Odd behavior?

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Odd behavior?

Post by ShelledMayhem » Tue Nov 03, 2015 12:38 am

I'll be very honest, this little guy has been through a lot and I'm always surprised to see him up and moving the next day. So bad news won't shock me.

Background - 5 painted shell Es and Little Guy were at the shelter. Little Guy had a heavy metal toy car glued to his shell. I drag them all home. I let them consider shell shopping while I get everything all the way set up. Five are typical and refuse the selection of nicely sized D opening and plain Turbo shells. Little Guy took a leap into the first shell he crawled over, and then found a Whale Eye and seemed pleased with his new home.

He's eating and drinking well. I've been giving all of them honey and crushed cuttlebone. Two are off in further iso as they were trying to surface molt at best. But they're still smelling normal so crossing my fingers.

However, Little Guy likes to hold onto his shell while lounging naked in the salt water pool. I've not tried to check him further as he's extremely skittish and hand shy, however, I did feel a knot or something of glue on the inside of his shell. Once he decides to get out of the pool, he's happy in his new shell and he's exploring their new home some. The other three with him aren't picking on him that I've seen and he's always got his shell come morning.

They're on the HCP sand mix, since they've been in a cooler, drier tank, they're only at 76° and 65% humidity right now. They get fresh fruit and veggies, love the dry oak leaves from Grandpa's chemical free yard and fields, plus the honey and cuttlebone. They've got fresh water pool, fresh water with a bubbler and a salt water pool using Instant Ocean. All water is dechlorinated and left to sit open for at least 24 hours, I prefer 48 if I can manage that.

Anything else I should be doing? I'm going back and forth on leaving him alone to not further stress him and doing something more even if I'm not sure what more to do.


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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by CallaLily » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:48 am

I think you've got everything you can do covered. Are you offering proteins too?

I would continue to leave them to do their thing -don't handle unless absolutely necessary. To me, him hanging out naked in the pools isn't a good sign but I'm glad he's reshelling on his own. Many ill and/or dying crabs seem to soak like that. Let us know how they all do please.

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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by ShelledMayhem » Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:09 am

Yes on proteins, so far he only accepts shrimp and peanut butter. But I'm on the something is better than nothing point yet, so we'll work on diet later.

I know the naked soaking is a very bad sign - but then he's up climbing things and being a crab after he soaks. So I have no clue. I'm wondering if the glue left a sore on him and the soaking feels good, but I suspect it's something dire. But he's at least comfortable for now. He was up on top of the cholla when I checked this morning.

He's a weirdo.

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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by me n my hermikids » Tue Nov 03, 2015 11:17 am


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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by wodesorel » Tue Nov 03, 2015 6:07 pm

E's can be insanely weird.
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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by ShelledMayhem » Tue Nov 03, 2015 7:23 pm

Well, I offered some shrimp just now and he came charging over for dinner. So he's at least eating well. I guess I'll take that he's at least getting basic appropriate care now and he's not lugging around that horrible, heavy, toxic nightmare so hopefully even if he can't recover, at least he's comfortable. Even if his swimming baffles me. Sick and dying crabs don't have the energy to get in and out of their shell, they aren't charging for yummy food, they aren't climbing up as high as possible. But healthy crabs don't go lay naked in salt water.

One of his cohorts is hanging out in the shell shop right now. Yes, buddy, you really do want to switch. I don't even care if it's smaller, at least you won't be in that lurid green and yellow mess. He keeps going to a murex I have in there, but can't decide if he wants to move. He's also poking around a smaller green turbo.

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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by cRABB3R&w[]FE » Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:10 pm

That is so strange, I think maybe it is acceptable behavior as long as he holds onto his shell the whole time..... :anon: maybe not...

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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by ShelledMayhem » Wed Nov 04, 2015 8:13 am

Well, he was up and playing last night, all night, tat destruction games. He's easy to spot in his beautiful natural shell and he likes knocking things over.

And the one picked the murex. The shell I tossed in to just look pretty because Es don't switch into slightly big, round opening homes. And he just looks up at me like "Yes lowly human? I picked a shell, don't complain."

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Re: Odd behavior?

Post by cRABB3R&w[]FE » Sun Nov 08, 2015 1:05 pm

How's the little guy doing? Any more skinny dipping?
