I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Tue Oct 21, 2014 3:30 am

Lol I wish mine would eat less at times :p. I spend over $20 every other month on just food for them :hlol:. That's not including the food I give them that we eat to lol. Like tonight Herc just stuffed himself into a coma :lol:. He spent an hour in the food bowl just to move to the fresh bowl for another half hour stuffing in a whole slice of banana lol. He buried n is now asleep next to his gf lol. I have a lot of action in my tank :o lol tho I often wonder if it is cause I vitamin them up lol. The Hermit crab addiction's Boost Powder is the best! They love it and it does increase their activity (at least in my experience lol). Lol but then again I have crazy odd ball crabs. Like tonight Bat girl n her bf Reese were "kissing" n playing a game that was so funny. It reminded me of the mirror game lol. She'd put up her right 2nd leg n hold it up n at the same time she did that he mirrored it. They did this with every leg n even stood up high on their tippy toes n then lowered to the EE as close as they could. Funniest thing that I have seen those two do yet :hlol:. They even got so close they where eye to eye n holding feelers lol, is this normal? Are they being lovey dovey or just playing!? Lol it was so cute n funny, there was never any aggression or anything like that just looked like they were having fun lol. Just when you think that you have seen them do everything they shock you with something new lol. Hubby is like if they breed I'm smacking you :hlol: n man did I crack up cause I know one day that would be my luck. Cause I said "oh no it is way to hard n very rare for them to breed in captivity. I'd be in a panic cause I'd have no idea how or what to even do if they ever did lol. I told him they are still babies yet lol but idk what age that starts in them o.0. Geez do I hope that it wasn't the start of that rofl.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:09 am

:hlol: that's so great! I'm sure it's them being lovey dovey and playing around :) the only time I've seen mine be lovey dovey is when McKenna laid on her side and cuddled up next to Rocky. I miss those crabs :( but yeah with these guys I don't witness them even really playing around with eachother. Maybe once in awhile, like when Emily sat on KALs face lol Hurby and B.J were pretty good friends and you would always see them hanging out with eachother. Maybe they just haven't got that chummy yet lol although they will all cram into the same hut. At the moment KAL is actually out of the hut this morning :shock: I put food in the tank and then I took him out of the hut and held him to make sure he was doing alright and put him on a branch. Now he's curled up in his shell napping on the branches and vines lol I've never seen that crab sleep before. I saw Cheez-It wiggling around in her shell yesterday so she must be doing good. She looks, from what I can see of her BP and leg, like she is going to be gorgeous when she is done.
Lol I gave KAL peanut butter, peas, and some honey. Tonight I'll cut him a piece of potato. Yeah I should really try those vitamins. I think my tank will be crazy once everyone comes up
Because usually after a molt they are super active. I'm patiently waiting! Lol wow a whole slice of banana?! That's nuts! lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:06 am

Yea he def ate the whole slice cause I am lucky n mine don't bury food lol. I even checked to be on the safe side. >.> They don't bother burying it cause they cram it in on the spot :hlol:. Lol I remember Reese's first molt in the new tat. He came up and went nuts! Ran over ever inch of the tat, climbed EVERYTHING, n managed to drive BG so crazy that she tried to sit on him to keep him still :hlol:. This ended up with her getting a fast piggy back rid til she fell off :hlol:. Oh was she mad lol. The others just gave him a dirty look and avoided him lol 1 crab = everyone aggravated to the hilt with him lol. Even me cause he kept bugging the others and running them over lol. Lunatic that one lol.
Hearts decided that she was a baby chick today o.0 LOL.
You just never know with this girl :hlol:. This apparently is her new snack-a-hut atm. She drug a big piece in there with her an is eating that while in the rest of the egg lol. Goofballs the lot of em :p.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:27 am

