What should I do about poor little Nixon?
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 1:45 pm
My littlest Straw, Nixon, a medium has survived her previous ordeal: From Molting Forum
Unfortunately, I'm now at kind of a loss as to what to do with her. I'm lousy at digital photography, so I'll try to describe what she's looking like today:
1. The "thumb" of her BP has been torn off, rest of the claw is intact.
2. Her shield appears to be pinched, it has a claw mark in it running from the right edge to just past the centerline.
3. She's missing a few toes, last segments of at least two walking legs are gone.
4. All of the preceding wounds are filled with either very dark EE, (it's very humid in my ISO tank, so black EE is the bedding), or she has an infection I need to start treating.
5. Her far walking leg on the BP side is totally gone. Scab here appears tannish, which is what Bulldozer's scab on his snipped off toe eventually looked like. Not so worried about this injury.
Her behavior is relatively normal for Nixon right now, she's just come up from a week or two underground in ISO. This is the first time I've been able to check her out any. It looks like she ate a little bit of her old exo I left in the food dish, but most of it remains unfinished from last molt. She is hardened, but I can't tell if the black wounds are ground in EE in her scabs or an infection. She parked in the salt water dish for a bit, hit freshwater, and is now sitting in the food dish inhaling the Colorado Crab Company kibble I feed the others and a little bit of dried krill.
She seems healthy, active, and understandably more shy than before. I'm not sure what to do about those black wounds though, should I treat them like infections and keep her in ISO? Or would it be better to dip her in the main tank's saltwater dish and let her visit the rest of the colony? Should I leave her in ISO until her next molt anyway, so she can heal, or will she be alright once I figure out if she's infected or not?
I'm a bit confused... it's a happy confusion, but confusion nonetheless. Lrr is still hiding under the saltwater dish in ISO, I think molting, so she's been pretty unmolested for the last little while.
Unfortunately, I'm now at kind of a loss as to what to do with her. I'm lousy at digital photography, so I'll try to describe what she's looking like today:
1. The "thumb" of her BP has been torn off, rest of the claw is intact.
2. Her shield appears to be pinched, it has a claw mark in it running from the right edge to just past the centerline.
3. She's missing a few toes, last segments of at least two walking legs are gone.
4. All of the preceding wounds are filled with either very dark EE, (it's very humid in my ISO tank, so black EE is the bedding), or she has an infection I need to start treating.
5. Her far walking leg on the BP side is totally gone. Scab here appears tannish, which is what Bulldozer's scab on his snipped off toe eventually looked like. Not so worried about this injury.
Her behavior is relatively normal for Nixon right now, she's just come up from a week or two underground in ISO. This is the first time I've been able to check her out any. It looks like she ate a little bit of her old exo I left in the food dish, but most of it remains unfinished from last molt. She is hardened, but I can't tell if the black wounds are ground in EE in her scabs or an infection. She parked in the salt water dish for a bit, hit freshwater, and is now sitting in the food dish inhaling the Colorado Crab Company kibble I feed the others and a little bit of dried krill.
She seems healthy, active, and understandably more shy than before. I'm not sure what to do about those black wounds though, should I treat them like infections and keep her in ISO? Or would it be better to dip her in the main tank's saltwater dish and let her visit the rest of the colony? Should I leave her in ISO until her next molt anyway, so she can heal, or will she be alright once I figure out if she's infected or not?
I'm a bit confused... it's a happy confusion, but confusion nonetheless. Lrr is still hiding under the saltwater dish in ISO, I think molting, so she's been pretty unmolested for the last little while.