Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

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Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by Teddscau » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:13 pm

So, I've been reading a lot, and apparently tons of boardwalk stores sell hermit crabs (where I live, we don't have boardwalk stores or anything like that). Then at the end of the season, unsold crabs are just thrown into dumpsters or are dumped on beaches. Well, I was wondering if anybody takes these crabs for free or dumpster dives for them to rescue them? If so, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. If I lived near any of these places, I'd rescue these guys myself (without paying), then mail the majority of them to other compassionate folks to care for. Sadly/fortunately I don't. I'd be more than willing to adopt a dozen or so by having them shipped to me in the mail, if possible.

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Re: Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by soilentgringa » Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:58 pm

Teddscau wrote:So, I've been reading a lot, and apparently tons of boardwalk stores sell hermit crabs (where I live, we don't have boardwalk stores or anything like that). Then at the end of the season, unsold crabs are just thrown into dumpsters or are dumped on beaches. Well, I was wondering if anybody takes these crabs for free or dumpster dives for them to rescue them? If so, I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction. If I lived near any of these places, I'd rescue these guys myself (without paying), then mail the majority of them to other compassionate folks to care for. Sadly/fortunately I don't. I'd be more than willing to adopt a dozen or so by having them shipped to me in the mail, if possible.
Quite a few people rescue at the end of the season. You'll see posts on crab forums where people suddenly took in dozens and need emergency fosters and rehomes.

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Re: Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by wodesorel » Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:16 pm

It doesn't seem to be every year, but sometimes there is a member that will go out and save what they can. It is a huge undertaking and depending on weather and local adopters it can mean being stuck with all of them all winter. Not a lot of people have those kinds of funds and space. Expect to pay for the postage and possibly a small fee to offset what the rescuer has invested! It is not cheap setting up even temporary enclosures for a lot of hermits.
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Re: Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by Teddscau » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:13 pm

Okay, thanks guys! I bought a new terrarium last week for the kids (i.e., my five PPs), and it's 54"x21"x24" (LxDxH), so I have plenty of room for more crabs. I've adopted a number of small parrots these past few years, so I'm used to paying "adoption fees". Although the last pair I adopted (red-fronted kākāriki) have cost me well over $2,000 in medical bills -_-

So, I assume there's only purple pinchers and Ecuadorians at these shops, and no straws, ruggies, blueberries, etc.? Not that I care, but it'd be nice to get some crabs I can actually tell apart :p

Holy fudge! Apparently my tank is almost 118 gallons!

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Re: Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by soilentgringa » Thu Aug 31, 2017 10:44 pm

Teddscau wrote:Okay, thanks guys! I bought a new terrarium last week for the kids (i.e., my five PPs), and it's 54"x21"x24" (LxDxH), so I have plenty of room for more crabs. I've adopted a number of small parrots these past few years, so I'm used to paying "adoption fees". Although the last pair I adopted (red-fronted kākāriki) have cost me well over $2,000 in medical bills -_-

So, I assume there's only purple pinchers and Ecuadorians at these shops, and no straws, ruggies, blueberries, etc.? Not that I care, but it'd be nice to get some crabs I can actually tell apart Image

Holy fudge! Apparently my tank is almost 118 gallons!
You have room for about 5-6 more crabs depending on size and if you ever plan on upgrading to a larger tank.

A 90 gallon is 48"x 18" x 24". If this is your final tank and you never plan on going larger, 10-15 gallons per crab is a good space goal.

I don't know what your crabbing experience is, but straws don't live long in captivity, even in the hands of seasoned crabbers, and ruggies and blues are near on impossible to find in the U.S.

I've been rescuing within a 2 hour radius of DFW for 3 years and have never come across anything other than PP's, and 2 straws that I adopted less than 6 months ago. The 3 E's were given as a gift and purchased at a pet store.

Out of over 75 rescue crabs that have come through my home in that time, all but 2 have been PP's.

I did have a chance at a viola and ruggie (IIRC) last year but couldn't take the tank at time and the owner preferred to keep them in their crabitat.

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Re: Boardwalk Crabs at End of Season

Post by Happyhermiehome » Thu Aug 31, 2017 11:07 pm

Wow that is really awesome of u! :D
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