:lol: that's awesome! I hope mine act as crazy as Reese does!
It's really cool that crabs molt, but I think this is the worst part about having them and having to wait for them to come back up. The anticipation is killing me!
So I work with this lady who is our accountant and if she doesn't like something that you do she is very snooty about it. So last year I had brought B.J to work with me and I was just so excited and fascinated by my crabs and she thought that this was weird. I let him run around on the floor and she almost freaked out and was like "don't let him come near me!" He had on this beautiful silver turbo, and I had said that when B.J passes I wanted to keep the shell in memory of him, in which she promptly snicked and said "omg, you really need to get a life".
So now fast forward to Tuesday and I had never talked about my crabs in front of her again. I bought Halloween decorations for the office and apparently she doesn't like creepy things. Boohoo for her, she's only there once a week. So she was like "Omg what's up with this Halloween decoration?" And it was a window cling that had a skull and rats and a tarantula and a heart in a jar, etc. My other coworker must've mentioned my name because then I heard in a snooty, snide voice, "does she still have those turtle things?"
Okay, first of all they may both have shells, but they are not turtles! I was so mad but I didn't say anything. The ignorance of people if just amazing and absolutely floors me! Why be do ignorant about something that someone likes, just because you don't like it? I come across this more and more in life because I am kind of an odd individual. I have come across that I really like intrigueing bugs and have a "fetish" for holding them and taking their picture. Which everyone says ewwwww and disagrees with. There are still some spiders that I won't touch, that line is still drawn for me lol
But anyway, just had to share the ignorance of man kind. Or woman kind I should say lol hope all is well with you! I hope your little chick turns back into a " turtle"!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:37 am

Can't really see her that well but there's little Cheez-It hanging out of her shell. Hope she's ok, she's not moving when I pass by the tank, but I am refraining from opening up her ISO to check on her
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Thu Oct 23, 2014 11:45 pm

Lol it looks like she was coming out of the pool and you may have startled her n she fell back :lol:. Reese did that once when the boy ran past him, he had that same look on his face :hlol:. Or they fall n look around as if to say, "Oh crap....was anyone looking...did anyone see that...." :lol:. Reese does this often lol. I love the "Oh crap I've been spotted" Look makes me roll every time :hlol:.
Lol yea the ignorance of some people really is shocking sometimes. Lol they often get the look of "what is wrong with you" or "if I could slap smart into you I so would" lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Fri Oct 24, 2014 3:35 pm

Well I'm not sure what happened but Cheez-It died this morning :cry: or last night...not really sure which. I knew she didn't look right, she was just sitting there not moving, but I was hoping she wasn't going to die. Then there was the odor.....
I had really high hopes for her, so sad :( maybe it was just too much for her? And it sucks because she did grow back her legs fully...ugh. So this morning I buried her and fix the tank up back to normal and saw KAL cuddled up to the back of the cave in a very cozy looking bed of sand. He looked at me and wiggled his antennas and it made me feel a little better but grrrrrrrrr do I hate it when pets pass away! He was so mad at me me last night. I was moving the branches around so I could get to the water dishes and I was lifting one up and I leaned into the tank more and there he was at the end of the branch, clutching it and staring at me as if to say "Umm hello!" He was even angrily wiggling his antennas at me lol well I hope at least the others are doing well.
Hahaha mine do that too! Now that I'm getting past the whole "KAL ripped a chunk of my thumb out" and I'm becoming less afraid of him, he is beginning to show some personality. He has this sparkle in his eye, if that makes sense, that makes him look and seem like he is always amused by something lol kind of like a dog personality.
It will be hard to find another like Cheez-It though she was special to me <3 maybe Cheezeball will tickle my fancy when he returns lol I think that's the hardest part is trying to care for them when something is wrong. They are such delicate creatures

R.I.P. Baby <3
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sat Oct 25, 2014 3:47 am

