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How long did it take for your Crabs to like You?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:10 am
by Guest
Well, mine still don't like me, although sometimes they don't retract into their shells when I'm doing little stuff in the tank...and they havn't pinched me yet, even though I have held them a little. But anyways, how long did it take for your Crabs to like You? What kinds of things do they do that let you know they are used to you?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:25 am
by Tremors
I haven't voted yet because it really depends on the crab. Some of my crabs that I've had for 3 months are still super scared of me, and some of the ones that I just got a month or two ago are very friendly and fast to peek out at me when I pick them up. :)

However they do get used to you eventually. After I first got Cookie and put him in the tank, later I walked into the room and he saw me from several yards away and hid in his shell. He is much less scared of me now than he was then. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:31 am
by starmaiden
It can take awhile. It really depends on the crab. I don't handle them much, I try to avoid that because I think it just stresses them out. The average time for me seems to be about 6 to 7 months to where they are totally comfortable with my presence and not afraid of me anymore. I think the bigger the crab, the longer it takes too.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:35 am
by DustAndEchoes
mine range....KiKi (my female ruggie) was social almost from the beginning....I've had Zoidberg (a pp) over a year and a half and he still won't come out for me (all though he came out pretty fast to pinch me when I thwarted his second escape attempt)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:44 am
by BAB
What is your definition of "like"?

I don't hold mine very often, but I will put my hand in the tank to change out water/food and things. During that time I will interact with crabbies by putting a finger in front of them. There's a few that will hide in their shells still, but most will have a feeler war with me. HEHEHE Tickles! And then just a few that if I put my hand down they will go over it.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:36 pm
by Guest
All of mine still dart back into their shells if I am anywhere near the tank...

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 12:56 pm
by hermiegirl
Mine are generally pretty outgoing and social, but there are the exceptions. In general though, it took bout 1-2 months for them to become accustomed to my normal movements around the tank(s).

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 1:23 pm
by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs
Well I only have one now that really hates me, but then again Clover hates people in general. I would say it took close to a year for most of my hermies to be unafraid of me.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:17 pm
by Guest
I'm not one to handle much either. I think it's just personality. Some of my big guys are fine, just staring back at me, until I attempt to handle them. BFG (my large) began running from me after I picked her up to try and measure her shell opening. She's back to just staring back at me now. In my tanks it's actually the littler guys who run every time they see me. My cavis are terrified of me too. Sometimes it's insulting, I'm like, glad to see you appreciate good food, plenty of shells, and a clean enviroment, don't you know that I'm the one doing all that? They are so like little children.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:23 pm
by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs
I do think the length of time has something to do with how willing they are not to be afraid of you though. My older hermies like Peek-a-boo (2.1 years old), Spike (1.9 years old), and Rocko (1.9 years old) are not even remotely afraid of me. It's almost like they are used to the sounds, vibrations, and shadows around their home.

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:36 pm
by Guest
Tremors wrote:I haven't voted yet because it really depends on the crab. Some of my crabs that I've had for 3 months are still super scared of me, and some of the ones that I just got a month or two ago are very friendly and fast to peek out at me when I pick them up. :)

However they do get used to you eventually. After I first got Cookie and put him in the tank, later I walked into the room and he saw me from several yards away and hid in his shell. He is much less scared of me now than he was then. :)
Yep! I didn't vote either. I agree with Tremors. Some of the crabs that I have had over a year, still don't like me. Others that I recently got, already do. It really does depend on the crab. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 2:48 pm
by Hermie Lover
Mine are getting more used to me by the day. They are in my workout room, and get to watch me do my work out DVDs. I bet they have learned some moves to :lol:

With all that jerky crazy stuff, they have to get more used to me by the day :)

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 7:52 pm
by Guest
I picked 1-2 months because I always choose the most active crab in the pet store, and they all have been social. My only one that isn't as social is Thunder. However, I think she is not very social because she was preparing for her molt. She is buried under the substrate right now. My other crabs all come out immediately to walk on my hand, on my bed, and to just say hello to me. :D They all are used to me and I think like me. Slugger is the oldest and always is friendly. Caramel is second oldest and also always freindly, Thunder is molting, Violet at first was a little timid, but now is very friendly and EXTREMELY fast! Midge is my cute little teeny who is also very friendly. Stumpy is my only boy in the tank and he's also very friendly. So overall, my crabbies like me and are very friendly crabs! Srry that was so long. :oops: :D

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:08 pm
by Guest
ya only one of my crabs really likes me [out of three] and ive been pinced it leaves scars it still hurts any advice? anyone plz have advice
:cry: :smt089 :smt009

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:53 pm
by Guest
Out of our 3 crabs, Bubbles adjusted the easiest to life at our home. She's consistently curious, outgoing, and not afraid!

Luigi is the smallest one. In the beginning, he was very skittish and shy. Over the past few months, he's become as outgoing as Bubbles is.

Silent Bob, the biggest, is still very cautious. From the beginning, he's needed special attention, words of encouragement, and supreme patience in order for him to come out. But, once he's out, he's climbing all over the place (unless he is spooked--then he's back in his shell)!