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hunting crabs (i wanted them to stay wild)

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:36 pm
by brad873
today i caught 3 local lizards, one big one and 2 tiny ones. the tiny ones are at full size and no bigger that half your little finger, maybe less. i put them in my tat as i have seen many crabs in with small lizards and the crabs are happy and ok. wwell, i looked on the net to make sure i was right on what type they were. i big one (common lizard) i took out and relised. i was about to do the same with the small ones (i could not find them on any site) when it turned out i could not find them as they sometimes dig. i almost got worryd, then i thought, in the wild a crab will hunt if it has to. i stoped looking for them. so, there are 3 outcomes.
1) they will die and the crabs will eat them.
2) the crabs will hunt them, ive seen them hunting flyes that sometimes find there way in when i open the tank.
3) the lizards will servive and eat the little (but harmless) mites in the tank and get on with the crabs. as far as i can tell they have no teeth.
if i do see them i will take them out, they are very slow.
do u guys think they will be ok

one other important thing happend though. it seemed after i dug up thunder last he had moved a bit. i acsidentaly dug up the EE in front of his shell, and gess what. in for weeks he has moulted, eaten most of his exo and i think he is growing now, he is still small. he was not orange so i gessed he has been like this a few days, he is purpaly pink now. i put the EE back in front of him and left him alone. i hope he will be up soon, but i gess my digging may make him need to destress. ahh well, i waited 4 weeks, i can wait a few more days, or weeks.

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:05 pm
by Guest
Those lizards could carry diseases, expecialy since they are wild, that could not only hurt the crabs but make you sick to!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:11 am
by brad873
i have a plan to catch them, later when it is sunny some light will get in the tat even with the climbing wall blocking the window, anyway, they will come out and sun themselves and i will catch them then

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 2:21 am
by Guest
Moved to Misc by crabber. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 5:18 am
by brad873
the crabs are fine, im changing the substraight soon so they will go with that. i dont think they are even in there, i think they got out :shock: there in my room :paniks:

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 8:52 pm
by Guest
you DEFINETLY should NOT pout the liz. in the tat. the are diseased(prolly) ... i would clean the ENTIRE tank NOW.... just to make sure the liz is gone

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 7:34 am
by brad873
not a sighn of them, and the crabs are happy as ever. and as far as i know animales have the same affect on crabs as they do with use. we can get poisond by mamles and reptiles but we cant get poisond by crabs, i think it workes the same way to them. there anatomy is much differant, and get fewer illneses. and there are lixards in the wild, and crabs are fine there. ive never heard of an illnes that can destroy a crab colony brought on by reptiles. and i did some reserch, and found the lizard. it is like a cat, it likes to keep clean. i got the book from the libray. they are constantly hunted by snakes and other lizard.