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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2014 9:30 pm
by Nia
THanks yea sorry I didn't get to post the pics I am still looking for my camera *mumbles about the boy* ugh. He hid it n won't tell me where -.-, I swear he is hitting the impossible 5's way to early ><. I will post the as soon as I find it lol. He is going to the dentist tomorrow so we will see, lol no idea what he is in for so who knows how well this will go for him. Lol he may never want to go back so it will be like the doctors lol an argument the whole way. He hates shots with a passion lol.
Your bubbler would be better in the fresh water than the salt for humidity purposes. I am going to add one to my salt just for keeping it cleaner. As soon as I can when I put in their pools I wanna get filters for them too. How is the rest of your crew doing? Everyone else ok? Mine seem to be all in good standing now tho Reese has his pms days n needs the occasional slap back into rank which Herc and Batgirl gladly give him lol. Its so funny to see Herc and Hearts loving on each other tho since he is the biggest n she is the tiniest in the tat lol. She has even turned her skin dark like him :o. She was always white/pale in color lol n now she is really dark. I will put the pics up as soon as this lil bugger gives my camera back lol. Ugh boys lol, always trouble.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 4:57 am
by Rose7314
Omg I can see my step daughter doing something like that. I would be so mad lol she's 7 and I'm really not sure what has been going on with her lately but she has been a huge brat and everything is a battle with her. She used to be like that, then she seemed to get better, and now she has digressed again. She just does not like to listen and do what she's told. Even her mother has a hard time with her (thank god!). *sigh* I just don't know what to do. Don't want to blame her but she is the biggest stress factor in my life right now. I have to think of some way to try to control her and get her to come back to the good side lol when she acts up it puts a rift between me and my boyfriend because he will try to calmly talk to her or tell her to go to her room. I, on the other hand, get so mad and take things away and make her go to her room and make her go to bed early and make her have time outs and I do anything I can to make her realize her behavior is unacceptable. She even started swearing up a storm this past weekend at our friends house, something she knows she's not supposed to do, and I made her come out of the house and go sit in the truck for a stern talking to. She was very unhappy with me but she got the point and probably got crap from her mother too. Ugh, I'm at my wits end with her. Everyone says there must be something more going on with her and I don't know what it could be. Not enough attention? Middle child syndrome? I just don't know. Good luck with him at the dentist, I hope they can fix his tooth and he doesn't give you too much trouble. Have you tried telling him if he's good he can get something like a cheap toy after?
I wi have try my bubbler in the fresh water. Right now they are loving it but I'm not so much because it's not keeping the humidity up like I thought it would. Hermie Jrs claw didn't heal all the way like I thought it had, it's still a little deformed, but he's getting around fine and doesn't seem to be bothering him so I'm not too worried about him. Dragon has been leaving him alone so that's good. I thought Hurby might be sick but he's not acting weak and he's walking around so I think he's ok. I found Rocky and B.J surface molting and had to make an ISO for them. Ugh. My fault once again because many times they had nice deep burrows dig out for themselves and I just couldn't leave them alone and would take them out and fill in their holes. I swear this time I am done! I don't know why I have such OCD about knowing where they are and how the are doing. I just have to know and can't just leave them alone. So in the end Rocky ended up digging himself a tiny hole in their hut and starte molting their and B.j stuffed himself in the moss pit and started molting their. Poor things gave up :( but I have not bothered them since they have been in the ISO. I'll wait until they start popping up themselves. God it's so hard to wait for them to finish molting! Lol other than that everyone else is good. Hurby should be on his second molt soon if the others are. I really want Smog and Dragon to molt. I wish I had more patience lol I'm glad your crabs are doing good :) that's good that she is getting dark. Hermie jr is the same way, he is pale with just a little red and purple. Lol I love how your crabs need to be kept in line :) My PPs just stay to themselves but Smog and Dragon are forever keeping eachother in line. I swear they are siblings! Lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:52 am
by Rose7314
I just noticed that Dragon disappeared this morning and now he has made himself a burrow. When I first realized that he was gone and not in his usual hang out spots I was like ok, hands off, no digging for him lol and then I saw sand scraped away from the glass in one spot and I can see where his burrow is :) I hope he's going to stay down there and molt! Sorry, had to share lol I love it when they scrape the sand away and you can see a little window into their world lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2014 5:33 pm
by Nia
Sorry that it has been so long, ugh things have been crazy with doc app for her and him as well as several dental visits lol. She had to have her check up n he had 2 but the second got canceled ><. Now we need to take him to this other dentist and honestly I think we are going to wait on that til after the move since we know that dentist is good with kids. His OR doc doesn't work for the hospital anymore and we were not told this until his visit ><. She had a perfect check up too lol tho she pushed her doc over lol the lil ox. She is a strong baby. If she don't want you doing something to her she won't have it n she has the strength to back it up lol, tough lil cookie this one.
