Do E's and PP's need seperate crabitats?
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Do E's and PP's need seperate crabitats?
I just went to get crab food...and ended up getting three E's about size of quarter (& just smaller than)...any how i got the new additions home immediatly started looking them over and bathed them they are in ISO for the next week just to make sure...I left them alone and was browsing my list of fave crab sites and notice i see very little on conflicts between the species...i know E's like saline, but hey so do my PP's . Is it alright to let these different species live as one little community? Or should I make other arrangements for the E' the way i currently have 4 E's and 4 PP's (that includes the new ones)...dunno much but learning more n more. thanks raven :roll:
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From my personal experience it's ok to let them coexist. I haven't had any trouble. I have 6 E's and 6 PP's (ranging from nickel sized to golf ball) and they all hang out with each other. Sleeping together, small ones sitting on big ones, etc. The golfball sized one tried to pick on the other PP's a little at first but a bath fixed that real quick LoL. Well, no experience is the same but I hope that helps.
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I have three PP's and one E in the same tank. They not only get along very well the E (named fluffy) chirps if I take him anywhere without one of his buddies! I take them with me often in a large travel case to go places, often to petstores to help me properly size shells. His best buddy his the largest crab, a PP named Heratio. He loves to climb all over heratio, much to the poor PP's shagrin. But I always find them cuddled up next to each other come morning.