My hermit blog!
My hermit blog!
Hi, I have started a hermit crab blog. Please visit it, follow me, and comment telling about one of your crabs. Include gender, how long you have had it, their name, your name, and something special about it. Use #Crab of the week to be nominated for a special post on your crab. Link:
2 purple pinchers
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!
Re: My hermit blog!
Update: accidentally deleted it. Very Sad
2 purple pinchers
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!
Re: My hermit blog!
Upadate 2: Recovered it
2 purple pinchers
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!
1 old dog
I will miss you Lloyd! Good luck up In Hermie Heaven!
You to Hagrid!