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Aggression but not shell-related?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2022 9:54 pm
by hermitsinnc
Yesterday I put the M's in with Kendall. I gave them a dip first to be sure they smelled the same.

I have noticed Kendall using her big pincher to shove each smaller crab aside more than once, and sometimes she climbs on/over Maxwell. There doesn't seem to be any feeler fighting or threatening, though, and the M's are usually facing away from her. Once may have been over food (frozen bloodworms) and she has moved Mitchell away from her favorite sitting spot more than once. At the moment, it doesn't seem like an urgent situation.

I did notice her eating pleasantly with Maxwell last night, but there has been plenty of shoving since then.

Prior to combining, the M's had gotten along fine, occasionally using each other as step stools but mostly minding their own business.

There are plenty of extra shells in the tank and all 3 crabs are different sizes, so shell jacking shouldn't be an issue. They are fed plenty of protein (at least 2 options daily) and calcium (eggshell, calcium carbonate powder, snakeskin).

Is she bullying them or simply establishing her place as the 'queen'? What should I watch out for that would be a reason to separate?

(pic for size comparison)


Re: Aggression but not shell-related?

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:21 am
by hermitcrablover2
Maybe she's trying to show dominance? Usually in a crabitat there is one hermit crab that is considered the "leader", if Kendall's larger than the others she might be trying to show that she is the leader

Re: Aggression but not shell-related?

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2022 7:46 pm
by Jlmills525
as long as there is no actual 'attacking' it's normal for them to walk over each other or shove others out of the way if there is something particular they want as far as foraging or food goes