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Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:27 am
by Mirrorakay
Helios is bordering on large and came up from his molt about a week ago. Ever since he came up, he chirps constantly throughout the night. He will be standing away from all the other crabs, or next to another one chirping away for a solid minute or two before he finally stops. The tank is in my room and Helios's chirping is waking me up an average of three times a night. Most of the time there are no crabs by him, but when there are, he hasn't ever touches them or paid them much mind. Though they do tend to back off and go do something else. He is almost always in different spots. Then, when day comes around, Helios joins all the other crabs in the cave and sleeps until the night lights switch on again.

I've looked him over and everything looks fine. He has no strange spots on his exo and his coloring is very vibrant. He is eating and visiting the water dishes just like normal. Its just that something about nighttime throws him off and I can't figure out what.

My temps and humidity are just fine. There are plenty of shells. I cycle out food daily and they never see the same food two days in a row. I'm completely lost, especially since he never had this behavior before the last molt. Any insight would be extremely helpful. :)

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:53 am
by Jackolope
He could just be trying to reestablish his place in the pack after being away from the molt. Then again he could just be talkative, some are. As for waking you up at night, well you could try to move the tank into another room. Either that or get used to it and hope he stops soon.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:27 pm
by Mirrorakay
I hope it is as simple as that. I'm just worried there is something wrong with him and I don't know it.

Waking me up isn't a big deal. I don't sleep well in the first place, so if it isn't him waking me up, it would be something else. It is just that he chirps so incredibly loud and he is a persistent little guy. I've heard my crabs chirp before, but never so loud!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:45 pm
by Jackolope
I know you said you checked him and he wasn't injured, usually they only chirp in defense of another crab or predator. i heard of someone else having this issue after a molt and it eventually stopped. it could just mean he is stressed and wants to be left alone. If it doesn't stop soon try isolating for a few and see if it stops, then reintroduce him into the main tank. he may still feel vulnerable so try that. if that doesn't work just try to check again for injuries as best you can. if not just hope for the best. good luck.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:43 pm
by wodesorel
Anything that could be startling him? Giggles did this weird thing for three weeks where every time I walked past the tank he would chirp like a cricket. After three weeks it suddenly stopped, and it's been two years and he's never done it again. It was so weird!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:55 pm
by Mirrorakay
You know, I wonder if the wind is bothering him. For a while now it has been crazy windy at night (gusts up to 90mph), when it is normally pretty quite at night. I wonder if that is bugging him. Tonight the wind should be calm, so maybe he will be too.

Other than that, there isn't anything that should be scaring him.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 9:58 pm
by CrabbyMom33
I suspect they "feel" the weather changes and maybe you are on to something. Let us know if he does it tonight.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:46 pm
by Jackolope
a friend of mine lives in colorado and has 3 crabs. she hasn't had any problems yet. we have had really bad wind in NJ too, and Tappy my crab keeps "settling in" trying to hide from the wind, so you never know.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:04 am
by Mirrorakay
What do you know! Helios didn't chirp last night!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:05 pm
by Jackolope
:clap: Yay!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:30 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Was there wind last night? If I were you I'd track the wind and when he chirps and see if there is a connection.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:37 pm
by Mirrorakay
The wind was calm last night. The wind is picking up again tonight, but nothing like it has been. However, tomorrow night the wind should have gusts in the 90s again. I'll keep a log for a few weeks and see if that is what has been making my little guy so talkative!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 10:11 am
by Mirrorakay
After keeping track of Helios's chirping for a while, I do think it is weather related. Not necessarily wind though. He has been relatively quiet since the crazy wind stopped. However, he does chirp before cold fronts move in. The day before the forcast shows snow, Helios is ALWAYS chirping at night. Not as constant as during windy nights, but he wakes me up at least once. Now I have to wonder why weather changes seem to bother him so much after his molt when they never bothered him before. Anyways, thank you for pointing the weather thing out to me. I never would have thought of it on my own!

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 10:50 pm
by Silver Buttons
Maybe he is sensitive to changes in air pressure, the way some people with arthritis notice an increase in pain with the change of weather.

I'm jealous of all of you with talkative crabs. I've heard mine chirp only two or three times, and then it was very faint and brief.

Re: Unexplained, Constant Chirping

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:08 pm
by Mirrorakay
I do believe he can feel the change in pressure and that is what he is reacting to. Though, I am curious why he doesn't chirp when warm fronts move in. All the same, I think I have myself a nighttime weather forecaster in my midst. If I ever need to know if it will be colder the next day, Helios will be pleased to let me know around 1 am :hlol:

The sound is very unique, so it can be fun in that regard. Thing is, when I hear it, I almost always get a mini heart attack from it, thinking someone is in distress. I'd much rather Helios be the silent crab he used to be :)