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Are my crabs happy?

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:30 pm
by hummingbird008
Hi! I'm a little worried about my two crabs. They're both PPs, and I got them about a week ago at the beach in small containers. As soon as I got home a several days later, I put them in a 10 gallon glass tank with coconut substrate. Then I found out they couldn't dig in that, so I took them out and put in play sand. They've eaten and had plenty to drink every day. I think they had a shell fight today. The smaller one went up to the bigger one and sort of crawled on top of him. Then he sort of shook him his claw and he curled up. They were crawling around later and it looked like they'd gotten over it, though. The bigger PP keeps tapping the glass and trying to climb it like he's trying to escape. For the last hour, he's been looking out of the glass in the same spot like this:


Is this just normal behavior? Is their tank too small or crowded?


Re: Are my crabs happy?

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 10:22 pm
by lmw142
That all sounds like perfectly normal behavior to me. What you saw earlier doesn't sound like a shell fight, crabs just climb on each other sometimes. There is a list of questions in the emergency section you could answer and post here if you want more feedback on how you're taking care of them.

Re: Are my crabs happy?

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:40 pm
by hummingbird008
Okay, thanks. :)

Re: Are my crabs happy?

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:33 pm
by jillybeans
I see some shells in the pic you posted, but none that the hermit crabs can wear. I would provide extra shells for both of them in your tank. Some a bit bigger, smaller, and their current size (be sure to stay away from the painted ones.) Just read the care sheet on this site, and your crabs will be in perfect conditions! Good luck! If you have difficulty buying shells, i'd be happy to send you some free of charge.

Re: Are my crabs happy?

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:14 am
by courtbri
Mine are constantly climbing on each other- they don't go around. They often sleep stacked on each other too. Also, they are always trying to climb the tank walls. They aren't unhappy or trying to escape so to speak, they are just looking for something to climb. I end up with substrate smeared all up and down the glass. They wear a trench all around the perimeter. Lol your good and they are good.

Crabbing for 2 years-still obsessed! 6 total crustacean kids. Gave up trying to tell them apart but I love them all.