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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:03 pm
by Nia
Omg I know the feeling lol. Nice to know I am not alone yet sucks so bad to have to live it >.<! At this rate the move is now off so hey I have a travel tote just in case. Always better to have it n not need it than need it n not have it lol. Idk I guess we will see if it is possible or if we need to make other plans. Its all up in the air atm. I'll let you know what's up tho.
Crabbies are all good tho. Sleeping atm finally I didn't sleep all night so watching their antics on their new toy was funny. I need to rearrange their tat tho their shell shop is way to full so I need to add another shop. Lol I need a bigger set up cuz as I go sort in all of my craft supplies I keep finding more things to put in there lmao. They are like whoa new toy .....crap less room lol. They still have a lot of running room but loads of thing to climb on n I still have loads of ideas lol. Oh so can't wait to set up that 50-55gal. I forgot which it is I thought 50 but I was just told that they think its a 55 and I have 2 ^.^. So I very excited to figure out a huge set up for them lol. So hoping everything works out rather than being called off but who knows. I was looking forward to it all -,-. Guess its good I got all these craft bins from my Grandmother's friend lol.
Btw I love the lil bridge set up lol its so cute. Pretty crabby too is that one of the E's?

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 4:38 pm
by Rose7314
Oh geez I'm sorry it got called off again. I can't even imagine going through that and feeling so unsettled. Actually just renting my house makes me feel unsettled because god knows when we are going to have to move again. Well this weekend has been complete heck. My step daughter will be so good and then she gets tired and cranky and all heck breaks out and he starts throwing a seven year old attitude and now she starts stomping up the stairs and slamming her bedroom door....oh just you wait, you will probably go through it to with your daughter lol oh my god she is so bad with the attitude sometimes! And then on top of that my boyfriend and I have not been getting along at all and he's just about had it with me. Why do men have to be so difficult? So when my step daughter starts acting up I get super mad and I don't spank and I use my words, but boy do I feel like it sometimes. After she stomped up the stairs I made her come down and sit on the bottom step for a time out until it was time for her to go to her mothers house. Well she was bawling her eyes out and she kept telling me she didn't want to be sitting on the stairs. By the way, it wasn't just the stomping up the stairs and slamming her door, it was much more than that over the course of the weekend that led to me just saying forget it and sit on the stairs. Then when it was time for her to get up and I told her she could, she didn't want to get up from that stairs and she just sat there -.- so I said ok and let her sit there and eventually she got up. Sorry I'm just venting, I feel like such a crappy step mom sometimes. Ugh. How's your sons eye by the way?
Lol thank you, I just stuck the bridge in so they had a way to get in and out. Now he uses it as a seat :) I don't blame you, I would be excited too! Especially with lots of craft supplies. Being creative is the best part of it. Yes she is one of my E's. Still waiting on her to molt. With my luck she will go down as soon as Emily comes back up lol that's cute that yours all sleeping. Sounds like they had a great day :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:16 pm
by Nia
