I must be doing something right! :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun Nov 23, 2014 9:21 pm

Sorry its been awhile since I have been able to even get on the computer, ugh this time of year is just crazy lol. I am even trying to pre-prep for Thanksgiving so I am not in front of the stove all day on Thanksgiving lol. Still have a lot of work to do on his blanket n honestly idk if I will get the full thing done by Christmas or not :(. This thing is bigger than I intended it to be when I started it lmao it is bigger than a king size quilt O.O. Plus I am sewing other pillows and blankets as well as cup sleeves, I think I took to much on yet again lol. Add the fact that my family keeps taking a bad turn >< esh. 2 more members have taken a turn for the worst and one (another aunt) is not expected to last much longer.
He was Batman n she was Hello Kitty lol. Heck of a duo right lol. N I swear I have to watch this boy every second he is just TO friendly. A lady opened the door to get the bowl of candy n he was gonna just waltz right into her house lol. She just laughed n we both said at the same time where are you going? lol this boy I just don't know sometimes lol. Way to friendly n trusting. We have a great neighborhood thankfully lol. He was good til about the last block lmao. Ppl had moving, talking, creepy looking decorations and he just wasn't having it lol. Made me go up n get his candy :hlol:. All you here him say was "Nope I'm done now I wanna go home!" :hlol:. For that entire last block that is all I heard n I wanna go home NOW! Couldn't pull her away from a house that had out this cool light show. She loved it so much and her facial expressions were amazing and this huge smile on her face was so cute. She loved it as I expected n he was actually not as bad as I thought, well til that 1 house anyway lol. Now all I have heard is how he wants to do it again :P. He hates the deco but loves the holiday lol.
LOL yea if there is one thing that I have seen with lil ones it is that they have NO filter lol. My cousins son is like that with his mother. He'd walk up to her n say momma you've got a fat butt lol. She is another one that deserves it >< not a good person to her kids either. He gives it right back to her tho lol. My boys problem is he is to head strong >< bull headed -.-. If he don't wanna do it you bet your butt he is not going to do it. He can be the most bull headed, stubborn lil bugger, and argumentative oh my gosh you have no idea n then just turn around n say something sweet like a switch was turned off. I know a lot of it is he gets frustrated and doesn't know how to express it in any other way n I am working on that with him. If he doesn't feel good or is in pain it is 100x's worse -.-. He has my fibromyalgia and that crap sucks at my age but to have it at his age makes my heart break. N its hard to comfort him cause you can't touch him cause with this it makes your skin crawl with pain (it hurts to even brush your hair) it sucks -.-. He'll say I need to snuggle n then you try n he goes OW no don't touch me n then cry cause he can't snuggle. Its hard at my age cause I am the same I feel bad when I have to tell him no when he wants to cuddle cause of it. I struggle to handle it most often so that he don't get upset but man when it is at it's worse forget it. He is to little for the meds that would help it to -.-. I always hope that there is a chance that maybe it will fix itself as he gets older but I don't think that it will. He has had this since he was born n I noticed it right away. On rainy or cold days he would scream n just cry n say he hurt n I knew. Poor thing is like me the doc just don't know what to do for him -.-. In my case I am allergic to the meds that help it lol figures with my luck. I gave him an early B-day pres cause he has had a bad 2 weeks like me....the cold sucks ><. The temp dropping so fast n then getting warm again is not helping it. He loves Pokemon majorly lol so I got a pack with ash in it hoping that there was a Bulbasaur in it but there wasn't. Lol still trying to find that n missy's Jigglypuff lol. He went nuts and is still playing with it lol. I see what his b-day theme will be this year lmao.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:44 am

