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My straw just said what?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 8:36 pm
by Careyenz
One of my big straws makes the craziest noise. When I pick him up, he makes a clicking sound. It's not the chirp I'm used to hearing from my E's. I thought it was the sound if exo rubbing together, but I've heard him do it fully extended from his shell. Both my new straws need a good molt, so is it possible the sound is thinning exo? Has anyone heard anything like this before? I've only had him two weeks, but my big guys seem really at ease in their new home!

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Re: My straw just said what?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:25 pm
by kuza
they make more then 2 sounds, they can also rub their claws together like a violin, clicking the joints.

Re: My straw just said what?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:51 pm
by wodesorel
I've heard clicks, squeaking, cricket chirping, tree-frog blasts, and duck quacking all coming from hermits before. I've also heard more than one story of them "screaming" when they encountered a new tankmate. :lol:

Re: My straw just said what?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:21 pm
by stan
Might sound weird, but the other day when I picked my crab who is some sort of afraid of me, he was hiding and hiding in his shell. Then he came out, maybe cause of the time, maybe cause I talked to him. With my lips I imitated that noise that sounds like wet leather or something like that, and with one (click or whatever) he stayed, with two he seemed more secure to go out. Strange, huh?

Re: My straw just said what?

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:23 pm
by kuza
lol I crab talk to mine all the time and I believe they are responding to our breath, but you never know :)

Re: My straw just said what?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:04 am
by Skymall007
I sometimes wave my pointer and middle finger up and down to mimic their antennae. I see Herbit and Upsidedown talking with them all the time. I wonder what they are able to communicate because they clearly make best friends and so they must somehow communicate. If anyone learns any hermit tricks let me know.

My tortoise and I play a blinking game. Unlike humans, he isn't programmed to blink both eyes at once. I copy the blinks he does and then he copies mine. It's cute because I will blink both eyes, and then he will struggle to copy me by blinking both of his. I know we are communicating.