Help Creating a Purple Pincer Care Sheet!

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Help Creating a Purple Pincer Care Sheet!

Post by NaRnAR » Wed Jul 20, 2005 3:02 pm

Hi all! We are working on creating a care sheet for "purple pincer" and would like some information from those of you who have had them for 6+ months on aspects such as care, molting, preferable foods, shells, how you keep your tank, and their behaviors! I know many of us have been crabbing with pps for a while now, so we need to be specific with details since we have a lot of experience with them and their care.

Thanks for all your help!!

Please copy the following format and post your information:


PP preferred Tank Temperature:

PP preferred Tank Humidity:

PP preferred Substrate:

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc):

Shells They Like to Wear:

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)):

Other Characteristics and Behaviors:


Post by Guest » Wed Jul 20, 2005 6:09 pm

Housing/Crabitat: 20g, 10g if housing micros

PP preferred Tank Temperature: 70*-80*, they seem to get lethargic when it gets too hot out, prefer the lower end of temps

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 70%-80%, more active when nearer 80%, but doesn't seem to mind when it dips lower.

PP preferred Substrate: sand

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): cuttle bone always (i leave a chunk in every tank), strawberries, blueberries, grapes, shrimp (dried, cocktail, raw), silversides, cheerios, coconuts (husks, meat and milk), hotdogs (only every now and then), roses, nasturtiums.

Shells They Like to Wear: turbos, babylonias

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): pre- lazyness/lethargy, legs looking dry or ashy, eyes clouding, gel limbs showing through. post- more active than usual, very hungry and thirsty immideatly afterwards (right when they come up). problems- i've had more top molts with PP's than any other species, if that's a problem?

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: not as active as other species (E's ruggies, or straws in particular). not very destructive. like to hide out and chill during the day, most active at night. easiest to get used to people (being handled, and when your hand is in the tank replacing food/water), seems most accepting to new crabs- whether different species or same, they like salt water on occasion- especially when it's hot out, or if they haven't had it in a few weeks.

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Post by kip.rogers357 » Thu Jul 21, 2005 11:10 pm

Always willing to help you Nar! Dont know if my conditions are right. I've read everything on them, and have been crabbing for 2 yrs now. Hope my info is helpfull

Housing/Crabitat: 29gl. Aquarium

PP preferred Tank Temperature: Mine seem to be okay in 76*F

PP preferred Tank Humidity: Mine seem okay with 80%

PP preferred Substrate: Mine like Forest Bedding mixed with some playsand. Keeps it nice and fluffy and keeps their air holes open

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): Jurassi-Diet, Romaine Lettuce, Strawberries, Watermelon, Bananas, Grapes, Raisins, Carrots, Shrimp, coconut.

Shells They Like to Wear: Turbo's, Sharks Eyes (i think it is)

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): Soaking in Saltwater, Eating more, Mine have a molt sac 99.5% of the time. Lethargicness (is that a word?) Droopy eyes.
Other Characteristics and Behaviors: My PP's are really outgoing, Love to climb and hide in the plants, Really dont like the inside of cocohuts but the top of them.
17 Year Crabber!
27 Hermit Crabs - 1,020gl Crabitat


I've had purple pinchers for more than 2 years.

Post by Guest » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:52 pm

Behavior:Most are nice

Food info:
Likes fruit.I've gave them tomatoes,strawberries,blueberries,watermellon,apples,and more fruit and they really liked it.DON'T feed them hotdogs unless you know it doesn't have anything harmful in it.There is a list of food that hermit crabs can eat at really like it when you feeed them special food(non-commercial foods).I just fed them pieces of a sand dollar that was broken.I crushed the broken pieces.JurrassiDiet has copper-sulfate,a bad pesticide.<b>Commercial foods aren't recommended!!!</b>

substrates I used and history w/ it:

Gravel-You should have half gravel,half sand so they can molt.

Sand-highly recommended,but it is cheaper for half sand,half gravel.Playsand is cheap.Calci-Sand gives them calcium if you don't have anything that has calcium in.


If you shake your hermit crabs' shells that they are in,they can come out!!!One time,my hermit crab fell out.I tried to force it in the shell,and I accidentally killed it!!! :cry:


You shouldn't force a naked crab into a shell.I killed a naked crab that fell out by putting it in its shell.


