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Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:33 am
by CallaLily
I decided to go ahead and break down the E tank today so I could get it moved. Favre (PP) hadn't been seen since January so I had no hope for him. One-Eyed Willy and Solembum went down in June and August. "Gally" I hadn't seen in some time but he spends a lot of time under so I wasn't overly worried. "Suliman" had been up.

First I find One-Eyed Willy's shell and semi-scattered remains. I'm thinking something went wrong since it was all pretty close to his shell.

Then I find Solembum's empty shell, no trace of her to be found.

Next I come across Mallorn's abandoned shell which was the part I was actually dreading about this whole thing. He didn't die there but I knew it would open up old wounds to see it.

A few bits of old exo here and there.

Then Suliman/Penstemmon's shell with obvious remains. Yep that's right, the crab I thought was the finally gendered Suliman seems to actually be Gally. After not finding Gally's shell in the substrate, I checked shell shops again, and sure enough there's his old shell. So it almost has to be him. Just the new shell he's wearing looks very, very similar to Suliman's. I compared pics, the dead crab's shell is for sure the shell Suliman/Penstemmon was wearing. Gally has grown quite large however, if I'm right that it's him.

Last I found Favre's shell, no other trace of him.

Conditions have been correct but temps have been on the low side (80F) at night - one reason I was wanting to move the tank. Substrate was a nice consistency other than a couple places right at the surface and smells fine all the way down.

I had Solembum for over 5 years. Her and Gally lived peacefully together for 1 year. Both with many successful molts. One-Eyed Willy and Suliman were adoptions I took in May and these were their first molts with me.

It's just heartbreaking and not at all what I was expecting to find. But I need to get this tank moved and put back together. "Gally" or whoever he is is in ISO waiting. Just had to share with someone. I think I'm done with Es. Though I don't think this was an E aggression situation but my luck with them seems to have run out. :(

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:40 am
by kuza

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:42 am
by Ryry
Oh my goodness calla, I am so sorry. I can't imagine having all of that at once.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:53 am
by dinky
So sorry to here this, I just had my own episode last night with my E killing my new ruggie, I caught the fight and it was so intense I'm still not over it this I'm wondering if this one E is why I've had trouble with keeping E's???? So sorry you lost so much ):

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:03 pm
by wodesorel
Oh my gosh Calla!! I am so so so sorry. :comfort: That much at once is way too much to deal with.

Is it just the E in ISO that's left now?

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 12:36 pm
by MuseCrazy
Wow I've never had these problems with my E's. Maybe because there are only 2 and I adopted them from people that had them living peacefully with PPs for 2 years. Do you think it was cannibalism?

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 1:11 pm
by CallaLily
Yes, he's my last E. Just in ISO until I can get the tank going again. I'm not sure about cannibalism. Obviously Solembum seems to have been eaten but there's no way to know if it happened before or after her death. I found many pieces of One-Eyed Willy and they were pretty close by his shell so I don't think that's the case with him. All that was left of Suliman was a couple small exo pieces and what I think was his/her abdomen in the shell.

Thank you for all of your replies.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 7:39 pm
by Crabinski
Oh, Calla, what an awful day! Losing one crab underground is heartbreaking enough but this...good grief :( . Will your remaining E live alone or are you planning to put him in with the PPs?

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:08 pm
by CallaLily
I'm undecided. I guess I could put him in the 75g with the PPs but I think it might be better to space them out between the two tanks? Maybe I'll move a couple smaller PPs over into the 40B/exoterra.

Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:09 pm
by Teedeums
I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how hard it is to lose that many crabs at once :(.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 8:18 pm
by jarteta97
I'm so sorry Calla :cry: I've also had issues with E's, particularly with molting issues. It's always tough to lose a crabby, and I offer you my condolences :grouphug:

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 10:51 pm
by aussieJJDude
OMG, Calla my heart & my crabs hearts go out to you! *hugs* I really hope the lone E in the ISO is ok, hopefully you and your crabs will pull through.

I so sorry Calla.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 11:26 pm
by CallaLily
Thank you. Gally looks to be in great shape. He's active, eating, and back in the up and running 40B/exoterra. I think I am going to move a couple of my smaller PPs over so he's not alone. I admit I'm a bit nervous about it though. Fingers crossed all goes well there.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 12:10 am
by hermitcrab24
My fingers are crossed for you! I am so sorry you had to go through that!! Seems like E's are very complicated, I can't seem to keep mine alive. I hope all goes well with your last E.

Re: Sad Day

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 1:32 am
I'm so sorry @CallaLily

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