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Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:19 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 7:53 am ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
When I turned the light on in the straw tank this morning (empty except for molters) what I found was the most sad, but determined crab I've ever seen. I initially thought, oh good, a molter is up, but quickly realized I had a big problem. There was a naked crab missing both claws, his 2 right legs, and most of his 2 left legs. There he was, obviously having dug up through the sand with only half of 2 legs and with one of the stubs hooked over the only shell on the substrate, attempting to find the strength to pull himself up. I'm pretty sure it's one of my 2 large males. The large females moved to the 90 and what's left of this one looks too big to be my medium.

Of course, this was 15 minutes before I was supposed to leave for work (I decided to be late) and I still needed to get dressed for work. I quickly rinsed him and tried to get him in a shell. The first one I grabbed didn't seem to fit, so I found a Mexican turbo (thinking it will be lighter for him if he has any mobility) and after rinsing both him and the shell, between me and him helping, we got him into the shell. He must have at least some of his little back legs because I held him over the salt water dish so he could get a drink and he held on to the shell and did appear to drink.

He's set up in a spare Kritter Keeper with sand, two of the tiny dishes from Petsmart with fresh and dechlorinated water and a flat shell with several food options of things I had that were finely ground. I propped him between the food shell and the salt water dish (hoping he can reach out to both) and put him under a cocohut with it propped on the side of the salt dish. I put the KK back in the 29 gallon straw tank so his conditions are identical to what they were before. I'll have to assess more tonight when I get home. The positive news is that when I peeked in on him before I left he was peaking out of the shell, feelers going and reaching for the food. I'm hoping that the determination he showed in getting to the surface and attempting to find a shell will serve to get him through this, with my help. All those who have dealt with these situations, I'll take all the advice I can get.
Author: Happy Crabber [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:08 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
OMG! Poor fella! He's in good hands with you.
Author: kuza [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:25 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
wow he's lost a lot. I'm hoping for the best
Author: wodesorel [ Tue May 29, 2012 12:48 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Anything you want to know or anything you need just ask! You were Sunshine's Crabby Godmother, so I know you have the touch to help him if it's at all possible. *hugs*
Author: wolfnipplechips [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I have my fingers crossed for him. Good luck.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I do have a couple questions (since most all I've thought about all day at work is this poor crabbie). For those who have dealt with a similar situation, did you just have them in ISO, or did you cover them with something and in the ISO? I managed to fit a cocohut in there this morning, deciding to error on the side of dark and quiet for today. If he doesn't need to be covered it would be easier to see if he is eating, drinking, etc. and easier to put more accessable food and drink close. Also, should I set him in both shallow salt water and shallow fresh water to get a drink, or just one or the other, or would it be best to alternate? I'm thinking the best I'll be able to do is a really quick drink before I go to work each morning, then again when I get home, and a third time later in the evening.

Wode - I went back and looked at some of your post on Sunshine. I want to read the whole thing tonight for any ideas. I do think Sunshine had more body parts left than this guy. He has only 1 or 2 sections of 2 legs.
Author: gpw9167 [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:25 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________I hope everything turns out OK.
Author: wodesorel [ Tue May 29, 2012 1:37 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I used a container I could cover and keep dark. She couldn't move in the beginning anyway, so I just made sure to put as much food into her reach as possible and didn't worry about a cocohut as I figured that would have been worse.

Yes, he should get both waters on a regular basis. I did Sunshine 4 times as a day (as often as I could, basically), with her sitting in extremely shallow water for 5-10 minutes each salt and fresh. (And I went around and did other things since there was no way she could have gotten out of the bowl. Since she was a PP I did salt and then fresh, but for a straw I'd go in reverse since they like salt more. Since they like to bath you may even want to do a minute or two bath once a day.