Put in different container.Provide saltwater for it so it can retain water.If doesn't eat exo-skeleton,put food that has calcium.

Temperature and humidity

Temp.:70-80 F

hum.:75+ relative

Don't forget the gauges!!!


I have fitted 10 hermit crabs in a 10 gallon tank.My rule:1 crab per gallon.Sizes of crabs:
AT LEAST 2 micro
No more than 5 small-medium
NO MORE THAN 2 jumbos
Last edited by Guest on Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:28 am, edited 3 times in total.


Post by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs » Fri Jul 22, 2005 11:54 pm

Housing/Crabitat: 55 gallon tank. I also like to use the measurment of halves. What I mean is take the gallons of your tank and half it and that is the max number of hermies you can put in it. So for a 20 gallon 10 would be the max number of hermies.

PP preferred Tank Temperature: 72-80F

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 77-82%

PP preferred Substrate: Playsand

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): staple foods, lettuce, grapes, and dried fruits such as coconut, pumpkin, carrots, mangos, and cranberries

Shells They Like to Wear: turbos, shark's eye, magpies, west indian top shells

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): Lethargic, lot of eating and drinking for long periods, and a ashy look to their eyes

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: They sleep during the day and are active at night. About half climb during the night and the other half eat and drink, but sometimes the halves switch. They all love to be handled with the exception of 2 that pinch no matter what.

I love these guys to death and I give the best environment and care they can possibly get.
Last edited by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs on Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Post by Guest » Sun Jul 24, 2005 9:16 pm

Housing/Crabitat: They are very active in the 10 gallon.

PP preferred Tank Temperature: 72 Degrees Fareignheit (spelling?)

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 70-75

PP preferred Substrate: Eco Earth

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): They like commercial food (without EQ) a lot but go crazy around color brightnening

Shells They Like to Wear: turbos, almost always

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): My PPs always have perfect molts. Their behaviors pre are eating and digging a lot. Post behavior was a little destressing then a WHOLE bunch of activity.

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: It varies among crabs. Some are naturally lethargic and some are very active.


Post by Guest » Tue Jul 26, 2005 6:03 pm

Housing/Crabitat: pleanty-o-fresh water, salt water, choya wood, natural hut, large water dishes, pleanty of ventilation! also, my largest pp absolutly LOVES my natural grown aloe i put in the tank!

PP preferred Tank Temperature: 70-78f

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 2 daily mistings should do it! 1 large sponge also helps!

PP preferred Substrate: calci sand, bout inch or so deep, atleast thats how my crabs like it...

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): peanut butter, fmr food AND treat, bit of egg shell, some good treats are parsly and aloe!

Shells They Like to Wear: mine seem to enjoy shells with circular entrances and no spikes or anything that sticks out...nict and smooth just far enough out thats its comforatble for the tail.

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): i havnt had a molt yet..mine did change shells though after i put in the salt water...

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Post by Christa » Wed Jul 27, 2005 12:33 pm


PP preferred Tank Temperature: 74-78 degrees.

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 70-80% relative

PP preferred Substrate: They seem to like every substrate I've ever given em!

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): Regular food is FMR food supplemented with organic marigold petals for coloring, treats are FMR treat, dried shrimp and brine shrimp, bones left over from dinner are a BIG favorite (wash seasoning off first)

Shells They Like to Wear: Turbos turbos and more turbos. Oh and did I mention turbos?

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): Sometimes they molt without a 'molting sac' in evidence. The jumbos in particular like to do this. So if they are digging at all, ISO em even if you can't see any molt sac or cloudy eyes or other standard molt predictors.

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: They are very sweet and loveable. Those big liquid brown eyes just melt your heart! :) I have recently noticed that the females of the species seem to have larger eyes than the males. Not larger eyestalks, but the eyes on the ends seem to be bigger in general in females.
~~ The HCA ~~ the original and still the best -- ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS
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Post by Zealous Euphemism » Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:46 pm

Thanks for asking our sure makes me feel helpful!

Housing/Crabitat: Three-four inches of forest bedding, a second level (the PPs seem to like it more than my Rugs), a salt water bath, fresh water, lots of plastic plants (which they like to climb) and wood pieces.

PP preferred Tank Temperature: Most active above 75....and when it fell below 72 mine buried themselves.