I know where you are coming from with the frustration of a defiant child all to well lol. He spends a lot of the day in time out on some days *sigh*. Makes you feel horrible too. It might be that there is something else going on with her or it might be more of her just being strong willed and defiant. Some are like that lol tho they usually take different forms of discipline than a non defiant child. As well as a great deal more patience *sigh* do yoga lol it WILL help :P. Or DHA supplements lol, natural calms :P. I take them on top of taking my prenatal's and they do help keeping you calmer.
Took pics of them when I found my camera finally lol but I recently found Hearts molting again I guess that is why in this pic he is not only cuddling his girl but also protecting her lol. He loves her so much. Reese seems to have calmed down now that Bat girl has gotten closer to him lol. It was either her beating him in line or when Herc did it for what was probably the 20th time for picking on her lol. He now keeps calm around her and a bit of a distance :P. I have her in ISO atm which as you can see in the next pic is all but killing Herc lol. HE really hates this but I want to keep her safe since what happened to her. Mine never burrow deep well its always under something but they don't like being deep. I have it deep in there n they never go to that area at all to dig to molt. They always come up to where I can see them n if not where I can check on them, idk why but they always have. Under the food bowl is a popular spot. I found her all white there so I stuck her in the ISO. She feels safer in there to cause she buries herself more in there as if to say ok I am on my own and safe ...dig time lol. She never ever buries all the way under tho you can always see the top of her shell. I am starting to think they don't like to be fully buried. If you bury that bit of shell lightly they come up to move it off lol I gave up on that. I guess i won't put it so deep when I set up their big tat since they won't use it. I was trying to think of ways to make tunnels for them maybe make them feel a lil more comfy about it but idk if its a good idea or bad one lol. I had thought about the clear hamster tubes for now and custom for later but like i said idk if its a good or bad choice yet lol. So far I haven't seen or heard of anyone else doing this. I have seen a few complaints about their hermits not going deep down and refusing to burrow but no one actually taking the steps of tubing :o. Other than the molt going on everyone is still active and good though. :cheer:


Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:59 am
by Rose7314
I'm glad they had good check ups :) it's good to be a busy mom! My step daughter has gotten better. I made sticker charts for both of them and it's been working well. She only has one meltdown every couple of weekends so that's not too bad. Wow your crabs look good! I'm surprised Hearts is molting again. I think that the hamster tunes would be a good idea. Would they be able to climb back out of them? Mine don't dig down super far either but they also don't do it so that they are showing themselves either. B.J is buried again and so is Dragon. I have had such bad luck with my crabs still :( I feel like a horrible crabber. They don't really eat still. I just found Hermie Jr. dead today :( he was the one that Dragon had crushed his big claw and I honestly don't know why he would've died. He had been laying on his back for the last past couple of days and he would be hanging all the way out of his shell or jus his legs would be as if he were sleeping. All of PPs are damaged and I'm pretty sure it's because Dragon has been bullying them. Rocky has no big claw (I think he shed it because he was stressed), Hurby dug down too close to Dragon when he was buried and he chopped three of Hurbys legs in half, and I thought B.J had half a leg as well but I looked at him again and he looked ok. Smog and Dragon are the only ones who are okay so that's what leads me I believe that one or both of them are bullies. So I had to put Smog and Dragon in their own tank and let the others recuperate. Ugh. Poor things :( and now Dragon has reburied himself in the new tank, hopefully molting for real this time becAuse when Hurby buried I could see inside Dragons burrow and he hadn't even begun to molt and he had been buried for almost a couple if weeks. Crabs are complicated! Lol love them to death but my god it makes me very sad to see them this way. So idk....