Omg I can't even imagine going through pain like that all the time :( I'm sorry, and especially for him to go through that and he probably doesn't even understand why. My step daughter wi get the smallest little cut on her finger and she will say in this little whiny baby voice "look, I got a cut". If daddy sees it he will say awwww and kiss it. If I see it I say "oh you'll be fine" lol I'm not very sympathetic because if you play into too much with her she will keep going and going and going. She uses band aids like there is no tomorrow, even when she's not bleeding, and them will take them off ten minutes later and throw them away. So then when someone really needs one there isn't any! Lol so I hide them now from her. She complained Her finger hurt one day from a little piece of skin she had ripped off and I pretended to put a little dab of neoaporin on it and five minutes later I asked her if it hurt anymore and she said no lol all in her head.
Oh geez more family members? Wow I'm sorry to hear that :( especially around the holidays that sucks. Yes prepping is very essential for thanksgiving, just did it the other night for thanksgiving at work lol let's just say I didn't realize you had to peel a butternut squash before you cooked it lol this year I decided to skip out on having dinner with my family and to just have it at home with the kids (hopefully). Had another god awful blowout with my sister and this time I am truly done with her. My parents and my nephew are the ones that suffer cause I never see them but she has just stuck her nose in where it doesn't belong for one last time and when she doesn't get her way it's like world war 5. Ugh. And yet I'm the one to blame and it's all my fault, like everything else. Her husband actually called me and said you know, this is ridiculous and you guys just need to stop. He wasn't blaming me because he knows how my sister can be, but I did not do a darn thing to her. She thinks that I don't want to help my family out and that I don't respect my parents and all of this bull crap. Says that I can't be my nephews godmother anymore because she doesn't want him to grow up around my "crap". Really? What crap would that be? That I don't bow down to you and take YOUR crap anymore? Ugh, ok, end rant, I'm getting mad lol
That's awesome that you're making so much stuff for them! My step daughter loves a anything Hello Kitty. Not really sure why lol it's just a white cat wearing a dress. I'm glad he loves his toy :) it's always great to see them play with something over and over and over again. Makes it worth the money you paid for it lol
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:48 am

Nia wrote:Lol I am sorry but I woulda smacked her upside the head. You don't say that to or in front of a kid ><. Ugh some people. I know her frustration but I have never thought or even said anything like that. Sure I would like a vacation lol all moms would esp when the kids are really rough on you but dang that was out of line. If she talks like that to/around him all of the time it is no wonder he acts the way that he does. My boy is in the "I hate you" stage -.-. Its hard to hear but I always say, "well I am sorry that you feel that way but I love you". His reply is usually "Ugh I really hate you but I love you" :hlol: this kid ...you can't help but to laugh when he says that cause you know it is a dang I don't know how to reply to that crap busted thought lol. Oh the things he comes out with sometimes lol. You know that it is out of frustration that he says it too but still advising him that he shouldn't say stuff like that and telling him how it hurts someones feelings only made him do it more....slick lil bugger lol. Punishing him is dang near impossible -.- threats of things he don't like are usually what works lol. Example took him into a Halloween store and they had animated decorations -.-. Now mind you this has never been an issue for this fearless wonder but this year a whole nother can of worms. I thought the people in the store were gonna pee themselves n mom was so embarrassed it was unexplainable (thank you xbox live -.-) lol. A skull jumps out and screams and he hid a lil but laughed so we were like ok he will be fine n then 3 other decos go off of various things and this lovely tiny 4 year old blurts out " NO NO I'M DONE! I AM LEAVING RIGHT NOW! I AM DONE (looks at us n continues) WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!" Omgosh I never expected that out of him...everyone around just lost it n I am in shock n telling him no you don't talk like that n all he keeps saying is "well that scared the crap out of me, what's wrong with you!?" :hlol:. Lol never in my wildest dream could I have seen that he'd not only react that way but say that but his face omg it was so funny. To top it off his baby sis was laughing at the things that scared the crap out of him n this set him off more lol. "No sissy not funny not funny no they scared the crap out of me and you're laughing....I am so mad" :hlol:. Halloween should be real fun this year :hlol:. This kid has never been afraid of 1 single thing at Halloween, never even as a baby lol I don't get it.
She has 8 in the front and 4 are popping at the same time in the back -.-. She is trying to pop em all in one shot I swear *sigh*. I even made her soft food n when she chews it hurts -.- poor baby, I had to switch to tylenol which I hate to do but no choice there nothing else wants to work. I love the baby stages minus bad teething moments. Its the talking back stage I hate I.E. impossible 5's lol.
Go to walgreens or target and ask for "teething tablets". They are homeopathic which usually means it doesn't work in my opinion but they helped all 3 of my kids when teething. Motrin also works better for pain than Tylenol. Tylenol is for inflammation. My pediatrician says to alternate and overlap by 20-30 minutes. Hope this helped!
Last edited by KellyCrabbieLove on Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:00 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:52 am