PP preferred Tank Humidity: When I had 80% ALL my crabs were more active...especially at night. Although it's ahrd for me to keep it up there...

PP preferred Substrate: I'm not sure...I'm thinking about giving them a beach so they can decide which they like better. I know I like FB better...^^

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): My FMR is their staple foods...but I give them fruit and salad on occasion. They also really like Froot Loops and fresh popped popcorn! I noticed that giving them different fods made mine all get a light violet cast to their exo after they molted.

Shells They Like to Wear: Turbos. I have one crab who always shell fights for the 'good' turbo. I've tried similar shells, but he really likes this one...and someone else will alwys swoop in and take it if he's trying on a different shell.

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): No specific PP molting problems, really. Just that they always choose the worst places to dig down: specifially, places right underneath something I have to pick up (water dishes/food dishes) so I disturb them without menaing to...*grinds teeth*
~*~I should have been a pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas~*~


Post by Guest » Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:06 am

Housing/Crabitat: Depending on how many crabs, I have 13 and have a 40 gal. tank.

PP preferred Tank Temperature:70-80 degrees F

PP preferred Tank Humidity:70-80

PP preferred Substrate:

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc):Mine like FMR food and treats. they also love coconut.

Shells They Like to Wear:Spiral shells, those usually spiky swirly shells.

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)):

Other Characteristics and Behaviors:They bury under the sand alot, and they do not like to be misted directly. Usually, they molt about once a year, maybe more but there has to be the right enviornment (temperature, humidity, etc.) :D


Post by Guest » Wed Aug 03, 2005 11:47 pm

Gorthaur wrote: Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): romaine lettuce, carrots, organic whole grain cereal, watermelon, coconut, cooked ham and turkey
Ham? Doesn't pork have a lot of salt in it?



Post by Guest » Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:42 pm

Housing/Crabitat: 20+ glass aquarium

PP preferred Tank Temperature: 70-80 F

PP preferred Tank Humidity: darn I forgot.

PP preferred Substrate: moist play sand. Easy for digging.

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): Ummm a variety of foods.

Shells They Like to Wear: circularopenings.

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): I put myn in the iso and they molted with their antenaes barely moving. That was kinda a lucky guess. lol

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: They love to dig. hape deep sand. Tons of cholla wood and shells for changing. They are changing crabs. lol. they also love to hide.


i 4got

Post by Guest » Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:44 pm

Sorry! I forgot to say my hermit crabs would eat fmr treats all day long. I put so much and the next day theirs noneleft! And i have 3 PPs!


Post by Guest » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:53 pm

Housing/Crabitat: I have mine in a 55 gallon tank (I have 6 PP's out of 12 crabs)

PP preferred Tank Temperature: Mine seem to be the most active in the mid 70's

PP preferred Tank Humidity: 70-75

PP preferred Substrate: I use play sand

Diet (Their regular foods, treats they like, food that darken color, prepare them for molts, etc): carrots, dried shrimp, they LOVE coconut and corn

Shells They Like to Wear: Half of mine are in turbos and the other half are in Picas (which I think are in the turbo family too) The newest one is in a nautica, but it might just be They seem to hate the painted shells. Every other crab species I've had stays in the painted shells forever, but the PP's seem to ditch them for a natural shell within hours of me putting them in the tank.

Molting (problems, behaviors that appear Pre- or Post- Molt..things like that, that are "specific" to your pp(s)): Mine have all molted just fine. They seem to dig down to molt more readily than the E's

Other Characteristics and Behaviors: My PP's change shells more than any other species of crab I've experienced. I swear they change just for fun sometimes. Either that or to keep me guessing who's who! My friendlist crab is a PP, but so is my shyest.



Post by Guest » Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:45 pm

I have had my crabs (Emily and kahuna) for a long time now. I use Hermit Haven Crab Food and they seem to love it. I find that if you have two crabs, two sponges is better. My larger crab, Kahuna loves to eat peanut butter from my finger as a delicious treat. one time i found kahuna was vigorously scraping at my finger. HE LOVES PEANUT BUTTER! i suggest to try to hand feed your crab peanut butter. they love carrots, and it darkens their color. i also read somewhee that corn and brightly colored vegetables darkens the color. i also give them freeze dried krill and shrimp. they love to eat those mixed with the food. i have read they love steamed shrimp tails, but i have not tried it yet. :P
