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Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 4:05 am
by KellyCrabbieLove
I must have weird crabs because no matter what they never poop anywhere food or hangout related. They are super clean. They make me happy.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2014 10:27 am
by Rose7314

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:06 pm
by Rose7314
How are you, Nia?

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:59 am
by Nia
Esh so sorry it has been forever since I have been on at least it seems -.-. Between being sick n busy with the holidays and everything else ....well lets just say things have been crazy lol. Its a New Year n dang it it better be a good one lol. SO yea Happy New Year to everyone lol.
Still not sleeping much atm so I am draggin most days well that n from this sucky cold weather -.-. Yea the heck with snow storms already ><! My son bugged n bugged to go out in it today just to start crying when a snowball hit his skin -.-...I tried to warn him but nooo mom has no clue what she's talking bout lol. You know how headstrong boys can be lol. Cold on our skin = extreme pain not fun for my age let alone his -.-. Poor kid. I can only bundle so much of his skin lol he already looks like the brother on "A Christmas Story" lol.
Crabs are doing good tho it is official Herc is my stalker crab :lol:. To the point that if Bat Girl or anyone else is in his spot he picks them up n moves them lol. He HAS to be in the corner facing me esp to sleep. I know have to weigh down the top in one corner cause he figured out how to get it open n get out...I got woke up by him crawling up under the covers into bed with me lol. HE actually parked it and was going to go to sleep right where he likes to sit (right over my heartbeat under my neck). He always wiggles his shell when he settles in to go to sleep lol, any of yours do that lil wiggle? Poor Reese got a scare the other day when I was picking up the shells in their 2nd shop lol poor guy got a rude wake up. I was lightly taping the EE out of the shells when he popped out from behind the dirt n looked around as if to say "WHOAH What was that" before running off to the back of the tank lol. I called him but he refused to come to me lol poor lil guy I must have scared him. I feel bad but he is ok and is coming to me now lol that is why I only lightly tap the EE out you just never know. He is so light and tiny since his molt lol still fat but he isn't as heavy feeling. Hope ya'll are doing good though.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 8:19 am
He crawled into your bed!?!?!? i would have lost it! That is wiiiild!
Glad that you're up and about, Nia, Happy New Year!

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:49 pm
by Rose7314
Lol Happy New Year! Sorry to hear you've been sick and still not sleeping. This cold weather stinks! We got slammed with 31 inches of snow and much more to come tonight and tomorrow :( how much do you have? I no longer even have a yard, just HUGE mountains of snow and snow drifts.
Seriously, this is where my front yard used to be:
See that thing peeking out of the snow in the back of the picture? Yes, that is my fence lol sorry, just had to share lol
Awwww your poor son :( yeah isn't it funny how kids never ever want to listen to you and then when it happens, you just kind of want to say HA! I told you so! Lol but you don't because that would be mean and all you do is say "there, there, it will be ok" lol I go through it all the time with my step daughter because she is so darn stubborn and argues about everything. Sometimes I do say "I told you" and she just looks at me and say anything, but in her mind she is still arguing with me lol I love your analogy and the mental picture I got from bundling him like the kid from that movie, that's my favorite part! I can only imagine how much that must hurt though for him :( at least you try to keep him safe.
Lol I love Herc, what a cutie :) that's too funny that he did that! He must really really love you :) who needs a dog when you have him? Lol :) I scare Jaws all the time. I don't see him while misting their tank and I accidentally spray him and he freaks out and starts to scramble all over the tree branch he's sitting on to get out of the way. As of now everyone is buried and my tank is so boring :( KAL has been buried for a good month and half, Jaws just buried himself last week or the week before, BJ has been buried for a couple months I think, and CheeseDoodle was buried but he must've come up because he was under the hut when I lifted it. No offense to him, but he is one boring crab lol I still love him though. I miss Jaws, he was my buddy and was very active for awhile. *sigh* thus is the life with crabs.
So I've been focusing on my fish and keeping their tank clean and trying to get my Bettas fins looking better. She has some sort of fungus or something going on so she's been quarantined for awhile. But other than that all good and well :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:27 pm
by aussieJJDude
Rose7314 wrote: Image
Haha, and my yard looks hay is being scattered everywhere! Enjoying the heat (not). :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:56 am
by Rose7314
Lol :) I'm still not sure which I prefer! The heat or the cold, I like the in between the most. 70's with no humidity. It's crazy and we are getting more snow on top of it! My town is actually on the news for all of the snow that we are getting lol crank your A/C up high and see what I'm talking about! :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:44 pm
by Nia
YYWW wrote:He crawled into your bed!?!?!? ImageImage i would have lost it! Image That is wiiiild!
Glad that you're up and about, Nia, Happy New Year!