So I have been busying my stress with hermit projects lol I ran out of glue ><. So now I need more EE and glue >:). Putting my frustration to use tho lmao. Another photo bomb but this is their new tat atm lol. It looks a bit dry cuz I added the rest of the EE over their moistened EE, I figured what the heck since there was only a lil left to just add it lol. They love it so far. Herc naturally dug in front where he is covered but can still see me lol. Idk why but he is obsessed with being able to see me. If I am not in sight he runs around crazily :o, my hermies are so unusual lol. I plan on adding more but I will gradually and like i said in need of glue :P. I am not sure the size gallon wise of the tank as it was an old one that I had put away and forgot about lol. I had to make the top til I can buy one >< lol surprisingly it is secure but its cardboard n screening lol held together with staples and tape covering the staples so kids won't get hurt. Hermies can't get to the staples so I am not worried at all about that. They have been everywhere lol! Top level is the Tiny-small/medium shells, 2nd Medium shells, floor is large-extra large shells in the back under the vines. They love playing in the extra large ones lol but their other tat didn't have enough room to keep them in there after I added all their vines. Now I need to look into bigger pools. Oh and both pools have a bubbler now. I found the other tiny bubbler yay. So much fish stuff from having fish stored away I forgot where it all was lol. I really can't wait til they can be in their 50gals tho. For now this is big enough for a lot of crabs lol cause mine are lost in it atm lol. Bat girl ran from one end to the other when I put her in it. Oh and Reese and Hearts are friends again and on cuddling terms lol with Herc not far away lol.
Top: The white stuff is the tape the shine from the flash made it look white.
Reese + Hearts:
Herc guarding lol. If you can see under the vines that is where Reese n Hearts are lol.
2nd lvl
Herc exploring:
Bat Girl in her new shell and exploring:
Bat Girl + Reese:
Ms.Hearts stuffing her face:
Herc watching me:
Back of tat:
Front of tat:
As you can see the second level needs glue lol it came apart a lil cause someone made a tunnel lol. Getting more if I can tomorrow tho so I can fix it and add the rest of their stuff. Idk when but I plan on getting them more shells as soon as I can afford it :). They have a lot atm in various sizes but I am trying to keep an excess on hand now like everyone says to lol. I so want so magpie's but I guess they are hard to get, I just love those. Will update with more pics once I get more done ^.^.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 1:54 pm
by Rose7314
Wow your tat looks great and like a lot of fun! Where do you get your shells from again? I need a new one for Hurby, his is a little too big and pretty heavy and I am probably just going to have to break down and buy some but I have so much trouble buying them online. Looks like you put in some great work into that tat :) The crabs look very happy! Lol and I am glad they are on cuddling terms again. I don't blame Herc for wanting to keep an eye on her though. She better be faithful to him :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 7:29 pm
by Nia
Lol Oh she is to in love with Herc. Oh n Herc is burried for the first time ever lol all but his eyes poking out n staring at me....its rather creepy :hlol:. They were out of glue sticks ><. Ugh so mad but I seemed to have missed the memo of kid melt down day at walmart :o. OMG the melt downs in the toy section every kid at once lol. I WANT, I NEED, WAAAHHHH......esh lol once I got the boy calmed he stopped n listened n went I don't act like that mommy that's sad rofl. He was crying bout a min before that over a dragon toy but he was super tired n passed out in the cart lol 2hrs sleep last night *face bash laptop*. If he don't get his butt home soon I might not survive this lol. No sleep since he has been gone -.- it will be 1 month on monday *faceplant*....if they had a raccoon eyed emote guy Id put it up cuz that is what I look like lol. Even the girls in walmart go "geez you look exhausted" um yea a month with lil to no sleep yea I am sure I look like crap lol.

