shell is gone. He's been wearing this same one for 3 years. But he has other shells to choose from and he never looks at them. And Goliath's shell would be huge and heavy on him. Chickie's shell is at least close in size to his, but he hasn't been doing the same thing to her. (He is aggressive towards her, but it's just a lot of pushing.)

So, I think it's probably that he needs a friend. He's been the only E for over 2 years now and before he even had a girlfriend. So maybe that's it? But I've never heard of a crab doing this before. Why would he do guarding-like behavior to a male crab that he's usually scared of because of his size? If he was doing it to Chickie it would at least make some sense.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what to do. I've been trying to find an E to be his friend, but haven't had much luck. I can't just keep him by himself in his current tank forever, so if I can't find him a friend soon I'm going to have to give him up. I'd really rather not, he's the one I've had the longest. He should be up from his molt any day now at least. Do you guys think getting him a friend could fix whatever's going on with him?

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by JoeHermits » Sat Feb 12, 2022 12:00 pm

That is odd. Eccies tend to be really energetic, so if they start to misbehave it can get them in trouble. I doubt it’s a matter of companionship or mating.

Having you tried dipping everyone in the freshwater so they all smell the same? It’s commonly used for new introductions but can help curb aggression, especially if one crab still smells like a fresh molt.

Your shell description of James’s shell is normal for Es. They like to modify the shell to make it lighter, so seeing large amounts of the inside missing isn’t a concern.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hyenafan » Sat Feb 12, 2022 6:42 pm

I haven't tried dipping them in water since they've all been together for years until now. I could try when they're all up though. Usually, I just put James in time out (a closed critter keeper in the tank). Also, most of James' harassing happens before anyone molts. Although last year Goliath came up from his molt and James was following him around until Goliath finally turned around and whacked him on the head with his antennas. But that was the only time he bothered him after a molt. I could try when they all come back up though.

As for his shell, I was just worried that it might be too small even for him at this point. His butt is so fat in there I'm starting to get worried he's stuck. I was also thinking it would be a good idea to set up a thing so people with Es can trade used shells to each other. Maybe a used one would get him to change.

It was Crab Central Station who first suggested he might need a friend, although I wasn't sure what else it could be at that point. I still really hope it's that because otherwise I'd have to adopt him out for Goliath's sake and I really don't want that because I love both of them.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by JoeHermits » Sun Feb 13, 2022 12:09 am

Es like small, light shells so they can be more mobile. If he wanted a larger shell he’d take one.

But yeah, crabs can be unpredictable at times and need a lot of patience when issues come up.

Hang in there!

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hyenafan » Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:54 am

Yeah, I guess I just worry that he hates all the shells I got him or something and that's why he won't change.

I just wish I knew if getting him a friend will help. I don't want to get him one and then he keeps acting like this and now the tank is more crowded. It's frustrating and I'm not sure what to do.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hello123 » Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:07 pm

does he have a preference for turbo shells (round opening) or snail type/conche (one flattishside rest round)? PP usually like turbos. I'm having a difficult time finding 7/8-1 inch opening turbos that are not too big/heavy.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hello123 » Tue Feb 15, 2022 3:10 pm

Sorry, missed the fact is an E. Those twisty/thin spiral shells seem to be most common for them. Maybe try all kinds. I have one PP that is super picky, he tries on every single kind of shell. I could put a pepto-lid in there and he'd probably at least test it before ditching it. lol

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hyenafan » Tue Feb 15, 2022 8:59 pm

Yeah, mine are like that too. Goliath keeps trying shells and changing back.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hello123 » Thu Feb 17, 2022 6:14 pm

I finally found some turbos from Naples Shell Company that work for him . 55 dollars later. lol
Now I need to find a way to convince the other to upgrade. He hasn't left his second shell.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by wodesorel » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:58 am

I've personally had bad luck with Es, especially larger more mature males. They get territorial and nasty with other crabs. Towards the end, my second largest ate through nearly a dozen tankmates - all other Es. Was kind of suspicious of what was happening and an admin of another group thought she could do better so took him from me. I was grateful because at that point I was done, but then he ate several of her crabs, too. Just his personality. I don't think there is anything wrong with keeping him separate if it means keeping them all safe. I wish I had done that with mine from the start.
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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by Hyenafan » Fri Feb 18, 2022 4:54 pm

Yeah, I'm worried it might be that. Both PPs are bigger than him, but Goliath is a lot bigger than him. Normally, he's scared of Goliath, so that makes all of this extra weird.

The guarding stuff is still weird though. I know dogs do something like that, but I didn't think crabs did.

The other thing is that I still live with my parents and my mom doesn't want me having two tanks, so if this is just how he is then I'd have to give him away.

When he comes up from his molt (which should be any day now) I'm going to try giving him a mirror and see how he responds to it. Maybe that will tell me if he's lonely or something.

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Re: Weird Aggressive Behavior

Post by smolmuffin » Thu Feb 24, 2022 8:21 am

Hopefully it all goes well. Just keep a eye on them and separate them as you see more. James might eventually give up.

One of my Es has demonstrated aggression recently towards his(?) tankmate. Was on my way to leave for work when I witnessed Bean trying to get into poor Tomato's shell, guarding and trying to claw in there. Bean did not want to give up and eventually I was able to get Tomato out of the coconut they were both in. Hoping that it was more of a terriorial issue as when I got Tomato to a safer place, Bean has mostly left them alone since then.

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