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is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:12 pm
by HermitHoarder
My smaller E which I have only had for a couple of weeks (And who is not yet feeling comfortable in his new captve life) Doesn't really do a whole lot of anything, but what I find weird is how he never sleeps... My PP's sleep under some moss that I have laying under a plant on the substrate. They dig down half and inch and sleep in their shells.. But my E will just sit there in a half log staring at the log. ALLL day and all night, he just stares at that log! He sits there with his front legs out, and his eyes and doesn't sleep like the others.... he just looks so darn sad.

A bit of a background on him, he was in a too-small shell that he couldn't back into when I first got him, but 2 days ago switched into a more appropriate shell that he can go right into. Also, when he was still at the store, there was a young girl looking at him and she dropped him about 3-4 feet onto the floor :( I decided to buy him so that if he needed to molt right away becuse of the fall, he would be able to. He hasn't molted, but is it possible he is injured? Why is he acting weird? :crabblush:

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:19 pm
by kuza
he may have hurt his abdomen, which molting won't fix, only time will.

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:42 pm
by Rocky
It's very possible he's injured :( Try putting some power food in front of him where he can reach it without having to really move much. (I suggest peanut butter and honey, crushed eggshells, seafood, protien and calcium stuff etc.)
He might be sleeping, they do sleep out of their shells occasionally, I've seen my bigger crabs do it many times.

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:53 pm
by HermitHoarder
ooooh :( well he does eat and drink his salt and fresh water, but always goes straight back to his log to rest. So hopefully in time he will heal :(

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 6:58 pm
by kuza
probably just likes that spot.

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 8:15 pm
by GRMU99
maybe he needs a species buddy (if he's the only one of his kind). I had notice something almost the same way with my only E's in the tank. But, he is do with a molt soon cause he is missing his bigger claw.

Re: is my crabby sad?

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 11:36 pm
by Rocky
If he's able to get to his water then he's probably not that badly injured (if at all) so that might just be "his" spot :) a few of my crabs have "their" spot that they spend a fair amount of time in, he might just be in that spot constantly because he still adjusting to his new home :P or, he might be hurting a bit, but again, if he can feed and water himself I wouldn't worry, I'd just keep an eye on him and provide some extra protien/calcium and honey :)