Thanks yea I've been working on a lot of it tho since they were out of glue I will have to wait til next week to get them (the car should be fixed and he should be home by then). We are trying to work this move out some how and by pass the drama lol and move straight into the house. Might mean a lil more time here though to save up enough money for it which is ok on their end. Lucky his dad is normal and very understanding lol. So things might work out better this way. Oh I found lil bins today to add deeper pools. Thay are not very long but really deep compared to their current ones, I look forward to making ramps ^.^. They are 73/8" X 5 5/8" X 6" for the size tank they are in they are perfect imo cause what they lack in length they make up in depth. I hope that they like them ^.^. They were $2.00 too it was so perfect! Lol sorry after seeing stuff that wasn't clear for $10+ I was so happy to see these and excited about the price (kids also got over $20 in clothes for less than $8 lol so they are happy). I swear it was clearance day lol! They are great for temporary but our walmart sucks compared to everyone elses -.-. No bins/shower things to make pools out of in ours, no shells sold in ours, no sealant sold in ours for aquariums (you know the guy actually working in the fish department never even heard of aquarium sealant :shock: and asked what it was for.....are you kidding me....the name is self explanatory..../facepalm), and no clear glass dishes that were not huge to use *sigh*. I bought these shells on Ebay with best guess lol. JJ pointed out a chart for me to measure them and get a better understanding for ordering. Some were smaller than said but it was a nice pack of 20 with free shipping n a good price. Mostly snail but a small amount of turbos and one big pretty banded turbo we love. Bat Girl has been scoping that one out a lot lol. Ebay really does have some nice deals but it is hard to get the ones you want cause in a pack deal you get what you get lol. Not 1 was broken either so I count myself pretty happy on that note. I will be ordering from them again later on ^.^. They have big snail shells for cheap like really cheap on some auctions Herc has a snail shell preference lol, they are lighter and bigger in the opening for him n yours might like that too. If you want let me know and I can send you a PM linking you some and the place I bought them from. After all that mine need more food AGAIN omg -.-. Hubby keeps reminding me about how I said they don't eat much :hlol:. He's right I shoulda known I'd get the oddballs lmao I always seem to receive the oddballs :P.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 8:13 pm
by Rose7314
Hmmm I'll have to check out eBay. Lol yeah my walmart sucks too but I'm glad you were able to find some good deals. I would be so psyched if walmart or even the dollar store sold shells!
Lol yeah my step daughter literally stares at other kids who throw tantrums and misbehave in public and I tell her what a good kid she is. They both really learned the hard way that when you cry and throw tantrums over stuff you want but can't get, you get dropped off at grandmas house and Rose and daddy go back to the store by themselves! Lol. Your boy is still young so I'm sure he will grow out of it, he doesn't sound too bad. Autumn then got into begging which she quickly learned doesn't work either. Especially with me, I don't put up with that crap lol what are they going to learn from it as they get older? Absolutely nothing. I'm so old school lol

Look who decided to come up from his molt tonight!!! It's B.J :) all of a sudden I look in the tank and there is this big green shell climbing all the way up to the top of the high test branch. I can't even imagine how thrilling it must be for them to come up from a long molt. Now I have to wait for Emily and Hurby. Poor Hurbys legs still are so short :( I think KAL or Smog accidentally dig him up and the poor guy was laying on his back, out of his shell. Like I said his shell is too big and heavy for his condition right now. So he still had stubby legs, disappointed they didn't fully grow back like I was hoping with this molt. So I was upset when I found him because I thought he was dieing so I gently scooped him up and rinsed him and his shell off in the salt pool and say his butt back in the shell. A few minutes later he regimes himself (thank
God!) and I reburied him with some egg shell because his exo is still kinda soft and fragile. *sigh* this time deeper.
I'm sorry neither of you are getting sleep :( getting a good nights sleep seems impossible sometimes. That's good that you are still going through with your move. Lol I would think that was creepy to with Hercs eyes just poking out and staring at you!

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 4:02 am
by Nia
Aw such a cute lil crabby. Ugh sorry it took so long to reply I will have to send you a pm n let you know whats going on ><. So done with stress LOL. As soon as I can I'll post a piic of him watching me lmao he is atm too. Stalker crab :P. They love this tat so much and I am so pleased with it lol. Need to get some Aquarium sealant tho so I can start on their pools. Those lil ones I had are being filled with EE -.-. They kick it everywhere lol. They even buried the food bowl -.- so I need to figure out a way so they wont lol. My lil trouble makers have become big trouble makers :hlol:. I'll shoot you that Pm soon I might get better news n more info tomorrow.....I pray I do or this is going the worst possible route imaginable :| .

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 10:58 am
by Rose7314
Oh jeez I'm sorry it's not getting better :( same crappy luck here too, trying desperately to make ends meet. Lol mine haven't done that yet but I can see why that would suck. As soon as you put fresh water in BAM there's sand in it lol I think I have mites in my tank, need to get some clean sand for their tank. Ugh. Hopefully they can hold out until I get paid. Lol that would be such an awesome pic :) B.J is super active, Hurby is hanging in there, I was very excited to see he was coming out more. I swear I 90% sure that Smog is molting this time, Emily and KAL are MIA somewhere lol so I was very inspired by your tank an redid mine. I will post pics later. It's not super awesome but it's pretty cool. I wish mine looked like yours :)

Good luck and I hope things go better for you!