Aw I am so sorry for your loss. That is what happened to teensy -.-. I bought him just cause I felt sorry for him. The others were picking on him and he was missing an eye and weak to so I knew it was a possibility that he would pass but at least he knew love n comfort before he did. I do that sometimes (ppl don't often understand why I do it tho) even if it is a short amount of time n you never know. I have brought things back from their death bed before n hey if I can't then they got the best care at the end then they could wish for. To me it is not good to pass alone in a cold pet shop npt knowing any love or caring ....its just not right. I do my best with them and give them a lot of love, a lot of comfort, and sometimes they actually get better. I had a cat I rescued that if it would have been another minute without my care it would have died. Same with another male cat ppl gave him 2% milk at a week old poor lil guy was so very sick n dehydrated he was so weak. Vet looked at him n said he would die before 24 hours past cause he was in such bad shape. Well sadly he did die but 12 years later lol. I still have the female too. So you just never know even though it is hard it can pay off either way. Look at it as a positive when you can n say at least she was loved and made as happy as you could make her. Growing back limbs is very stressful for them some just don't bounce back, sadly. Well it seems for this fragile lil things even pooping is stressful of them lol jk.
Oh I know Kal :hlol:. I just went thru the same thing with Herc. Just sassed me up n down tonight lol. I changed their pool water n cleaned them to add fresh water n omgosh was he a pain lol. He tried to push my hand away from the pool, lol he wanted me to pick him up. When I didn't this lil trouble maker cause nothing but chaos lol. As I am putting the salt pool in he is kicking the dirt into the hole where the pool goes, running in the hole like a nut, pushing deco items into the hole, and making it impossible for me to get it in right. I had to set it down pick him up n put him up on the second level just to get it in there right lol. He did the same with the fresh. HE made so much racket the other crabs came out to see what the heck was going on lol. Oh n then proceeds to throw the shells out of the shell shop at me >< Oh this boys temper is something else lol. Naturally once he got his apple his mood changed n he is calm n happy atm *rolls eyes*. OH n last night I tried mine on some potato like you said. They ate all of the small slice that I put in their lol. Those piggies devoured it completely. Not even a crumb left lol thank you.
Man I am glad none of mine open their BP's at me lol. I fear the huge ones a bit cause you know those BP's can do major damage ><. Lol I have had a lil one pinch me n that hurt enough but those huge ones that can take a finger ...yikes ><. I think if Herc hurt me he'd flip, his leg claw cut me a lil once n he was so upset. He ran into my palm n cuddled close like omgosh I'm sorry I'm sorry lol. I felt bad n told him that it was ok ....man are those things sharp after molts ><. Hope all the rest of your crabbies are doing good :).
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by YYWW » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:11 am

I'm so sorry Rose! RIP CheezIt!!

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 7:36 am

Thank you guys :) awww that's actually very sweet and great of your outlook on it. I've never intentionally bought a sick pet but you know maybe I will now :) I'm glad that at least she had a chance to grow her legs back, now she can run and move better in crab heaven lol awww poor teensy :( that's great you were able to help them and I'm glad that kitten lived a full life. I suppose that's why I used to take in pets that people no longer wanted. They were being abandoned and discarded and I wanted to show them what love was again. Especially my dog, but I understand why they didn't want her anymore (found out what a big Queen B she could be) but she was the most loyal and loving dog to me. I won't get on a rant about her again lol
<a href="http://s903.photobucket.com/user/roseri ... y.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i903.photobucket.com/albums/ac23 ... eglhay.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 638AA275-5569-46AD-AD4B-43A8AA973095_zpsj6eglhay.jpg"/></a>
There's a picture of her lol
Well it may have been my fault that KAL pinched me lol I'm used of just being able to pick up my crabs so I took him by his shell and being the rebel that he was he decided he didn't like that and reached around and grabbed my thumb hard. So now I respect his authority and gently nudge him to walk into my hand lol my others will just pop into their shells and I can pick them up, but he won't, even with his new shell. Rebel without a cause lol
Awww that's so sweet of Herc to feel bad. They are very sharp! Haha wow that's one big Hussey fit for a crab! Too funny. :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sat Oct 25, 2014 5:53 pm

Oh yeah and you're welcome for the potato idea! :) I'm glad they are loving it. I am so relieved! I bought some fresh fruit at the store today and took KAL out to run around, then put in some potato, a grape, and some dried krill, put him back, and a couple minutes later he is in the food dish gobbling down something. Yes, and he is eating! Thank god!
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:00 am