With no claws it's going to be harder to feed, but even Sunshine had no ability to use the small claw that was left aside from using it as a crutch to lift her body up. She did all of her eating with just her mouth. They can do really well with just that and she was even able to hover over her exo and eat it with no claws to rip it apart! I really recommend Q-tips broken in half as it's easier for the crabs to move around with their mouths to eat food off of. Just moisten with honey and dredge through powdered food, or spin in moist food for an even coating.
Author: RockyGurly [ Tue May 29, 2012 4:50 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
It really amazes me how determined these guys can be, I'll be rooting for him! I hope he makes a full recovery soon
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 5:24 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I was able to get some pictures and identify who it is based on comparison to pictures from before. It's Sparky and I'm not sure if that makes me feel better or worse. Sparky was always my favorite of the Straws (don't tell the others!), but I had thought that both of the large males hadn't made it since it has been a long time since I saw either. So at least he is alive.

I think he's able to reach both food and water from the KK. He has some mobility, although it is mostly limited to spinning in circles since he has most of 2 legs on one side. I was able to determine that he does have most of both of those legs, probably just missing the lower section, which is better off than I thought this morning.

I had him out for a while tonight sitting by a water dish. Tried putting him in it, but because he's so big, when he comes out if anything scares him (and everything does) he falls face first in the water. He did finally come out and sit there a couple feet from me and not immediately pull back in, but if I try to get close to offer food he retracts. Well, the one time he actually tried to run away from me, which was very unsuccessful, but the attempt, to me, is a positive sign. He does seem to have some attitude, which is good.

I worried about putting anything too sticky in the KK by him because he is moving around a fair bit and keeps falling in the food. I don't want him to fall in something sticky and get it in his gills or mouthparts.

Oh, and apparently my memory is bad. The shell that ended up working was a tapestry turbo. Here's the view I mainly see when he's out. Note the eyes peaking out inside the shell.

One of the few shots I was able to get when he was out.

Inside the KK.

I really need my magically molting E, Peanut, to get out of the 10 gallon so I can move him in there in a few days. For now I think the KK is best because I can wedge him in where he can reach both water dishes and the food shell.
Author: Careyenz [ Tue May 29, 2012 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
I really hope all turns out well. It seems he was aptly named and definitely has a spark for life! He's in the best hands, I'm sure, but no one wants to be in that situation. Keep us all posted. I'll be sending lots of good vibes your way!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Author: kuza [ Tue May 29, 2012 6:46 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________I hope he makes it!
Author: SoulLonely [ Tue May 29, 2012 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________I wish the crabbie good luck!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Seems we are building trust quickly. On round 2 out tonight he came out in the salt water dish and just sat there for a bit looking at me. I had about 1/2" of water in the dish and tipped his shell just so that a tiny bit could go in the opening. We may try a bit deeper water in a few days. He also ate honey off a Q-tip for me, then mineral supplement on top of it. He certainly figured out quickly that I'm trying to help. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much because I know he has a long way to go, but for day 1 it went fairly well.
Author: wodesorel [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He looks so perky! It's good that he can lift himself up like that. As he eats more and he figured out how to, he should be able to drag himself around a bit. And the trust thing will build over time. They do figure out it, I don't know how, but they do. He's eating and drinking and that's going to be the biggest hurdle! Otherwise he looks healthy with no sign of infection or other injury. He's active and aware and those are great signs.

Stuff him full of as much food as he'll eat - he'll need every last bit! Sunshine's fav was the shredded coconut you had sent stuck onto a honey q-tip, and also the Turtle Medley crush up the same way. If you have a mortar and pestle it'll give you more options (like making fresh apple mush).
Author: Jackolope [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
they are incredibly hardy animals. separate from the others and let him recover alone, give him some time to himself. it was probably eaten during molting, since crabs are cannibals. this is why it is important to separate them if they show signs of molting or block off area where they are molting. good luck, if he can still feed himself he may survive, but the stress of being eaten can do them in. sorry
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
wodesorel wrote:
If you have a mortar and pestle it'll give you more options (like making fresh apple mush).