Glad yours are doing well! It's cute to see them cuddle :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 8:41 pm
by Nia
Sorry to hear of all that, some crabs are just jerks lol. Heck Reese became one until Herc knocked his ego in place lol. With boys, at least so far in my experience, always have to be top dog n fight to stay there. Until a ranking system is enforced with in their lil pack its a free for all -.- *sigh* boys lol so much trouble no matter how big or how small. It is good that you put them in their own pen tho since they are causing so much havoc. Best thing for everyone. Now maybe all your injured can heal and the bullies will DE-stress and calm those tempers lol. From what I have seen and heard E's are wild lil ones lol.
Idk if they would or wouldn't on their own but if I put say a small strip of plastic canvas on the bottom I am sure that they could :P. That is my cheap way of ramps lol until I can afford/make something more efficient. They enjoy it so far its soft n pliable plus Herc loves to shape it lol. That boy will make a toy out of anything lol. Hearts seems to be over her molt and is doing great too and is back in her tat, I am wondering if she is molting so much cuz she is trying to catch up in size to her bf lol, She is molting a lot lately.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2014 6:36 am
by Rose7314
Lol that would be funny if that was the reason that she was molting so much! It's a sign of a healthy crab, right? :) Smog has been chilling and climbing around and Dragon is still buried. I'm crossing my fingers he is molting. Drives me crazy that I can't see! I slapped my hand yesterday because while changing the water I started to push some dirt away to see if I could sneak a peak of him and I had to stop myself because I can't risk anymore bad molts. B.J is still under too. You know that moment when you have a shell picked out for a crab and then another crab moves into it? Rockys old shell was finally freed up after he was stolen from him months agO and I had put it next to Rocky hoping he would move in and Hurby swiped it! Ugh drama lol I have been caring for Rocky one on one because since he doesn't have his big claw and his shell is a little awkward to maneuver in, I'm afraid he won't get to the dishes and everything. I will sit his butt in the water dish and see if he will drink, give him a warm salt bath, and then I put him in my hand with krill and some orange and he will try do hard to eat it. He seems okay, I just feel bad for my little baby. I do feel bad because they never really got along from the time I got my E's but they had periods where they were fine and got along so
I thought all was good. Yeah my E's can be crazy and Dragon and Smog will have tiffs with eachother but they get along most of the time. Lol I'm glad your boys get along at least :) canvas sounds like a great idea in the tunnels! Trust me, I'm the same way lol the cheaper the better!

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 11:35 am
by Nia
Yea I heard molting is a good sign lol so I am guessing back to back molts are a grest sign. She is doing the fast too. I'd say each molt is anywhere from 4 days to a week long if that before she moves on to another the next week. I worry she isn't giving herself a DE-stress period :o. Herc might be fixing to molt again cause he has black sharp claws, black means molt right? Lol I always forget :P. My crabs seem to have molting fever :o. Crazy lil things lol. Yea with money so tight there really isn't a choice >< but ya do what you can do n make the best of it lol. I was given a huge craft bin with craft stuff in it by a friend of my Grandma and i love it lol had a good amount of canvas in it. Thank goodness too cause this boy makes me fly thru supplies lol. They make great ramps and climbing walls. Working on a way to cut a climbing wall lol. So many ideas :P. I am still so excited about setting up their big tat :P. Ugh if only things would stop going wrong here n holding up the move ><. So seriously need some good luck lol.