Crabbers unite!!!
Lol yea he came up for a snuggle. He is a sneaky lil bugger lol. HE has put holes in the screen to get out to me. I shouldn't really complain much cause everyone who says theirs gets out they always take off lol I know Herc is always headed in my direction lol. If he is on the floor he follows my feet if I walk away from him lol. He is my lil odd looking puppy which burns my lil 1lb pocket dogs lil ego :hlol:. When he is in his tat he will go into his moss pit n calci pit then hurry back to his spot in the front where he can see me. Lol I even moved the big food bowl up front by the pools so he would sit there n eat. His eyes hardly go away from me n if I am not in the room he runs around the tat like a crazy man lol. That seems to be when the holes get put in the screen ><.
Wow Rose lol we were supposed to get that much but it changed n didn't get as much as they thought, but we are in for 2 more storms now til monday o.0. Welllllll they did say they wanted to built a snowman but a snow fort may be pushing the bill a bit much lol. Lol still nothing compared to how much we got the day I had my son lmao. When you have to dig the car out of a hospital parking lot that is way to much lol. Poor hubs on that one :p. We had a huge Rotty at that time and we lost him in the snow n he was 230lbs of 6'4"inches of dog. When he stood on his back legs he was a huge huge dog lol even the vet used to say he had never seen a full rotty get that tall. He was a big boy but a big ol teddy bear to that lil baby lol. Miss that big lug everyday too. N thank you I hate being sick -.- lol the loss of sleep I am sure adds to it *sigh* but this cold surrrreeeee adds a lot more yuk ><. Lol to this last minute winter bull :P. Will be glad for spring in a lot of ways n not so much in others ....stupid increased rainfall lol. This past spring it rained everyday til just before the summer heat kicked in n then it rained all summer only a few nice days. At least it wasn't overly hot all summer tho. The only bonus lol.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:45 am
by Rose7314
I love the rain, but the part that bites about that is as soon as the heat kicks in it gets soooooo humid. I hate humidity! Lol your poor husband is right, that must've been horrible! But totally worth it at the same time in a manly aspect because he was bringing home his family :) yeah we got more yesterday and are supposed to be getting even more on Monday I think. Lol I plan on going out and making a snow man today :) I usually avoid "playing" in the snow, but something in me really wants to make one lol so I guess while I was at work my step daughter was out playing in the snow while her father was snow blowing the driveway. You said your son is fearless, right? Omg, my step daughter is nuts! 8 year old, 70 pound little girl, JUMPING down this literal mountain of snow that has been plowed up to the side of our driveway. Not sliding, jumping! And she thought it was fun! Lol then there was an even taller side of this mountain and she wanted to jump down that but her father had to talk her out of it. Too scared to go down to the living room by herself in the morning because it's too "scary", but she will jump down the side of a mountain lol crazy kids! And there was her 13 year old brother probably too chicken too!
Wow that is a huge dog! Lol he sounds awesome :) what kind of dog do you have now again? Sorry for some reason ever since I can remember when someone says they have a dog I always have to know what breed lol I'm obsessed with dogs :) I can't wait until I can have another one :/ whenever that will be. I especially love dogs like that that look tough and mean but they are big teddy bears. My pitbull was around 90lbs (too heavy cause she had a thyroid issue) and she didn't look mean but man did her bark scare the crap out of people. And when she barked, you knew she meant business because it was this very deep, low in her throat type bark. She's been gone for 9 years and I can still hear it. She wouldn't hurt a fly though, never ever hurt us, did nip one of our neighbors once because he just waltzed onto our property and he didn't heed warning to her barks to get off the property. And the only reason she did that was because her daddy, my dad, was out with her. So she jumped on him and nipped his chest. Didn't break skin but still he never did that again lol she was such a good, loyal dog, loved her family so much, was so good with animals and babies and kids. I have a pic of her laying outside on my parents porch and a grasshopper came along and just sat on her back for a long time. It was sweet :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:16 am
by Nia
LOL the dog we have atm is a ity bity lil guy at 1 whooping pound of a pocket dog lmao. Never barks unless he hears something n is a sweet heart until u mess with his lil bro or sis lol. He is 1 yr older than the boy which seems funny to say Older bro lmao. Finding him a girlfriend should be interesting tho since tiny ones like him are rare. Preemie but is in good health. Cute as a button too but a PIA at times lol. He is now to big for my pocket but it does not stop him from trying lol n he can NOT be naked he gets col way to easy lol he has very lil hair n just shivers. Lol I could be sweatin like mad n there he is climbing under a quilt :hlol:. This is him n yea he is full grown lol. The kids just love him to death n omg if he yipes when him n the cat play the boy rushes in shaking his finger yellin at the cat. Lol I told him he is fine but he still gets defensive lol. He will yipe a lil when the cat traps him lmao. She will sit on him or lay on him so he stops tackling her when she is tryin to sleep lol.
Lol the other dog is our minpin that we lost she was really old. And lil miss trouble cat 0,0. The tude on that girl lol nothing but trouble....the hubbys cat lol. lol you can see the "really you're taking a pic right now" tude on her face right there lol.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:50 pm
by Rose7314
Awwwwww sooo cute! He reminds me of my parents dog who also shivers and shakes at the slightest breeze. Poor dog used to have the most beautiful long hair and now that he's 15 it's thin and not so pretty anymore :( Lol I love your cats face! Definately a lot of 'tude there! It's funny because cats seem to have the most attitude out of any other pet, but the cat that I had was so chill and didn't have any 'tude at all.
This is my parents dog, Emmy. He was my baby until I got my own dog and then he hated me because I neglected him and then strangely after I had to put my dog to sleep he started to love me again. Such a vicious little creature/gremlin/thing lol