Well, I don't now, but thanks to Amazon Prime and 2 day shipping, plus a hubby that has given up on me and the crabs and just pretty much looks at me and sighs, I'll have one on Thursday.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue May 29, 2012 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Jackolope wrote:
they are incredibly hardy animals. separate from the others and let him recover alone, give him some time to himself. it was probably eaten during molting, since crabs are cannibals. this is why it is important to separate them if they show signs of molting or block off area where they are molting. good luck, if he can still feed himself he may survive, but the stress of being eaten can do them in. sorry

He's in a Kritter Keeper that is closed and taped shut, and is back in the tank where he had been. The other straws in there that were not molting moved to my big tank on Sunday, so the tank is essentially empty unless a molter comes back up.

I don't separate my molters, especially with the straws and Es they dig constantly so I would never know when they were really molting. My theory is to have very deep substrate and not over crowd the tank. That is why I put 11" of substrate in my 90 gallon and when all the crabs go in there will be 19 total.
Author: wodesorel [ Tue May 29, 2012 9:18 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
wodesorel wrote:
If you have a mortar and pestle it'll give you more options (like making fresh apple mush).

Well, I don't now, but thanks to Amazon Prime and 2 day shipping, plus a hubby that has given up on me and the crabs and just pretty much looks at me and sighs, I'll have one on Thursday.

Make him a home-made meat rub with it, and he'll love you forever! (Just don't tell him you've used it to crush up insects. )
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Wed May 30, 2012 7:40 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
For those with experience knowing what damage "looks bad", how do the ends of Sparky's remaining legs look where they were broken off? The all purpose sand has some level of dirt, so I would expect some brown.


As I had him out to give him water and food tonight I saw that he is starting to learn how to adapt to his new situation. he is using what is left of his first left leg to scoop up food and bring it to his mouth, much like they normally use their pinchers.

Here's a picture of him having some of the Blueberry instant hermit crab treat from HCP. I realized today that these would be good to feed to him since I have about 6 different kinds. They are made from honey, coconut milk, and either a fruit or vegetable. I ordered some things from HCP today and got thestrawberry and corn flavors to add to my collection.


Author: Jackolope [ Wed May 30, 2012 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
awww, poor little guy. you seem to be keeping great care of him. just make sure the broken legs aren't open wounds, you don't want bacteria in them, and plenty of calcium and protein.
Dr. says
Author: wodesorel [ Wed May 30, 2012 8:02 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Those look like really clean wounds. It's almost better for them to get attacked when they're still soft from molting as the wounds scab over hard and are more resistant to infection. It's the wounds that occur mid-molt that get infected as they have no way to harden off that section of flesh to protect it.

Look at him eating for you!!! Sunshine was too much of a wreak to have ever done that.
Author: CrabbyIrene [ Thu May 31, 2012 5:47 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
oh, the poor baby
its great that he's eating for you, really a good sign. When my E, Bug, lost all limbs except for one back leg she was a mess. she was also naked when i found her and pretty much in the process of being eaten when i dug her up (call it mama's instinct!) where her limbs used to be was scabbed over and looked black, which as time went on the scabbed parts would fall off, just like a scraped knee. i fed her from a chop stick, back end of a crochet hook, toothpick, my pinky, or i would place her mush food on the side of my left hand thumb and sit her in my left hand and the thumb kind of worked like a table (Bug was small) i did saltwater first then freshwater. i would place her in the dish and prop up the sides of her shell with small stones to prevent her from tipping over head first into the water, within a few weeks she got strong enough to climb out by herself and i would find her 6-10inches away, i guess she was done! (i placed the water dishes on the floor on a towel). I fed and watered Bug in the morning & again at dinner time, i couldnt do more since i was gone all day.
But defintely feed lots of calcium, i really think that was my issue with Bug not making it through her molt. She grew her gel limbs and was doing great, she molted but never hardened. she was lacking something in her diet that i did not provide or just didnt provide enough of, which really stinks because she came so far in those couple of months
also what i noticed is right before they are ready to molt the gel limbs will turn from the white color to a pinkish color. i think someone else here observed this also, i think it was Infinitebohr ??
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu May 31, 2012 7:47 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
My husband made an assessment this morning that we are now running an assisted living facility for hermit crabs. He is being somewhat helpful in the process though. While Sparky was hanging out in a container of salt water this morning hubby sat with him to make sure he was OK while I went to get ready for work. Since Sparky is so big it seems that I need to put a minimum of 1/2" to 3/4" of water in the container for him to easily get in a position to drink, but I'm not certain yet if he can push himself up clear of the water if he falls forward into it.