Yea for now the boys are getting on great, ya never know tho when Sir Reese will sprout his horns again :p. He can be a real trouble maker sometimes lol. He loves to go up to Herc n poke him when he is asleep n run away lol. Its so funny when he does this. Her will be asleep with his legs poking out n Reese comes up slowly pokes his legs with his leg n then runs off as fast as he can with each poke. He repeats this until Herc finally gets sick of him a makes chase lol. He chases him away then waves his feelers at him all crazily before walking to the front n laying back down lmao. I swear that boy is asking for a whooping on day lol. I've seen Herc threaten him so many times lol. Herc will get up on his very high tippy toes and wave his big claw around as if to say, "boy if you don'y knock it off I am going to whoop you!" :hlol:. Reese is the typical annoying lil brother lol cause that warning usually don't sink in or last long befor he is at it again lol. Lol I had to separate them one day n put Reese all the way in the back cause he did this so many times and then when he got no reaction from him he climbed on Hearts and was picking on her. That was the straw that broke the camels back for Herc lol. He flew up pulled Reese off of her and climbed on top of him held him down n proceeded to make jumping motions on top of his shell. Lol i shook my head n laughed after I got the apart lol cause he was so mad that when I picked Herc up he still had a tight grip on Reese shell. I had to give Herc a stern talking and after a few seconds he let him go lol. I was proud of him for not hurting him and you could see he wasn't going to but in the moment I was afraid he would lol. He is good tho and never does. Reese has been good since that lol honestly it is probably another reason he avoids Hearts. Herc got his "hands off my girl or die" message across :lol:. Boys will be boys lol. I never have these things with my girls lol.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2014 3:01 pm
by Rose7314
Hahaha that's so great! :lol: my crabs are far less interesting now. They don't move much. Yesterday Hurby kept flipping himself on his back and leaning out of his shell an just chilling like that. Not so much that he was naked and if he got spooked he would shoot back into his shell. Is that normal? I thought he might've been stuck because the shell is kinda heavy so I put him back upright but he went and did it again. I thought Rocky was dieing on me last night but he seems okay today. I just wish they would hurry up and get better! Yeah I don't blame you for wanting to get their new tat set up, I would be excited too! I need to do more in mine, they're looking pretty bland again. But when your crabs don't do much you really don't feel like making their tank exciting. Poor smog just hangs out on his branch all day napping. Yesterday he did come down to dip his feet in the salt pool but I really think he's missing his brother. I thought he was dead yesterday too cause he wasn't moving, even when I touched him. So paranoid about that now :(
Hmm I thought that black nails meant they just got done molting? I may be wrong though. Your crabs are crazy molters! That's what B.j is doing, he got done molting and a couple weeks later he is down again. I'm glad they are doing well :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:20 am
by Nia
They go down for many reasons tho so it is hard to tell which they are going down for lol. The more they have to do the more active they tend to get too. Tho I do wonder if I over vitamin mine lol. All I do is sprinkle their 3 vitamins over their food lightly but they do seem to be crazy active. Well 1 of the 3 has a lot of different vitamins in it, I love the boost powder, I did notice an increase in their energy levels after eating it. Not that they needed their energy boosted lol but I wanted to make sure that they get all of their daily vitamins in lol. *mumbles about the boy* lol I noticed that extra boost in the hyper department after the boy has had his too -.-. She acts like she is drunk after hers lol just giggles at everything n nothing lol. Crazy lil kids lol.
