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Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2014 11:33 pm
by tykesanimalkingdom
We have one little micro hermit crab, Toast, who is just the cutest thing.

We found him at a family owned pet store and the owner said herself that she'd never sold a crab that small before.
Our question is, anyone in the North East know where we can find any more micros? We've searched everywhere, even the pet store we got Toast at. Nothing.
Maine, Mass, or NH preferably. But anywhere in the North East is fine too.
Thanks in advance!

Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 6:06 am
by hulkums
Could I see a picture of the micro? I live in New Jersey and I believe a pet store near me may have them, but I'm not very good at measurements so I'm not sure of how big it is really
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:32 am
by tykesanimalkingdom
hulkums wrote:Could I see a picture of the micro? I live in New Jersey and I believe a pet store near me may have them, but I'm not very good at measurements so I'm not sure of how big it is really
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3

Here he is!

Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:42 am
by hulkums
Oh so cute! Yes I have two micro hermit crabs! A local pet store by me has many of them, I didn't know they were hard to find :0
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:55 am
by hulkums
Here are two photos of one of my micros! So small he can hide inside of a tiny log thing
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 10:37 am
by tykesanimalkingdom
Oooo they are so cute!

Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:40 pm
by hulkums
This is my other micro! If that's the size you like then I can give you more information about the pet shop
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:56 pm
by hulkums

here's a better picture to size the other crab as well
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:58 pm
by tykesanimalkingdom
Yes that would be great! Thanks so much!
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:13 pm
by hulkums
Alright, here's the pet store website! now it's a small shop but the owner of the pet store, Jim, is actually quite knowledgable about hermit crabs. He doesn't have anything too fancy set up but his hermit crabs are all very alive and active, and he does have quite a few tiny ones! As I said I live in New Jersey, specifically north jersey but it may still be a bit of a trip. I hope this helped a little?
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 9:38 pm
by tykesanimalkingdom
hulkums wrote:Alright, here's the pet store website! now it's a small shop but the owner of the pet store, Jim, is actually quite knowledgable about hermit crabs. He doesn't have anything too fancy set up but his hermit crabs are all very alive and active, and he does have quite a few tiny ones! As I said I live in New Jersey, specifically north jersey but it may still be a bit of a trip. I hope this helped a little?
My four hermies ~ Hulk, Biscotti, Sampson, and Double D <3
Thanks so much! Appreciate it

Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2014 7:06 pm
by hermitcrab101
I see tons of micros for sale in the summer at boardwalk shops, unfortunately thats awhile away. I've seen some really small crabs for sale at the petco near me, but that's not at all close to where you are. I bough a couple this summer at a boardwalk shop and my smallest is the size if a penny.
Re: Micro Hermit Crabs
Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:44 pm
by tykesanimalkingdom
Yes! I was planning on checking out some board walk shops at the beach this summer! Thanks