Wode - Thanks for the wound assessment. Fortunately, I haven't had to deal with many of them until now.

Irene - Thank you for the information. I will make special note to be sure something calcium rich is part of one of the daily hand feedings. I do put HCP mineral supplement as one of the items in the food shell in the KK daily. I've seen him reaching for food while in the KK so I think he can eat while he's in there, which is much of the day since I work full time. I need to look up what things are high calcium other than the mineral blend.

I think tonight he'll be getting some very finely chopped shrimp with shell since he likely didn't get to eat his exo, although he seems so strong that I have to wonder if he did get to eat some. Maybe we'll go for scrambled egg with the shell finely ground up and added on feeding 2 tonight.

One thing I've chosen to do that seems contradictory to normal guidance is that I'm not covering the container or the tank he's in, although I do not have a light turned on in the tank where I have the KK (heat is UTH only in the 29) so it is reasonably dark. I've noticed that he sits with his legs and eyes out of the shell much of the time in the KK, just looking around. The end of the 90 gallon is 3 feet from him and I think he is watching the other crabs in there. I don't think me walking in and out of the room bothers him because he doesn't normally withdraw into his shell even if I walk right up to the tank, although he is capable withdrawing into the shell. If my son walks in the room that's another story.
Author: meldamiriel [ Thu May 31, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Honestly, I would think it'd be fine to keep him on a normal day/night schedule with lights. He seems to be doing really well regardless of the situation - he also looks quite healthy despite. His wounds don't look too bad and so long as he seems to try to be getting along on his own, I don't see why light would bother him.

If he seems to be getting along as normally as he possibly can in his current state, I would try giving him a little light one day while you can watch him. If he reacts badly to it, keep it dark. In my mind, the more normal you can keep his iso while he's there the less stress he might have to endure when he's ready to move back.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Fri Jun 01, 2012 7:36 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky is continuing to do amazingly well, given the situation. I had some good news this morning. When I opened the 29 gallon to get Sparky's KK out for his morning drink and feeding I found that Torch, my medium Strawberry, was up from molting. This means that someone didn't go a a crab eating spree in the tank, and instead the damage to Sparky was likely a chance encounter. I was really worried that whoever did the damage had turned into a problem crab and that the rest of the straws may have been attacked as well. The likely candidates are Flame and Ember, my two big female straws, who moved to the 90 gallon last Sunday. I'm now much less worried about them being in there with everyone else.
Author: CrabbyCouple [ Fri Jun 01, 2012 10:23 am ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
I am sending Sparky some good healing vibes! Sorry, no experience with that kind of damage. The last photo you posted of him eating from the q-tip is so wonderful it makes me want to cry - he looks so trusting and grateful!!
Author: RockyGurly [ Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:09 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That's great news he looks like he definately knows that you equal food now he's such a sweetie ^_^
Author: Lyn Penn [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:25 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
The only advise I might add is to keep him isolated until he is 100%, because crabs, as much as we love them, are oppertunistic and will prey on a weaker crab. For his own protection, keep him in ISO until he is strong.
Author: annopia [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 2:41 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
what a sweet heart he is. i actually had a crab in almost the exact same situation...Domino had lost both pinchers, both legs on the right side, and part of one of the legs on the left side. however, i wasn't sure what caused her problem...i found her like that, at a crab kiosk in a mall. her shell had flake of paint coming off, so i wondered if perhaps she had eaten some and gotten ill from it. i kept her in a small iso tank (5.5 gallon i bought especially for her) that was 1/2 EE, 1/2 moist moss (one side of each). the moss was good because she could "dig down" and feel comfy, despite being pretty unable to dig in actual sand or EE. i fed her organic kibbles (from the addiction store or the happy hermit crab) mixed with honey. i placed it on a flat dish and put her on top of it each day, as well as holding her over both waters several times each day (like you are doing). her first molt was excellent, she grew back all of her legs and pinchers, but sadly she did not survive the second molt . i think that may have been due, however, to the combined stress from the crab kiosk and possibly eating that paint (neither of which apply in your situation, happily).