Nia wrote:Sorry its been awhile since I have been able to even get on the computer, ugh this time of year is just crazy lol. I am even trying to pre-prep for Thanksgiving so I am not in front of the stove all day on Thanksgiving lol. Still have a lot of work to do on his blanket n honestly idk if I will get the full thing done by Christmas or not :(. This thing is bigger than I intended it to be when I started it lmao it is bigger than a king size quilt O.O. Plus I am sewing other pillows and blankets as well as cup sleeves, I think I took to much on yet again lol. Add the fact that my family keeps taking a bad turn >< esh. 2 more members have taken a turn for the worst and one (another aunt) is not expected to last much longer.
He was Batman n she was Hello Kitty lol. Heck of a duo right lol. N I swear I have to watch this boy every second he is just TO friendly. A lady opened the door to get the bowl of candy n he was gonna just waltz right into her house lol. She just laughed n we both said at the same time where are you going? lol this boy I just don't know sometimes lol. Way to friendly n trusting. We have a great neighborhood thankfully lol. He was good til about the last block lmao. Ppl had moving, talking, creepy looking decorations and he just wasn't having it lol. Made me go up n get his candy :hlol:. All you here him say was "Nope I'm done now I wanna go home!" :hlol:. For that entire last block that is all I heard n I wanna go home NOW! Couldn't pull her away from a house that had out this cool light show. She loved it so much and her facial expressions were amazing and this huge smile on her face was so cute. She loved it as I expected n he was actually not as bad as I thought, well til that 1 house anyway lol. Now all I have heard is how he wants to do it again :P. He hates the deco but loves the holiday lol.
LOL yea if there is one thing that I have seen with lil ones it is that they have NO filter lol. My cousins son is like that with his mother. He'd walk up to her n say momma you've got a fat butt lol. She is another one that deserves it >< not a good person to her kids either. He gives it right back to her tho lol. My boys problem is he is to head strong >< bull headed -.-. If he don't wanna do it you bet your butt he is not going to do it. He can be the most bull headed, stubborn lil bugger, and argumentative oh my gosh you have no idea n then just turn around n say something sweet like a switch was turned off. I know a lot of it is he gets frustrated and doesn't know how to express it in any other way n I am working on that with him. If he doesn't feel good or is in pain it is 100x's worse -.-. He has my fibromyalgia and that crap sucks at my age but to have it at his age makes my heart break. N its hard to comfort him cause you can't touch him cause with this it makes your skin crawl with pain (it hurts to even brush your hair) it sucks -.-. He'll say I need to snuggle n then you try n he goes OW no don't touch me n then cry cause he can't snuggle. Its hard at my age cause I am the same I feel bad when I have to tell him no when he wants to cuddle cause of it. I struggle to handle it most often so that he don't get upset but man when it is at it's worse forget it. He is to little for the meds that would help it to -.-. I always hope that there is a chance that maybe it will fix itself as he gets older but I don't think that it will. He has had this since he was born n I noticed it right away. On rainy or cold days he would scream n just cry n say he hurt n I knew. Poor thing is like me the doc just don't know what to do for him -.-. In my case I am allergic to the meds that help it lol figures with my luck. I gave him an early B-day pres cause he has had a bad 2 weeks like me....the cold sucks ><. The temp dropping so fast n then getting warm again is not helping it. He loves Pokemon majorly lol so I got a pack with ash in it hoping that there was a Bulbasaur in it but there wasn't. Lol still trying to find that n missy's Jigglypuff lol. He went nuts and is still playing with it lol. I see what his b-day theme will be this year lmao.
We always joke that someone is going to kidnap our 5 year old daughter but they'd bring her right back and apologize. Lol
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Wed Nov 26, 2014 9:57 am