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:13 pm
by Rose7314
Alright so today I broke down and said screw it, I'm cleaning the crab tank. I was going to but some new sand but only had a few bucks and holy crap sand is expensive! Sooo...I boiled it lol well I boiled all of their stuff and poured boiling hot water into the tank with the sand to try to sanitize the sand. Let's just say next time I am just going to buy new sand because getting all of that water out was a pain in the butt!!

So here is the left side of the tank. That's Hurby in his new and better shell (finally!!)

There's the middle with KAL exploring on their branches. My shell shop is extremely cheesy but it works lol

And here is the right side with Emily climbing and B.J and Smog at the bottom. I love and they love this big aquarium tree that I put in for them. They climb all over it and it still has some green algae on it but I don't think that will hurt them, right?

And that's my tank :) I had a rough week trying to get Hurby into a different shell. He decided to ditch his old clunky one, run around naked, and I had to plop his butt into the shell shop and he chose the turbo that I though he should have all along and was trying to get him to change into it. Crabs ugh lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:03 am
by Nia
LoL oh I know they are just like toddlers you love em but man can they drive you crazy!!!! Well this tank didn't hold up well at all -.-. I think cause I tried to uses another type of glue stick n well it didn't hold at all the levels were just falling off. The sticks I had used on the other tank were perfect n held up in the humidity and high temps perfectly. I ended up prob hurt myself a bit but I had to order my cat some meds anyway so I grabbed 2 tubes of sealant with it n the meds dang near broke me -.- but she needs em since atm she only has half a face -.-. She has had an allergic reaction to something but no one knows what n the vet says it could even be to herself -.-. She has ripped of half her face and her eye is now swollen shut so I had to get this special spray *ugh* my freaking luck ><. Hoping to receive it soon so she can get better.
Here is that pic of Herc starring at me while buried lol. He's like a stalker crab :hlol:.
This crab for some reason even stars at me to poop its just plain creepy n odd lol. They love the shell shop now and all but Herc change shells often even if its for a matter of minutes or the day lol. They are mad atm cause their ramps are gone but not much I can do bout it til their stuff comes, he comes home, or I can find any good glue sticks (not likely I am sure I used them all lol). Their travel tote took a lot of glue and sewing lol. esh did I hurt my hands sewing the levels on for extra security lol. Extra safety is always a good thing tho. Hate to hit a bump n it all fall apart.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:27 pm
by Rose7314
Oh geez I'm sorry it fell apart on you! I bought suctions cups to hold some things up and they fell down too and wouldn't stay so I know the feeling lol Wow you're right that is creepy! Haha. So he changes shells often just for the heck of it? I found Hurby running around naked again and had to get him into another shell. I don't know what that crabs problem is but he better keep his butt in a shell before I say screw it lol
Awwwww your poor cat :( I hope she feels better soon. God what would you do if you were allergic to yourself? That would be awful! Yeah I am breaking myself too between the crabs and my fish tank. My betta came down with Ich and I've been trying to self treat it without and meds and then I broke down and bought some meds with the few dollars I had left when I really should've been buying some vegetables for dinner. Ugh. Priorities, priorities! I will never have them straight lol