i'll keep my fingers crossed for your little fighter...we're all pulling for him.

Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:07 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I think he may be ready to move into a tank with no one else in it. This afternoon I found him IN the tiny salt water dish in the KK ISO. I think that means we need a bit more salt water time this evening since I sort of rushed it this morning. Unfortunately, I have 3 tanks, other than my 90, all with at least one molter. I really need those guys to hurry up!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I've had an interesting observation. Normally a hermit crab sits facing you with the opening to the right and the spiral to the left. Many times Sparky is flipping himself over with the 2 legs on his left side so the shell is actually upside down and then he twists around to face down. I think this gets him in a better position to eat and drink without having to use energy to hold himself up. At first I thought he was falling into this position. Then yesterday I saw him intentionally duck down in the water and roll. Tonight I saw it again much more obvious. He was balanced in the normal position and pushed up with his legs to flip the shell. The reason I'm sure is that the first push didn't do it and I saw him very intentionally do it again and land in the position in this picture.


Author: kuza [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:20 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
maybe it's how they get water in their shell when there is only shallow water. I've seen straws with full water shells with only a small dish.
Author: wodesorel [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:30 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
To me, that's a "lazy pose" as they don't have to hold up their shell at all when twisted around that way. Echo does this when she's got good food in easy reach and she doesn't want to work for it. ... oolazy.jpg

Author: kip.rogers357 [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
I think this gets him in a better position to eat and drink without having to use energy to hold himself up.

Wow, isn't it amazing how these creatures are so intelligent!?
I'm glad he's doing good and at least trying to do things for himself.
Author: Jackolope [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:51 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
it could be the best way to support himself. Before Maggie died she lost a leg and the position of her shell changed a little to compromise
Author: meldamiriel [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
It's always impressive to see how well these guys can adapt to pretty much any situation they're put in.
Author: Invert Mom [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I'm so sorry to hear that happened to him. He's in good care, and I hope he does well for you.
Author: RockyGurly [ Mon Jun 04, 2012 10:57 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Look at that little guy go! Wow! I'm glad he's doing so well, I really hope he makes a full recovery soon.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:16 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Looking for input from those of you who have dealt with similar situations. It's been one week since I found Sparky naked and mangled. Since then he's been eating very well, and is continuing to eat, even this morning when I had him out. This morning about 10 minutes after I put him back in the KK I found that he had climbed over his food shell and was in an open corner appearing to dig. The substrate in there is only about 1" so he's not going far today. Normally, I'd say that means he's ready to molt, but could a large straw be ready to molt only 1 week after being found in this condition? I tried to look to see if I see gel buds, but he was too wiggly this morning.