Ok good cause he did just molt not that long ago and for some reason I always forget which claw color means what lol. N geez don't even get me started on how much coral cal they eat anymore eessshh.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:02 am
by Rose7314
Lol I didn't even notice that they have different colored nails. What other colors are there? My kids are crazy no matter what, vitamins or no vitamins lol I am constantly telling them to calm down and sit still. My step son has ADD so that doesn't help and my step daughter....well I wondered if she might have ADD but she can sit still when she wants too so I think she's just a normal fidgety kid. My god she can't even stand in one place sometimes! I got mad at my sister because she has to be a know it all and she told me she noticed how fidgety Tyler was and how he should really be on medicine. Well no crap, I know how fidgety the boy is, but he's not so bad that he needs to be on meds. He does well in public and at school and can control it there and that's all that counts. If it was affecting him at school then I would say yes do it. All he needs are reminders at home to stop fidgeting becAuse he is unaware that he is doing it. He tried being on medicine before but it didn't work well because he constantly forgot to bring it to our house on he weekends. Anyway, end rant. Lol
That's good that you give them vitamins though, crabs and children :) I really need to do it for the crabs but money is so bad right now. I need to get my car registered and inspected, fixed up, I need to get fillings, I need groceries, and so on and so forth. It's ridiculous. End rant lol
Yeah it is very hard to tell what they are going down for. I have been impatiently waiting for Dragon and B.j to come up and liven up the tanks a little lol I started a fish tank for my step son to keep myself preoccupied while these guys molt or finish doing whatever it is they're doing lol half of the fish died from Ich or some kind of disease so now I am determined to get the rest healthy and the tank good so that we can add more fish. Do you have fish? I don't know what it is about a fish tank but they are so relaxing :) I have these cool kuhli loaches, they look like eels, that will swim and chase eachother up and down the sides of the tank. Then I have a platy and a catfish that have buddied up since their own buddies died and they swim everywhere together. I have a giant pleco, who is being treated for some bacterial disease, and I was so scared he was going to die. He's so cool, my nephew yells shark when he sees him lol but he's such a scaredy cat and will go flying back into his little hiding spot when he sees anyone coming near the tank. Maybe I should name him Big Chicken lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:23 am
by Nia
Lol omg talk about dejavoo lol. Yea still awaiting our car to have all the same ><. To top it all off boy got bit by what he says was a spider....mind you he says a lil red spider but who knows if it was or not since he was running around like a crazy kid Sat night. We didn't see anything nor did he even let out an ow so who knows what it was but today his eye has swollen up like a balloon -.-. Its bad ....its red n swollen above and below, he can see out of it n it is a lil red but other than that he seems fine. I don't even see a bite per say so idk if it was an actual bite or a sting. I've treated it for now and did what I could and am hoping that it will be better tomorrow. The crap that happens when you have no bleeding car to do a dang thing with -.- UGH. Things that make you wanna climb a mountain n scream lol.

Yea I know all about those types that like to but in n try n tell you that there is something you aren't doing right/for your kid, that they are to hyper/active, or they aren't healthy cause they are to thin/fat when they aren't >< *sigh* some ppl lol. I always just say well the doc says they are fine so they are fine don't worry bout it lol. You could always take a ignorance is bliss route too lol (sigh and say hrm you think maybe I will check that out with the doc at the next appt ,maybe I will look into it, or thanks for your help and I will look into that) the list could go on lol. It helps to avoid arguments n keep the peace lol. Truth always is you know better how they are n what they need as their parent than an outsider would and you can rest your mind at the end of the day knowing that you are doing the best you can and what is best for them. Only parents know those limits n if you see that he is ok without meds than all is good. It is usually the parent telling the doc they feel he isn't doing good that the docs do the testing to see if they need meds anyway lol.