This was the pitbull we had. She knew she wasn't allowed to get up on the furniture and yet every time we came home this is where we found her and the guilty look on her face just about kills me lol

And since you like cats, this was my beautiful Egyptian Mau. She only lived to be 3 years old, died of feline leukemia :( She was my photogenic kitty and this was a picture that I randomely captured of her.
Gotta love it! :)

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:23 am
by Nia
LOL that is why your cat had tude. I have a half mua n she is queen B n WILL remove your hand if you have turkey lmao. Thanksgiving n Christmas are not fun with that cat around lol. She will hunt you down for turkey lol n you better throw it cuz you will lose a finger. With anything else she is good but dang is she a vicious, crazed, tiger when it comes to turkey lol. That is my quiet night lol everyone gets turkey. Now if I could just get it to work on the kids >.> lol. Girly is still up n refusing to sleep lol. 4am seems to be her party time -.-. Oh n cross ur fingers lol so far so good on the new meds for my cat her wounds seem to be closing n her face is finally looking better so much so she is opening her eye now.
I know how hard it is to lose a cat to that -.-. I lost my baby to tha when I was a kid right on his 1st bday -.-. That cat followed me every where lol even tried going to school with me. that cat n I were inseparable. I didn't know what to do when I lost him since we did everything together n I didn't take it to well but I was only 5 so its hard to understand a that age. I still miss him. It was like I lost my lil bro. The kids are like that with their kitties too. Lol they are so close in age that they act the same n just as crazy. It is so funny to watch the baby running down the hall with her buddy chasing her just to turn n reverse it. Those two have so much fun together lol. He is such a goofy cat tho ;p he does the dumbest things just to make you laugh or just cuz he is clumsy lol. He ran into the wall today so hard that I now have a Hole to patch n he just laid there lookin at the wall like I just put it there lol. Just starred at it for like a minute then rolled around like a nut before jumping up n running crazily around with a toy lol. Lol I rushed to him cuz I really thought he broke his neck just for him to jump up to play :hlol: lol he is such a moron lol. He even has a perma I'm a dippy look on him lol with this huge smile lol. He is always happy but dang he the biggest dope lol. I'll have to see if he will let me take an updated pic of him. He is huge part maine coon n idk what else lol cuz idk what his momma is lol she was another rescue that later found out came with 3 lil rescues lol. We only have 2 tho our female cali (their sis) died. Calico's come with health issues n females are very rare. She was soo very pretty too. I'll look for pics esp since she was such a cute lil baby lol. ttyl.