I know I really need him in an ISO tank badly instead of the KK. Maybe I should just go looking for my teeny E molting machine in the 10 gallon tonight and treat her like a found molter and put her in the KK inside the 55. I really hate to intentionally dig her up, but in this case it may be justified to give him a place to molt. Thoughts?
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:17 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I think Sparky is getting close to molting, but he's still eating and drinking like a pig, so that doesn't follow along with what I've heard from others about stopping eating immediately pre-molt. Part of my dilemma is the need to clear a tank for him to molt and molters down in all three ISO options. Every day I can leave them down is a day they may come up on their own, yet I don't want Sparky attempting a molt in his condition out in the open in a KK. I'll take any advise anyone has on this one.

Here's some pictures I took tonight.

Sparky: Molt sac? Regular view, then close up.


Definitely some gel buds forming.

Author: wodesorel [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:43 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
It varies in time before they're ready to molt again. The gel limbs still seem rather small, but that was about when Sunshine stopped eating and I covered her over. When I checked on her 7 days later, they were very well defined. They will grow extremely quickly!

He might be able to actually dig, but more likely you'll need to make a false cave for him. It can be in an ISO or the KK, so long as it's someplace he'll be safe for a few weeks while he does his thing. Has he stopped eating completely yet? Sunshine started scratching around a few days before she stopped eating, and when she refused food completely I covered her over and let her be.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:51 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
This morning was the first time he showed any sign of digging when he climbed over the food shell and dug in the open corner of the KK. He's still eating pretty well.
Author: wodesorel [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 4:55 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
If it were me, I'd give him a big cocohut where he could go where it's dark, and continue to feed him. When he stops eating and spends all his time trying to dig in the cocohut you'll know it's time. You probably still have a few days, but it's so hard to tell!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky just got an upgrade from the broom closet to the ISO suite! I knew I had a bit of time tonight to dig for Peanut and if Sparky decided he was ready to molt in the morning before work I'd have no options.

I started in the front left corner and where was Peanut? Back right corner, of course. I think it was good I dug her up, even though I never would have if it wouldn't have been for Sparky. She was at the bottom of the tank packed in sand with no molting cave. I wasn't even sure she was alive, but there was no smell, so I put Peanut in a false cave in a container, added some exo I found elsewhere in the tank (there was none right by her) and at that point I saw her feelers wiggling a bit and her eyes came out, so I know she's alive. I covered the hole with a big shell, put the lid on the container (it has holes in it), and her container is in the 55.

I set Sparky up in the 10 gallon by himself. I dug holes and set the water dishes down in the sand a bit for easier access. I put in a large flat dish with food, plus he has 2 cocohuts in case he gets himself to the other side of the food dish. I'll be able to keep an eye on him for the next couple of hours. My plan is to take him out once a day in the evening to get into deeper food dishes and maybe for some messy food like finely chopped shrimp.


Author: Jackolope [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:50 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
keep feeding him loads of proteins and calcium enriched foods, cooked meat, eggs, eggs shells, cuttle bone, and sea salt. make sure those a primary foods in his diet right now.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:08 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Jackolope wrote:
keep feeding him loads of proteins and calcium enriched foods, cooked meat, eggs, eggs shells, cuttle bone, and sea salt. make sure those a primary foods in his diet right now.

Yes, that's what I've been doing for a week. He has 4 or 5 foods in the food shell in the KK at all times, with at least one protein, and one calcium rich item. He has been eating like crazy. He's had good sized helping of bee pollen several times, plus I have a kelp cuttlebone mix and honey cuttlebone mix from HCP that he's been eating. We've done egg, shrimp (with shells, chopped very fine), plus I'm trying to give him food high in beta carotene as well since he's a straw.

