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Water use

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 9:00 pm
by Spags
I have been informed not to use distilled water for the crabs water bowls, as they lack in the vital minerals hermit crabs require for a happy long life. BUT is ok to use in the watering of my plants (plants in my tank and plants being prepared to be put in the tank) in order to prevent mineral build up in the soil and in the misting/fogging of my tank (water spritzer and reptifogger{reptifogger needs distilled to work}) as the water misted is not the water source they rely on for the minerals.

Re: Water use

Posted: Sun Mar 08, 2015 11:00 pm
Yes. As long as they have proper drinking water, you can mist and water as you like. The proper drinking water would ideally be dechlorinated tap water, changed fresh daily.

Crabbers unite!!!

Re: Water use

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 8:39 am
by Arosewithashell3
I agree with YYWW, its okay to spray the tank with distilled water and dechlorinated tap water for the water dishes. Have fun with your hermies! :crabbigsmile: