New species of coenobita found in ELHC

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Post by megs » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:27 pm

Children, children, children... seriously? Get. over. it. This petty squabbling and micro-analyzing is utter stupidity and more than a few statements made are just too ridiculous to even address.

And those of you with nothing constructive to add, but just felt the need to pipe up with the me too's and hop on the bandwagon... totally not needed and not helping.

Since we can't seem to get along, I'm not talking holding hands and singing kumbaya, but at least agreeing to disagree, so this thread is done. Finished. Toast. Restart it and so are you.

"Nothing divides one so much as thought." - R. H. Blyth

"Sometimes the picture just ain't what it seems. You get what you want, but it's not what you need..."
