by hermitsinnc » Wed Jan 25, 2023 10:05 pm
I just took the opportunity to do some renovations on the crabitat while all 3 crabs are up.
The new second level has 3 half-coconut shell dishes with cholla in between. I'm planning to put 'supplements/extras' in them, but I can't decide what.
Stuff I have already:
- moss (I like putting this in my hides.)
- spray millet (I've been sticking this in the cholla holes.)
- worm castings
- eggshells
- oyster shells
- cuttlebone
- seaweed
- misc. seeds
- tons of spicy peppers (dried)
- chamomile flowers
- snakeskin
- dried mealworms, shrimp, etc.
- bee pollen
(I'm planning to get greensand in the spring.)
If possible, I'd like to combine multiple things into one dish, so they can have even more options.
My ideal situation would be to have all major food groups covered, as a 'backup' in case I'm not able to put in fresh food for some reason.
3 PPs: Maxwell (small), Mitchelle (medium/small), Kendall (medium/large)
also have 10gal freshwater fishtank w/ neon tetras, pygmy cories, and nerite snails
"I am here, I am loved, God is good, and that's enough." --Brandon Heath