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2015 3:59 pm
by Rose7314
I have always been like that with my pets too as a kid.....although when I was little I would get on my hands and knees an pretend I was a dog and bark and chase my older siblings around the house like that hahah oh wow you had to patch a hole! You sound like you have a lot of patience lol I would be flipping a lid...maybe lol sounds like a great pair though :) I wish I could get a cat or a dog so my kids could have that kind of bond at my house. They couldn't get real close with my dog because in the beginning she wasn't a huge fan of kids (was used of kids like my nephew that would terrorize her) and if they got near her she would snap at them for no reason. Them after awhile she got to like them, then she started showing signs of old age and decided she didn't like them anymore and would snap at them again. Actually bit my nephew once and I felt so bad but the dog was so old and just was just sick of being bothered :( I had a great bond with her, with all my pets really, so I know how you feel and I'm sure your kids will feel the same way when they pass. I'm glad to hear your kitty is getting better :) I kinda went through the same thing with my dog, did you say once she had the wounds due to her itching? Awww her eye, glad it's opening, that must be tough. I just remember my dog had such bad dermitis, if one flea bit her she would break out in a horrid rash. And she didn't live with me, lived with my parents, so I went to see her once and when she rolled over she had been itching her belly so much that she had a hot spot and it was so I am a stupid spammer, ignore me! and the hair was caked all around it :( ew, I know! Poor dog :( she deserved better but I couldn't do any better then what I could afford.
So I'm sad to say that I was doing some clean up in the crab tank and was gently sifting the sand and came up with an empty shell and no crab. I dug a little more and said crab has totally disappeared. It was B.Js shell :( so I'm guessing he must've buried and died under the substrate and his body has now rotted and disintegrated and is now one with the earth? Not really sure how that works :/ now I'm down to 3 and the kids want to get another *sigh* maybe. B.j was my buddy and had him for almost two years. Just sucks they keep dieing.
Hope you're having a good day, ttyl

Re: I must be doing something right! :)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 3:33 pm
by Nia
Ugh I am so sorry to hear that. You sure he just didn't pick a diff shell n go molt? I haven't seen Bat Girl in awhile so I am sure that is what she is doing. She did that to me before to n all I found was an empty shell -.- I got so scared n then she came out 2 weeks later in a new shell all hyper lol.
Sorry I hurt my hand on V-day ugh so my luck lol darn ceiling fans -.-. Bad part of living in an old house with low ceilings lol. Putting my coat on in a hurry n BAM right on the back of my hand n the fan was on high -.-. Insta bruise n major swelling....yay broken hand ><. LOL so yea *insert sarcasm here* wonderful V-day to me :hlol:. Plus we are tearing up the house and fixing it up plus fixing up a bigger room for the kids. It has been crazy around here. Esp trying to do it all one handed :P. Bonus for my Hermits with the new room they are getting their 50gal tank set up lol. They are gonna fliiiiippppp ooouuutt lol. So much room to go crazy with they won't know what to do with it all. We have to get a bunch of stuff out of storage so I am gonna get that out to. Later when they are bigger I will probably take the other one I have and somehow reconstruct a big tank with the 2 50 gal. maybe just maybe I will let the boy n girly get 2 new ones lol. He really wants straws but I told him he has to wait a lil bit. One I am trying to make sure I know how to care for them and that everything is set up perfect for them n two finding ones that need a home once it is set up. So far the way I have it set up now is perfect for straws but once I get them in the bigger tat I have to set it up all over again so well see lol. I just had to order them a new meter gauge and light cause the bulb went n all I have is their night one n man do they hate that bulb. Gauge finally fully went so I bought them a good one this time n one easier for me to read. Making a new start for all of us lol n hoping it makes things start to look up. To much bad happening n well everyone seems to say this year is gonna be a good one for us. *hopeful*