In addition to the foods in the shell in the KK I have taken him out 3 times a day and fed him something specific, plus gave him time in deeper fresh and salt water. I had him out about 30 minutes each time and did mist him a couple times while he was out. After the first couple feedings I started logging what I was feeding to keep track of how much was protein and calcium and to be sure I alternated. Everything was either in powdered form or I ground it to that using a mortar and pestal. Since I'm also trying to make this a reference post here is the list (the + means he liked it a lot, the - means he didn't, and nothing means he ate it, but wasn't thrilled):

5/29 PM2 – honey & coconut
5/30 AM – carrot organic baby food
5/30 PM1 – HCP blueberry treat(+), mineral blend
5/30 PM2 – carrots, banana(+)
5/31 AM – HCP kelp cuttlebone
5/31 PM1 – finely chopped shrimp (+) – big hit!
5/31 PM2 – ground up Fluker’s Medley and coral calcium powder (+)
6/1 AM – HCP Peach treat (+)
6/1 PM1 – bloodworms and oyster shell (-)
6/1 PM2 - chicken
6/2 AM – HCP Pumpkin treat (*)
6/2 PM1 – scrambled egg, egg shell
6/2 PM2 – coconut, carrot organic baby food (-)
6/3 AM – HCP Honey cuttlebone with mineral blend mixed in (+)
6/3 PM1 – Red bell pepper
6/3 PM2 – tilapia, sweet potato
6/4 AM – HCP Mangosteeno Treat (+)
6/4 PM1 – Tuna
6/4 PM2 – HCP Kelp Cuttlebone (+)
6/5 AM – HCP Strawberry treat
6/5 PM1 – finely chopped shrimp (+)
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:15 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I think my timing may have been perfect. Sparky looked at the food, look at the salt water, then managed to work his way around to the cocohut. I looked over and he was legs up clawing at the opening from under it. I set him upright partly under the cocohut and then he started digging. He's continuing to dig further back in it now. I'll check on him tomorrow and if he doesn't want to eat I'll give him a bit of help with the digging.

Author: Jackolope [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:16 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________awww, your such a good mom
Author: wodesorel [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Hubby and I are sending good vibes his way! Hopefully it won't be long before he's back to his old self. It did take three molts for me to feel comfortable letting Sunshine in with the othes because she was so clumsy with the new legs, so keep that in mind once he comes back up. It'll be interesting to see how well he's able to regenerate since he's a straw. Maybe you'll be lucky and he'll have full use of all his new limbs from day one.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:46 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I just checked on him this morning. He had done quite a bit of digging under the cocohut, but wasn't making much progress on depth. I dug a little hole for him, put him in it, then covered it with the cocohut and put a shell in to cover the opening. I'm undecided about whether or not I should take him out tonight to offer food and water, or just leave him there since he was trying to dig.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 8:59 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
A quick update - last night I thought about it and decided that since Sparky had no way to get out of the hole if he still needed food and water that I needed to check on him and offer him both food and water. That was a good plan. I offered a high value food, both nutritionally and from the "I like it" perspective. He had HCP powdered honey cuttlebone and ate like he was starved! He also spent a good amount of time in both the fresh and salt water (deeper containers outside the tank). Afterward I put him in the food dish in his tank and he ate for a while, then I put him back under the cocohut. I did the same thing tonight, but he got ground up crickets for a food and a few new options in his food bowl in the tank. He can move around enough to get to different parts of the large flat food bowl.

I plan to continue this once a day until he refuses food. From what others have said that is the sign that he is ready to molt. I did take pictures last night of his gel buds and compared them to the night before and they were noticeably bigger.

Here's a picture from last night and from tonight. There is obviously a level of trust going on here that I wouldn't have thought possible a week ago.



