A Cool Crab Story from Key West.......

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A Cool Crab Story from Key West.......

Post by Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:49 pm

I have a friend who's sister-in-law is a veterinarian in Key West Florida. Her name is Christy. She recently came up here for a visit, and my other friend jokingly asked her if she had brought up any hermies. She also asked if Christy ever saw the purple pinchers running around down there.

Well, apparently, not only does she SEE them, she pretty much has to LIVE with them! They often times are all over her back porch, eating the dog & cat food. They run around her yard, and she sometimes sees them hanging from the window screens. Now mind you.....she does NOT live on the beach, but rather, she lives several blocks away. This isn't continuous, but it seems like periodically, she is over-run with them!

She told a story, similar to the ones we have heard before, about the lack of shells for these guys. She had a rather large PP on her back porch. He wasn't wearing a shell, but instead, was wearing a child's plastic teacup. (You know, from those little girl tea sets they sell.) She offered the poor guy some spare shells that she always keeps on hand. He quickly took one & was off on his merry way!

Christy doesn't keep hermits as pets....guess she doesn't need to! :lol:

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Post by Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:27 pm

That would be so cool! Poor things with the lack of shells, wearing garbage. It makes me feel bad when I buy shells somewhere.

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Hermie Lover
Posts: 107
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:05 pm
Location: Henry, VA

Post by Hermie Lover » Mon Jan 22, 2007 3:37 pm

Talk about Hermie Heaven!!!! THAT would be like a dream for me! How cool is that :)

Would love to see Hermies all over the porch! I know they like screens, that is for sure :)

I just love to watch them be all active and acrobatic!

Thanks for sharing, good visual :)

Crabitats: 55L, 40B, 29L

Crabbin' since 97!
They are draining my savings!

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Post by Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:12 pm

That's so cool, I can't imagine being there where they are just running around in their own environment. It almost makes me feel bad to have them in just a 60 gallon tat. :oops:

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Post by Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:44 pm

cool. i can just picture going out to the porch, flipping on the light and finding a pile of hermies in the cat and dog dishes. :lol:

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Post by troppo » Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:15 pm

That would be amazing to see Kathy :) .
Any chance of Christy taking some photos for all of us crabby addicts to see?

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Post by Guest » Mon Jan 22, 2007 6:35 pm

Oh, I would be in more than crab heaven! LOL I just adore them. I would of course start trying to feed them also and probably buy more shells for those not so fortunate crabbies without one.
