Holding Crab by Shell

Where we discuss the behavior of our hermit crabs, as in fights, pecking orders, shell swaps, etc. Please post all naked-crab posts in the Emergency forum.

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Holding Crab by Shell

Post by tibibi » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:53 pm

Whenever I hold my crabs by the back of their shells they come out so far they look like they are going to fall right out of their shells. I never hold them for more than a few moments because they come out so far I'm afraid they will fall and die. Do you know if they actually will let themselves fall if they are scared or something? :silent:

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by The Mad Crabber » Fri Jul 27, 2012 1:56 pm

I believe they are trying to reach the ground or something firm. To me it looks like they are a little concerned about being suspended. It is a good sign however showing that they are at least not timid. Just let them sit in your hand. I do not believe they will allow themselves to fall.
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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by tibibi » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:07 pm

I'm too scared to hold my crabs in my hands because I'm afraid of being pinched, even with my hand stretched out. I'm such a wimp. I've only held a crab twice, and one of them didn't have a big pincher.
Thanks for the advice, though!

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by kuza » Fri Jul 27, 2012 2:38 pm

You can hold your hand under them really flat and stretched so they can't grab any skin. As soon as they feel solid ground they will stop coming out, most of the time.

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by Squeaky » Fri Jul 27, 2012 3:35 pm

If you don't want to hold your hand there, you can hold them just above a table or hard surface so they can get their toes to touch. This will help them "stabilize" and not feel like they're dangling in the air with no support.

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:05 pm

I've learned not to do that with Es. I've had a few E launch themselves out of the shell I was holding and try to run for cover. :shock: Like seriously, they managed to jump a good three feet away from where I was holding them and started running away stark naked. It was terrifying. :(

The PPs? They're just leaning out to try and find a foot hold. Never once had one ditch trying to get away. A much calmer species. :)
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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by kuza » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:06 pm

how do you hold your E's?

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by wodesorel » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:10 pm

I always have a hand underneath themif I'm moving them from point A to point B, and I try to severely limit the amount of time I restrain them by their shell. They do not like the feeling of having their shell stuck in place and they know they have the option of streaking to get away from whatever is holding them. If I want to interact with them I put them on my pants and let them run around since my big guys really like to pinch if I have them in my hands. :roll:
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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by kuza » Fri Jul 27, 2012 5:14 pm

I've been using a Tupperware container to transport so far and I guess I'm glad I did. I've always worried they would jump. I only do the under hand thing when I'm checking for mites.

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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by Skymall007 » Sat Aug 04, 2012 5:56 pm

I have found my Es don't like being handled at all. I have been lucky to have no streakers, but Friendlyfeat doesn't mind showing me how he feels about the matter via pincher. Sputnik is a lot calmer about it and gives warning pinches. I usually transfer them in a KK from place to place (like my room to living room). One of my E's, Friendlyfeat ironically, has taken a liking to my boyfriend and his sweaters though, so he will just stay there. (Only when sitting down. Herbit decided to stay on my shoulder for a while while I walked about the house and it made me too nervous to let him do it again).

PPs are generally easier to handle (in my limited experience). They are calmer and slower moving. No hermit (at least mine) like being suspended in mid air. They are like turtles that way. They like to have something solid beneath them.

One of my PPs is like an E, except slower. He tried to eat the pants I was moving him on.

If it helps, the pinching is not so bad (at least in my experience, but mine are all relatively small). Even Friendlyfeat lets go pretty fast.
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Re: Holding Crab by Shell

Post by tibibi » Sun Aug 05, 2012 8:03 am

Thanks guys!