Congrats lol. Great to see them munching down lol. Ugh BG has been a destructo mag lately ><! She tears up the shell shop, rearranges food everywhere outside of the bowl /facepalm, and somehow got the bright idea to try and move the pools. She failed of course lol this did not stop her from trying multi times tho lol. Idk what her deal is lol she has gone mad ><. Everyone is looking at her like she is as mad as she is acting too. She is clanking in the shell shop so much that I had to look ....sounded like she was breaking all the shells...man when this girl wants to rampage does she ever lol. Idk who or what set her off but man thank goodness she is finally quiet now maybe just maybe I can get some sleep lol. Well a few hours before the lil siren wakes up >< teething again UGH. Nothing seems to help atm even the tylenol -.-.
Idk lol that has always been the way I've done it. I always mother everything esp the sick n unwanted. Lol have a cat with a major B tude but I wouldn't have changed getting her for one second. Her n I connected at the rescue instantly. She was so cute and just sat there sucking on her blanket. She saw me and just bugged to be held once I did lol oh boy was I in trouble. Every time I sat her back down the tears poured and this horrid scream came out of this lil palm sized kitten :o. I cried cause I had to leave her there for a week before I could take her home cause she had just been fixed n had her first shots. Omg when I walked out the door the scream that she let out....I had to go back in n make sure she was ok -.-. I went n spent time with her everyday til I could pick her up n the girl said she just sat there n cried when I wasn't there, tears n all. It was so heart breaking. Lol she still is like that mommy's girl that one. Lol she is the kind you don't get on her bad side cause then the major B-tude comes rolling out :hlol:. Lol this is her tude face :hlol:. I had to go away for a few days n omgosh was she mad! She is sitting in my suitcase here giving me her assertive if your going I'M GOING! Lol goofy lil girl.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Oct 26, 2014 6:58 am

Hahah I love the face! Lol I would have a blast watching a crab year up the tank. I'm glad she calmed down for you though. Yikes teething, I can't even imagine how much it must hurt. How many teeth does she have so far? I feel lucky I missed the baby stages with my step kids, but with my nephew I went through a lot of them so I got my experience lol diaper changing, bathing, feeding, putting to bed, some teething I'm sure. I'm like a second mother to that child. And he absolutely adores me too <3 Last weekend I walked into my parents house when he was there and as soon as he saw that it was me, he lit right up and ran over and gave me a hug and a pat on the back and said "Hi! How are you doing?!" My mom was like "wow, he wasn't even thf excited to see us". I don't see him a whole lot now, but I spent a lot of time with him bonding when he was a baby, and I wonder if that's why he loves me so much. I'm a heck of a lot nicer then his mother, that's for sure! The kid has Oppositional Defiant Disorder, which makes him act out a lot and he doesn't care what you do to try to punish him, he won't listen. So last week she tells me "if Aidan ever gets taken away from me I wouldn't care, it would be like a vacation for me. Maybe some other family can straighten him out." I was very upset by this because for one she is saying it about her own kid, and for two he is in the backseat and can hear her. So awful :( Sorry, end rant. My heart literally hurts for that little boy.
That's so sweet how the animals just attach themselves to you :)
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:30 am