Rose7314 wrote:Omg I can't even imagine going through pain like that all the time :( I'm sorry, and especially for him to go through that and he probably doesn't even understand why. My step daughter wi get the smallest little cut on her finger and she will say in this little whiny baby voice "look, I got a cut". If daddy sees it he will say awwww and kiss it. If I see it I say "oh you'll be fine" lol I'm not very sympathetic because if you play into too much with her she will keep going and going and going. She uses band aids like there is no tomorrow, even when she's not bleeding, and them will take them off ten minutes later and throw them away. So then when someone really needs one there isn't any! Lol so I hide them now from her. She complained Her finger hurt one day from a little piece of skin she had ripped off and I pretended to put a little dab of neoaporin on it and five minutes later I asked her if it hurt anymore and she said no lol all in her head.
Oh geez more family members? Wow I'm sorry to hear that :( especially around the holidays that sucks. Yes prepping is very essential for thanksgiving, just did it the other night for thanksgiving at work lol let's just say I didn't realize you had to peel a butternut squash before you cooked it lol this year I decided to skip out on having dinner with my family and to just have it at home with the kids (hopefully). Had another god awful blowout with my sister and this time I am truly done with her. My parents and my nephew are the ones that suffer cause I never see them but she has just stuck her nose in where it doesn't belong for one last time and when she doesn't get her way it's like world war 5. Ugh. And yet I'm the one to blame and it's all my fault, like everything else. Her husband actually called me and said you know, this is ridiculous and you guys just need to stop. He wasn't blaming me because he knows how my sister can be, but I did not do a darn thing to her. She thinks that I don't want to help my family out and that I don't respect my parents and all of this bull crap. Says that I can't be my nephews godmother anymore because she doesn't want him to grow up around my "crap". Really? What crap would that be? That I don't bow down to you and take YOUR crap anymore? Ugh, ok, end rant, I'm getting mad lol
That's awesome that you're making so much stuff for them! My step daughter loves a anything Hello Kitty. Not really sure why lol it's just a white cat wearing a dress. I'm glad he loves his toy :) it's always great to see them play with something over and over and over again. Makes it worth the money you paid for it lol
This reminds me of my youngest. She will be 2 in 2 weeks and if she hurts herself she comes to my husband or myself to kiss it and then goes to see the other for a kiss before all is better. She is a super loving kid and her little owies give us more reasons to give her kisses.
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:49 am

Lol well that is reasonable for a 2 year old but my step daughter is 8 and acts like a 2 year old sometimes to get attention I think. This child will have a slight cough and will beg for cold medicine because she has grown up thinking that she needs medicine for every little thing. Maybe I'm just mean, but I say tough it out, you don't need medicine. They need to learn to cope as they get older.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Thu Nov 27, 2014 9:57 am

#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:09 pm

Is your five year old a boy or a girl? Lol I know what you mean though, bring them right back and say "All yours now!" everyone thinks my step daughter is the sweetest girl around, no way she could give big attitude and do half the things I say she does, but behind closed doors it's a totally different story lol
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Fri Nov 28, 2014 12:02 pm

She is a girl. My sister and her husband adore her and think she is just an awesome kid. I told my sister to take her home with her. Lol
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Fri Nov 28, 2014 2:34 pm

Haha gotta love it!
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Nia » Sun Nov 30, 2014 3:52 pm

lol isn't it funny how the ppl who can give them back say they are angel's um yea keep em for 24hours lol Night n Day I always say. Like my two lol boy = a demon when he wants to be n my girl an angel with a Fiery side. Oh she has a temper n it gave me a concussion this morning -.-. What is it with kids lol I swear their heads are steel when they are young. It didn't hurt her but I have two bruises, a black eye, n a concussion >.>. Girl is hard headed in every meaning of the term lol.
Mom to: 2 Kids,4 PP's, Cats, 1 Dogs, and whatever else gets put on my doorstep. (Box on doorstep. Hubby says,"Did you order anything?" I say "no". He says, "go get it, I don't want to know." Even tho he always ends up loving it or at least accepting it lol.)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Sun Nov 30, 2014 4:08 pm

Omg. my youngest will be 2 on the 8th and she head butted me the other day completely on accident and almost knocked her front tooth out. 2 hours at the emergency dentist was not fun. Especially with a crying and bleeding baby.
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Sun Nov 30, 2014 7:37 pm

Oh no, poor baby! My step daughter took a face plant into the concrete a couple weeks ago and scraped up her lips and nose. As it was healing the dried blood under nose on her lip was this brown color and if you looked at her from a distance it looked like she had poo coming out of her nose lol let's just say she was not very impressed when I told her that!
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)

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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by KellyCrabbieLove » Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:19 pm

Ew lol. I have been stalking my crab tank today. Everyone is being lazy these days. I walk by yelling at them for being "lazy hermits" and my husband laughs at me. Between being lazy and digging up the tank they are in trouble. Lol can you ground a hermit crab?
#1 rule of crabbing - crabs are weird.
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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Post by Rose7314 » Mon Dec 01, 2014 6:00 pm

Haha yes you can! I yell at mine too. They hang out in the shell shop way too much and all they do is make a racket in it and poop all over the shells. I might have to ground mine from the shell shop :P
Some days I just have a little weirdness running through my blood :)