From what I have heard they can be white or black lol nor hearts was a deep blue before her last molt so idk lol. She keeps changing her colors on me so idk if that was a color meaning something or just pre molt tinge lol. then again they are lil oddballs :hlol:. Yes I have had a lot of fish but currently do not. Tho the boy is bugging endlessly for one lol. We've said maybe once we get into the house he can have a small one for now. He had a fake one that kept him entertain for a lil bit and we thought tricked the smart lil bugger but nope. He said mommy I want a fish n I said you have one right there n the lil whip goes no i know that's not real n I want a real one, please mom can I have a fishy. Lol the face he made was priceless while asking. Smart lil whip knows to much at to lil, he was 2 at that time lol. We had talked about it then but I was so sick we were afraid with all the stuff going on that someone might forget to feed it or something would happen to it since 1 I was so ill n 2 it has been a very long time since I had fish lol. I do miss my sea horses tho -.-. I had them for a long time, my male loved to curl around my finger esp to eat lol. He was my lil sweetheart.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:00 am
by Rose7314 You had seahorses??!! I I absolutely love them and I would die to have them as a pet! What beautiful and interesting creatures!! How do you get your hands on seahorses cause I know darn well that no pet stores around here sell them. Wow I never knew that crabs could have different colored nails, mine have always been black. Lol sounds like she painted her nails :) I hear ya about taking care of the fish, to start my step daughter out I got her her betta and she never remembers to feed it. My step son is getting good at taking care of his tank so now she sees that and feeds Sparkles a little more then she used to. Especially when you're sick though, that must be even harder to care for a child and pets as a bonus. Yeah my sister thinks that just because my nephew is on meds for his ODD that Tyler should be too. We are working hard on trying to get him to control some of his actions and outbursts as he gets older and really trying to get him to act his age. He's not the typical 12 year old boy, he's more immature and sensitive and "geeky" I guess you'd call it. Which is all fine cause that's who he is, but I'll be darned when he starts acting like a 5 year old and will get away with it. He will grow out of it all and maybe even work to his advantage. They are both very smart kids and do well in school and that's all that matters, well and their happiness too :) Ouch sorry to hear about his eye! Yeah that sounds like a sting. I'm surprised he didn't feel something get him. He sounds like a tough little dude :) I hope he's feeling better! And you're right, there only so much you can do but at least you did all that you could do. That was my biggest fear, and my boyfriends, when I didn't have a car and I would have to watch the kids while he worked. What if an emergency happened? Sure I could call an ambulance or I worked for a store right down the road and I'm sure I could call someone there, but it's still a very destressing thought. Especially where I was new at being a mom I had times where I had to call my mom or call my boyfriend when something was wrong because I just didn't know what to do. Autumn had just turned 4 when we moved in together and her brother was 9. You might as well hand me a couple of new borns lol
Well I'm down to four crabs now :( Rocky died yesterday. I was so sad I just buried him without telling anyone and was such a crab to my family after. He was my favorite. I thought he was doing better but then he just started acting weak. I think he was having a hard time eating because without a big claw he was having a hard to maneuvering in his shell. I would watch him try to eat and it was like he couldn't get the food to his mouth. Poor baby :( now I just have my two PPs B.J and Hurby and my two E's. *sigh*
Stupid cars!! Lol we are trying to buy the parts for a tune up. I was driving with the kids and my check engine light came on and when I told the kids what it meant they were Getting nervous we would break down and I had to use my boyfriends truck. All it need is a tune up and a new air tube I guess but still, that's extra stuff I have to pay for. Actually going on a credit card but still! God I hate credit cards! Lol. They're nice but they are so evil! I should trade my car in because during the winters I nearly die lol but for what I still owe on my car it won't be worth it and my car is thankfully good on gas, that's the only thing it really has going for it lol

Dang I want a seahorse!!! Lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:56 pm
by Nia
Lol man ...our check engine light was on too but our starter went ><. As soon as we get home that is one of the first things we need to do. This car is on its last legs sadly -.-. To top it off it chugs steering fluid like nothing else n we asked the mech to look at it which he apparently didn't *sigh*. I swear every time we take it in there more problems arise, I know the owner and he is very good and lets us makes payments so that helps but I think one of the new guys he has working there either messes with the cars or has no freaking clue what he is doing -.-. Every time n I do mean every time it is in there to be fixed it comes back to us with something else acting up that we had no trouble with prior to it going in there. Its messed up -.-.
Yea we can get them a a few pet stores here. It was a long time ago that I had them and let me tell you they are not easy lol. If you don't get a good pair (well sometimes even if you do) the female will kill the male if your not careful. She will actually strangle him -.-. I am glad that I never had to deal with that, mine were very loving to each other and had babies twice lol. Man they have a lot of em too :o. Glad I had a friend who took majority of em. Same with my Parrot fish... they had a lot too. Ugh the phone calls I had to make lol. Nothing like going from 2 fish to 200 fish :o lol. I love the lil cat fish and pleco's too. I have had a lot of those in all my tanks. Even had them in with my turtle when I had them lol. They surprisingly love each other and they kept her really clean lol. When I was really lil I wanna say about 6 I got an algae eater that was so pretty only one in the tank that pretty but I was to lil to know. Worst mistake I ever made cause it was a shark someone put in the algae eater tank at the pet store.....dang thing ruined my tank -.-. Last time I ever bought those lol I stick with pleco's and cat fish lol. They do a better job imo anyway :p. I miss my goby to but I don't miss her leaping from the tank -.-. Coming home from school and freaking out cause my tank was empty and worried the cats ate her :o (idk why they were scared of her lol). I heard flapping on the floor behind her tank and once I saw her freaked out n carefully picked her up while scolding her lol. Not like she ever listened cause she'd just pry open her tank n do it again -.-. I swear she thought she was a dog cause she would make this barking sound and wag her tail when she was happy lol mostly while being pet or fed lmao. I have a lot of animals with id crisis' issues :hlol:. Turns out this is a common problem with goby's lol. Also they get HUGE which I had no idea of at the time lol. We have a aquarium store that is more like a mini aquarium lol that where I learned exactly how big they can get years after I had her. These things never really stop growing and can get bigger than a dog :o. They also love to escape their tanks not matter what locks you put on it and they are very strong so they just move the weight if you try to weigh it down on top :o. She was def my most tricky fish :o. Loved hot dogs, grapes, apples but hated my Oscars tho lol. Another huge fish that was tricky -.-.
Yea I think it is to but I can't say much as the "feeling" the sting goes. I once got stung almost 100 times in the inner thighs n never felt it. I just got really dizzy n passed out lucky at the fair they always have ambulances and they carried me to it n I got a quick epi-pen injection -.-. That really sucked. I wanna say I got 2 cause I got hit with a needle twice n THAT I felt lol. But I lost consciousness a lot that day -.-. They said that I must have walked over an underground nest n didn't know it. But man did I have a lot of holes in my legs -.-. From the knees up 1 never went back there for that fair and esp not in a skirt -.-. That was the 3rd time I got stung there n the worst -.-. EMT said I was lucky to survive it and that since I didn't feel it that it was lucky I passed out or I could have died from not knowing I was stung and allergic :o. It was a good 2 weeks before the dizziness eased up too. Idk if that was from both or all the venom/shots. Man never again -.-. So I feel for him it is still really swollen but the wound is now visible and I am treating it the best I can. It has gone down a lil today but still looks horrid, poor lil guy.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:42 pm
by Rose7314
Oh wow that sounds horrible! Especially for it to happen in a public place. You did get very lucky! I have been stung a couple of times but nothing like that. You know I don't think I felt it either lol and you're right, the needles you feel more! Aww well I'm glad it's getting a little better than worse. Is he being a good trooper about it? Every time something happens to my step daughter she will show you over and over and over again for next three weeks like she is proud of it or something lol and then she will continuously remind you that she has fallen down the stairs three times, sprained her ankle once, and has scraped herself multiple times from tripping over something or falling on the ground. Kids lol
I had Oscars too! Coolest fish in the world :) my ex and I had decided to start a tank together so we got two very small Oscars, a black one and a peach colored one. They were tank mates so they did so well growing up together. They were my babies :) Xena was the peach colored one and Yin was the black one. I had them for about 3 years and by the time they passed away they were huge! I would feed them little goldfish and hamburger. Very smart fish too! They would only come to the front of the tank when I would put my face up to the tank. Anyone else did that and they would back right off and hide in he back of the tank. I miss them! Your goby sounds super cool but yeah I wouldn't miss that either lol I would never be able to leave my house knowing my pet would try to escape, especially a fish lol man I wish we could strangle out mates sometimes! Haha jk. Sea horses sound so awesome :) what kind of sharks did you have? My step son wants to add these silver sharks to his tank but if they are just going to do more harm then good then forget it cause right now the fish are doing great. I want another turtle too. We were fishing and I saw some turtles and wanted my boyfriend to catch them. Sure would beat paying $90 for a turtle out of a pet store! Lol that's good you had friends that would take the babies :)