So now that I have an INDO, what do I need to know?

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So now that I have an INDO, what do I need to know?

Post by Guest » Mon Sep 25, 2006 10:29 pm

I really wasnt' planning on adding to the three species already in my tank, but I really couldn't pass up that little Indo I bought yesterday!

I've done some reading on them, but nothing has been too positive. I read that they can be territorial, that they don't like to get wet, that they don't molt well, and are just as fragile as straws if not more so.

Can anyone dispute those claims? I would like to believe that I am going to have a wonderful long time with my little purple gem. He seems so calm & quiet right now, but then again, he could be a little stressed. (He really doesn't act stressed....not too active, not too shy either.) He is really acting like a well established little crab.

Also, should I try to find him a friend of his own species? I have also heard that Indos can be particularly aggressive to members of their own species. (I looked for another Indo yesterday, but he was the only one in all three Petcos.)

Your advise is greatly appreciated! :)

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Post by Guest » Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:29 pm

I would invite you to take a look at this thread, because it's been well thought out and the sources of info are credible. If I'm not mistaken cisnegra mother is a marine biologist, and although I'm not sure she specializes in crusteacens, it adds more legitimancy to the post in my mind.

Click here for Indo info

It's kind of embarassing that I said I would never have indos, but hey, a girl can changer her mind, right? :oops:

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Post by HERMEZ » Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:57 am

Kathy I can share my info-- I dont find them aggressive at all.........I had one molt well--one terminal--the new one I just bought molted fine. I do see them prior to molt sitting in the water dishes. I have one now that has not molted and is very inactive. I think once they molt they seem to be very active and the 2 are all over the tank and love to climb as much as Straws. I do think they are more nocturnal. I do out of other species see them bond together alot so a buddy might be a good idea. Just treat them the same as your others--they spend their rest time off the floor and in a moss/EE pit too. :)
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Post by starmaiden » Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:35 am

crabber, don't you add some sort of iodine and mineral suppliment to the water for your indos too?

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:19 pm

Hi Kathy,
I agree with HermEZ! Both of my Indos, are like hers..same thing with the molt..One made it and is very active and the other did not! I think that my Indos were more heartier than my rugs! So I treat them like all of the crabbies! My Indo who passed was named Indigo :cry:
I am sure he will be happy with all of his new tank mates!!! By the way your crabs are beautiful!!!

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:14 pm

Thanks for the compliments, Jeanne!

So far, Indigo isn't playing nocturnal. He also hasn't proved to be a climber, either. He is content to sit in the low bushes, and seems facinated by the variety & amount of goodies in my food bowls. I have also caught him wondering around during the dalight hours, checking out his new surroundings. He seems very social for an Indo. (I thought that I read that they are NOT social.0

I will try to find him a friend, or maybe two, in case I lose one. (I am not being negative here, but realistic!) He seems to be a loner right now, & maybe is looking for a firend. I suppose I could try Cabbage Patch, but I don't want a big one....just a smaller Indo is fine.

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Post by nora » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:25 pm

My indo Blackberry is pretty mellow. He is down for a molt now(he's a jumbo). He is more active in the early am and seems to get along fine with my PP's. I haven't found him shy, but he is not a very active crab in general. Unfortunately I only have one indo and maybe he is just lonely. Blackberry is very pretty with his black exo!

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 26, 2006 1:49 pm

I have Red Sea Brand Calcium plus 3, which adds extra Iodine that is found in their natural habitiat.

*Kathy* you can ask Tammy if she has any smalls, suppliers often send a mixed bag, so to speak. The two I got where mediums because I said that was the largest I could take.

You know, now that you mention it the one who has molted (Rose) is as active as my straw, but the one that needs to molt (Olive) is much more inactive. I wish that darn girl would molt already!

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:03 pm

I have four indos, once of them molted about 2 months ago and it went great! they don't seem to be aggressive, i have never seen them beat up on the other crabs and they don't mind other crabs coming near them.

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Post by Guest » Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:06 pm

My indo Rose is a little weird I think, she likes my Large PP, BFG the best, even over her species buddy. She is always sleeping by her, and trades shells with her.
