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Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2015 6:49 pm
by shanedaman112
I have a new medium-large crab named strawberry (not actually a straw) that digs all over the tank every day. my concern here is that I have 2 crabs down for a molt right now, and the tank is only a 20 gal. Everyday I fear he's going to run into one of the crabs during their molt and end up hurting them. Is there anything I can really do? I am actually looking at a 40 gal on craigslist at this very moment, But for now, what do I do? Can I do anything?

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 12:22 am
by Lburns
I have 4 in a 10 gallon. I've been worried about that also. But, I've had multiple molts and crabs molting at the same time with no trouble. As long as your substrate is deep enough, there should be plenty of room for them. 6-8 inches at least. Unless you want to set up an isolation tank for Strawberry to molt in, I don't think there is anything you can really do. Just watch carefully for any sign of trouble and wait nervously. :lol: Once they dig down they tunnel and can really go anywhere. They don't necessarily molt right under the spot where they dig down initially. Sneaky sneaks!

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2015 8:18 pm
by shanedaman112
Well At least I'm upgrading soon anyway (because i'm super paranoid >.<) thanks though :D

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 1:50 pm
by StarWarsHermitCrab
Do you have an ISO tank?

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:23 pm
by kuza
How deep is your substrate? Maybe you can lightly top it up a few more inches to give him digging room.

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 12:53 am
by shanedaman112
It is true that I definitely need to add more sub but I've never added any if there were crabs molting so it get's me really paranoid at the thought of it :/

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 10:47 am
by megmaholm
No need to be paranoid about adding more sub :) Just add it a handful at a time and don't pack it down. Assuming the rest of you sub is the right consistency, your molters will be fine.

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:16 am
by shanedaman112
question though.. how do I get the new sub the right consistency? should I mix it in something else beforehand? thanks :D

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2015 9:55 am
by megmaholm
Yep, just mix it in something else first - I like to use a 5 gallon bucket from some place like Lowe's or Rural King since they're cheap. Any big container will work, especially if you're only mixing a little at a time.

Re: Strawberry won't stop digging

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:55 pm
by shanedaman112
thanks :D