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:25 am
by Nia
Lol sounds like you have them ok, Ich kills so its better they have meds but I know the feeling lol. I hope these meds work cause esh were they exp -.-. Lol from what I hear cats can be allergic to themselves often -.- if it is her this will be my 2nd cat with an allergy to itself. At least the 1st one only had sinus issues with it and never tore his face off :o. Only thing the vet can think of tho since nothing new has come into the house and we don't have flees I wish I could say there were no mosquito's >< but she is a house cat and that we know of none are in the house. Also this has been going on over months now so that was ruled out. Her sister has sinus issues though so they think it is that or this thing some family of cats can get which is genetic cause now her brother is tearing up his neck and it is just that family 0,0. Thank goodness it isn't contagious or anything like that. Lol I have enough with the stress hives I don't need that lol.
Yea he changes and then goes quickly back to his shell lol. Hearts changes hers a lot to now. She at least trys them out for a day or two lol walking around in them, climbing, playing, etc then moves to another. She is doing a try by rental lol. So far she likes this cute lil brown snail shell n has stuck with that for 3 days now :o. Might be the winner of em all for now lol. LOL Hubby got his first glance at their lol bare butts n went WTH was that omg is that a slug lol I looked n do no thats his butt lmao. He goes wow their back ends are ugly rofl. I about died laughing lol. He is not a fan of crustaceans but he likes these guys lol just won't touch em, they are from a far in tat pats to him, lol men :hlol: .

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 3:26 pm
by Rose7314
Sparkles (the betta) is all better now, all of her white spots are gone and she seems healthy and happy :banana: It's so funny because when I first put her in the tank she was very standoffish to the other fish and would just watch them from a corner. It was also very hard to feed her her food because she would be off in a corner or hiding somewhere. Now, perhaps two or so weeks later, she has learned the ways of the tank lol She used to just watch the platys crazily swim to the front of the tank when they would see me and I don't think she quite understood why they would go nuts when they would see me. Now she understands! Lol As soon as the two platys see me they swim right to the front of the tank and beg for food and now Sparkles has learned that this means it's feeding time. Now when I go up to the tank even Sparkles will start going crazy with the two platys and beg for food and thank god because it's ten times easier to make sure that she is getting the nutrition that she needs as well. I just find it funny how fast animals catch on to things lol Sparkles loves it in this tank! Yes, they may nip at each other from time to time, but I haven't seen any real damage done and they swim very fast away from each other before anything more can come of it so I'm not too worried. She's a pretty peaceful betta and minds her peas and Q's. Have you ever bred fish or had fry? I'm pretty sure my female platy is pregnant and I can't decide what to do with her or the fry. Fry...what a funny name for a baby animal :hlol: Fish
Oh my god poor cats :( I hope her medicine works for both of your sakes, it is so hard dealing with a pet that has health issues. I'm so afraid to get cats or dogs sometimes because I could not deal with a lot of vets bills again and I just feel like a terrible owner knowing that they are suffering and I get such anxiety over it. I tried my very best and did everything I could for my dog but even that wasn't enough. Her dermatitis would get so bad and I just couldn't financially take care of her like she needed to be. All you can do is give them lots of love and attention and hope for the best <3
Hahahahah you know honestly I think the same thing when I see their butts! I get slightly revolted and then I think "Awwww, he is such a cute little tooshy!" They do have a very unusual body make up the poor things. What is the point of their "tails" anyway? Lol try by rental! I'm wondering if that is what Hurby is doing. As soon as I get him into a shell he leaves it and starts streaking again. Ugh, I don't know what to do to help him. He fits fine into these shells and then just leaves them that night. He actually seems happier out of a shell and I'm wondering if it's because of his crippled legs and that it's easier for him to hobble around without the extra baggage. You think I should just let him be? I know everyone says that a crab without a shell will not last long but I don't know what else to do. He just lazes around when he is in a shell and its kinda saddening. Yesterday I saw a crab in a white shell and I thought it was KAL and I was like "Yayy he moved out of his painted shell!" so I was looking around for his painted shell and I couldn't find it so I was like oh well it's probably hidden somewhere. Well, in the meantime, I saw B.J. had been in his shell all day and wasn't moving much and that's unusual for him because he is very active. So finally last night I picked up B.J. to see if he was okay and low and behold the shell is empty. Crap, B.J. had moved into the white shell, not KAL. Darn! So then I took B.J.s shell and washed it up in one of their pools and stuck Hurbys fat butt in it to see if he would be interested and he went in it but he has not moved all day long :( So I'm wondering if he is just going to ditch this one as well. *siggggghhhhhhh* And I have another problem now. Half of my tanks substrate is great, the other half is pooled with water on the bottom from when I tried cleaning the sand. Ugh. So I think somehow I am going to try to put a wall up under the sand and divide the substrate, making half into a natural salt pool and the other half for them to burry and molt in. But I don't know. I know the excessive water isn't good but it's nearly impossible to try to get it all out. Then if I did that it would make it hard to change their water too but I'll figure something out. Any idea? What do you use for substrate? Orrrrr I could splurge and go out and buy some coco fiber is it that helps absorb some of the moisture? I think last time I just took some dirt from my back yard and mixed it with the sand and that helped sop it up.
Anyway, I am rambling. I can't talk to anyone about my crabs so I go on and on and on to you lol even my boyfriend has lost interest again. I try to show him something and he just kinda looks at them and gives me a weird look lol he is not a big animal person unless he is hunting it sadly. I told him how I thought my platy was pregnant but I wasn't sure and he said that I should gut her open to see. Joking of course, but still its like really?? Can you just be normal and show some interest and talk to me about it?? Lol ugh. You're right. MEN.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2014 3:10 pm
by Rose7314
I finally see what you mean by your crabs being piggies and eating a lot. I swear all B.J has been doing ever since he came up from his molt is eat! He will sit all day long some days and just eat. Yesterday he was quickly shoveling pincher fulls of grape into his mouth :hlol: hope everything is going well with you!

