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My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:45 pm
by Crys_Crab
It's so frustrating, and worrisome because I worry that something is wrong. Crabcakes has been with me for a month now, and when we got him/her there were two other pals that came with him, which are both molting (*I hope*).

So he seemed very lonely, and never did anything. I smoothed sand and next day, no I got a friend for him. I upgraded my tank to a 29 gallon, and when they both went into the tank, they seemed to like it and were active. He seemed to like the new environment and having a new friend. Now, two days later....we are back to no activity.

I don't think they moved at all last night. They were in the same spot this morning, and the tank is pristine. No food moved or anything. I even stayed up quite late last night and didn't see them out and about.

What could I be doing wrong? Or is this normal for now....

My kids are not exactly pleased with my choice of pets....haha

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:16 pm
by HermitCrabingrid
This is perfectly normal hermit crabs neither do nothing during the day and normally hide when people are near, hermit crabs get attached to objects and go there all the time that's why they appear not to move, also ermies eat very little, and they are most active 3-6 am.
You should try moving there cage around more frequently, and adding new objects.
Do you have a amera or Nintendo 3ds if you do set up an interval times camera that will take pictures every 5 or 10 seconds to see if they move, your hermies may be too cold, warm or lack other things getting a uv lamp will also boost there activity. Hope I helped :)

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:53 pm
by Rocky
Slowing down after awhile is normal enough, but not stopping altogether. When did you get them? Are your tank conditions stable? Have they molted yet?
Maybe try to tempt them with things like honey, popcorn and stinky raw seafood?

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:58 pm
by Crys_Crab
Two are molting right now in my 10 gallon.
These two have not molted with me yet.
One I have had a month, the other a little less than a week.
I'm pretty sure it could be a little warmer in there....I will probably get a heat lamp.
I also finally found cholla with decent shipping, so that is coming.
I might try the camera trick.

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:04 pm
by StephBaby
What is the camera trick

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:05 pm
by Rocky
They might perk up alot once the tank goes up a couple degrees :)
Good luck!

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:10 pm
by HermitCrabingrid
StephBaby wrote:What is the camera trick

Leave the camera out over night taking pictures and it will sow you a slow video of what happened I've the course of the night

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:11 pm
by CallaLily
Double check temps and humidity.

If those are fine....... welcome to the boring side of crabbing. :lol: It's easy to look at other crabbers posts and pictures and imagine their crabbies are super active all the time. So not the case. They're most likely moving at night and returning to the same spot. Try tempting them out with smelly foods. I find my crabs seem to LOVE when I put in fresh forest moss. It has a strong earthy smell and usually gets several of them up, waving their antennae and going in search of the moss. If humidity is on the low end a good misting to the 'tat can help get them moving.

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 9:14 pm
by Crys_Crab
Re: Camera all digital cameras have that ability?

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:00 pm
by Bridgitmac80
I have 6 crabs, 2 teeny's, 3 teeny/smalls, and one small/med. Three are molting, one destressing/molting so I feel your pain right now. I moved the small and teeny that were out into the new tank last night and they are loving it! Especially George whom I've had since July 1. The temp was a fight for me at first as well and once the temp got up I saw more activity. The most activity for me was at 75 or higher temp and 82% humidity range. Before getting the new tank I would see increased activity when I would re-arrange or add new things. So you could take a few things out, wait a week or so, then introduce them back and take out something else. They remind me of kids with old toys they don't use anymore, take em out and give em back a few months later it's like getting new stuff lol

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:28 pm
by kuza
give them stuff to climb and if possible, make vines or something go all around the top half of the tank as close to the top as you can without them escaping on you. They will always be more active after a redecoration or when you re-arrange the tank.

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:29 am
by StephBaby
I know my crabs movearound at night cause my tank is a mess. I just might try the camera trick to zee what they actually do. Great idea guys

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:35 am
by Crys_Crab
My husband had to get up at 4:30 am so I got up and checked the was out and about. The other was in the same spot and position as it was before I went to bed. I know this because of the way he had one of his legs.

Then again around 7:30 I checked, the one that had not moved was still in the same spot/position.....I opened the top and moved the plant near him and he flinched so he's not dead....but it worries me.

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:28 am
by patchouliii
Don't know if it's just my crabs, but I noticed that they are more active in large groups. Since I've added more, they seem to be competing, interacting and very active. I'm not encouraging anyone to overcrowd, but that's just my experience :D

Re: My Crabs do nothing

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:54 pm
by kuza
Ya I have as many as I do so that there is always action even if half are down molting. And they all seem happy together. They all sleep in the same relative spot but each day it's a different spot. Yet they are all at that new spot resting.