Lol I am sorry but I woulda smacked her upside the head. You don't say that to or in front of a kid ><. Ugh some people. I know her frustration but I have never thought or even said anything like that. Sure I would like a vacation lol all moms would esp when the kids are really rough on you but dang that was out of line. If she talks like that to/around him all of the time it is no wonder he acts the way that he does. My boy is in the "I hate you" stage -.-. Its hard to hear but I always say, "well I am sorry that you feel that way but I love you". His reply is usually "Ugh I really hate you but I love you" :hlol: this kid ...you can't help but to laugh when he says that cause you know it is a dang I don't know how to reply to that crap busted thought lol. Oh the things he comes out with sometimes lol. You know that it is out of frustration that he says it too but still advising him that he shouldn't say stuff like that and telling him how it hurts someones feelings only made him do it more....slick lil bugger lol. Punishing him is dang near impossible -.- threats of things he don't like are usually what works lol. Example took him into a Halloween store and they had animated decorations -.-. Now mind you this has never been an issue for this fearless wonder but this year a whole nother can of worms. I thought the people in the store were gonna pee themselves n mom was so embarrassed it was unexplainable (thank you xbox live -.-) lol. A skull jumps out and screams and he hid a lil but laughed so we were like ok he will be fine n then 3 other decos go off of various things and this lovely tiny 4 year old blurts out " NO NO I'M DONE! I AM LEAVING RIGHT NOW! I AM DONE (looks at us n continues) WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Omgosh I never expected that out of him...everyone around just lost it n I am in shock n telling him no you don't talk like that n all he keeps saying is "well that scared the crap out of me, what's wrong with you!?" :hlol:. Lol never in my wildest dream could I have seen that he'd not only react that way but say that but his face omg it was so funny. To top it off his baby sis was laughing at the things that scared the crap out of him n this set him off more lol. "No sissy not funny not funny no they scared the crap out of me and you're laughing....I am so mad" :hlol:. Halloween should be real fun this year :hlol:. This kid has never been afraid of 1 single thing at Halloween, never even as a baby lol I don't get it.
She has 8 in the front and 4 are popping at the same time in the back -.-. She is trying to pop em all in one shot I swear *sigh*. I even made her soft food n when she chews it hurts -.- poor baby, I had to switch to tylenol which I hate to do but no choice there nothing else wants to work. I love the baby stages minus bad teething moments. Its the talking back stage I hate I.E. impossible 5's lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed Oct 29, 2014 3:34 pm

Yeah I want to smack her upside the head all the time lol You responded the right way to him, you didn't feed into the fire like they want you too. Lol that is funny that he responded that way! I did write back to you a couple days ago but some of the things that I had said were not liked soooo I deleted it and figured I better start fresh :roll:
So Cheeseball is now up from his molt but I could not get a look at him because this crab is soo terribly shy. You could whisper boo to him and he would immediately hide in his shell and not come out for the rest of the day. Ugh. And now he is hiding somewhere else so the tank goes back to being quiet.
But yeah....kids. Lol. That's why I'm glad I have little mini vacations through the week when they are at their mothers but sheesh! I can not stand people who treat their kids like crap. I can be a little hard on mine and freak out over little things but definitely not to that extent. Idk...if I think or talk about any more I will be very sad, the poor boy :( Needless to say last weekend he got lots of kisses and hugs from me because he was a being a little pain and his mother would not stop yelling at him and he would come crying to me and put his arms around me and hides. What is an auntie supposed to do?? He looks up at me with this most loving look, pats and rubs my arm, and says randomly "I love you". Lol time outs work well and threatening them with time outs does too. I do it with my step daughter when she doesn't want to take a shower and all of a sudden *poof* she's gone upstairs and into the bathroom so fast lol step momma means business!! :D Hate to say it but I don't take any crap from kids lol I know it's them just being kids but come on, give me a break, stop being a little punk, and do what you're told! I actually think its kinda funny when my nephew talks back to his mom lol she will say to him, "Go wash your hands, they're disgusting!" And he will say back "You're disgusting!" And then he gets a slap on the mouth :( But still...she kinda deserves it sometimes for being mean lol I think I have heard my step daughter say that she hates me before but I don't really think much of it. You can hate me all you want, but when you're in my house you will behave and be the good kid I know you are lol Her mother told me once that my step daughter screamed in her face once and I laughed so hard (was over a facebook message) and was shocked really. She would never think to pull that with me! And as a reward she still got to go play outside, no wonder she disrespects you! Geez, let them get away with heck and see where it gets you as the "nice parent".
Lol well I hope you guys have a good Halloween! Should be good with one being terrified and the other not lol What are they dressing up as?
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