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 2:13 am
by Nia
I use Eco earth cause it holds moisture better n yes it would soak it up nice. Its all I use cause we can't get the play sand here all they have is crayola color sand n you might think I was asking them if they have play sand that I was asking it in another language ><. Ugh morons that work there-.-. Its play sand ppl not rocket fuel -.-. Plus it naturally biodegradable so all their poop breaks down n omgosh no smell which is GREAT!!! But mine usually use the freaking pools to poop -.- lol. Herc is now on his second molt this month so we haven't seen much of him lol. Oh I put their new pools in last night ^.^ Bat girl that I have seen anyway is the only one to go into them n all the way to the bottom and she was down for about a half hour in the salt water, after she spent more than 10 minutes in the fresh pool lol. Its not huge but its deep n well takes up more room than I thought it would but they look awesome compared to their other pools lol. I spent a lot of time gluing each little rock down >< more then 4 hours each pool -,-. But one looks like a river ben n the blue rocks for the ocean lol. Both have a bubb system now too. Going thru the fish stuff n I found a small whisper bubb I had the tubing but needed another small one n now I have it ^.^ yay. Now I just have to wait for Herc to finish up his molt again lol then I can put their stuff back in. I am getting pro hot glue for their stuff lol I was going to seal it with aquarium sealant but I am worried it wont hold the weight of their shells. Oh speaking of shells do you have any snail shells in their for yours? It might be the answer for your streaking issues. I had that problem with hearts when she lost her limbs the turbos were just to heavy the snails fit em perfect and they are so light. Heck its all Herc will use lol. He moves like road runner with the snail shells but the turbos is more like a snail moving thru molasses in winter lol. He gets angry if he can't zoom lol. The shells you have may be to heavy for him n that is why he won't stay in them. How big is he do you know? If you can get a good measurement they are cheap shells maybe I can help you out :). I need a new gauge for my guys anyway >< They so broke it they burried it in substrate n now its stuck n won't budge lol gonna try n wash it n see if it helps, I mean if its broke I can't break it any more lol if it isn't n its jammed... well crap I broke it but not much I can do bout it lol. I'll post pics as probably tomorrow of their pools lol. Before n after fillings ...esh these take a lot of water lol. I have to make another gal of salt water again :P. Let me know bout the shell and I will try n find the ones Herc loves they seem to be a lot alike lol it might work :). TTY tomorrow :), night.