Author: Jackolope [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________i can't get over how cute he is
Author: Invert Mom [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:11 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He really is. More good vibes your and his way.
Author: SoulLonely [ Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:23 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Glad to her he is doing good still
Author: Lyn Penn [ Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
You are my HERO! You have showed so very much patience and love,that I cannot find the words to express how much I admire you. If he doesn't make it, it will not be because you didn't do everything possible. Please keep us advised every step of the way.
Author: MilkingMooMoo's [ Sat Jun 09, 2012 9:23 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I am rooting for him! He seems like he certainly has the will to make it! Just don't loose faith!
Author: wolfnipplechips [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:59 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Go little guy!! And kudos to the awesome crab mom.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jun 10, 2012 8:27 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
For those of you who have done this before, how do I know when it's time to leave him under the cocohut with the door blocked and not get him out the next night? Also, then how long do I leave him before checking? Last night he didn't seem very interested in eating when I had him out, but he did eat a bit in the dish in his iso tank. Since he can't get out of the hole under the cocohut I did take him back out tonight. He ate a bit for me while out, then a little bit in the dish in the tank. His appetite does seem to be decreasing. He did chill out in the deeper water out of the tank. I just don't want to leave him where he can't get out if he needs more food and water, but I also don't want to be disturbing him daily if he needs to get ready to molt. Input much appreciated!

Here's a picture from last night (the one I took tonight was blurry). His gel buds are getting a tiny bit bigger.

Author: Striker0086 [ Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:02 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Best wishes to you and Spark! I woke up to something similar on day, unfortunately my straw hadn't made it..... Sparky is strong though and with you he will make it Go Sparky!!!
Author: wodesorel [ Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:13 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sunshine made it very clear that she wanted to be left alone - that morning she ate fine for me and by that evening she spun around when I put her near food and tried to drag herself back into the hut where she had been scratching. It was then that I left her be for an entire week. I checked on her on a Sunday and she had fully developed gel limbs, and I did offer her food and water. She drank a tiny bit but was not interested in food, so I put her back under cover after about 10 minutes of being out. (To me, the risk of bothering her while molting was less than having an incapacitated crab die from lack of water.) The following Sunday I checked again and she had molted and was already half-way through her exo.
Author: annopia [ Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
for me, it is time when you see the limbs "drop" or unroll. seemingly overnight, they will go from numbs to smaller versions of the actual limbs, and that is when molting is imminent. that has been my experience...

Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:46 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Thanks for the input. I'll watch for both the gel limbs dropping and the total refusal of food.

He's still eating, better tonight than a couple nights ago, but then I gave him finely chopped shrimp (with the shell) tonight. He gets time in deeper water, both fresh and salt, while he's out. He also ate at the food dish in his tank (4 options there every night) before turning to the salt water (I helped him get there) then turning toward the cocohut (I again helped him get there). He could probably work his way around on his own, but I'd prefer he conserve his energy and he doesn't seem to mind the help. I actually leveled out the hole under the cocohut tonight. I realized that I moved to feeding him once a day when I moved him to the tank, but when he's in the hole he can't get out to eat if he wants. Given that he's a large and had just molted before the damage happened I'd prefer he takes all the time he wants before he decides to molt.
Author: Crabbielover1031 [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 10:26 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Hi CrabbyMom,
I had an E with no claws that I nursed back to health. I wrote about him on my blog.
Are you hand feeding yet? Sesame's personal favorite was honey on a toothpick and also Gerber's (or Beechnut, can't remember) Chicken n' Apples baby food. If you can get your hands on some of that, they will eat 2 whole spoonfuls of it in one night! Sesame ate for HOURS straight when I offered him that, and it was nutritious. If you have any questions, PM me. For the first week or so, I got a little medicine thing that they use to give kids. It looks like a syringe, but without the needle? I got the same amount of fresh and salt water, and dripped it into his shell, so he had some shell water. I did this every other day for him, just so he had some water in there.

Good luck!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 3:11 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Crabbielover1031 wrote:
Hi CrabbyMom,
I had an E with no claws that I nursed back to health. I wrote about him on my blog.
Are you hand feeding yet? Sesame's personal favorite was honey on a toothpick and also Gerber's (or Beechnut, can't remember) Chicken n' Apples baby food. If you can get your hands on some of that, they will eat 2 whole spoonfuls of it in one night! Sesame ate for HOURS straight when I offered him that, and it was nutritious. If you have any questions, PM me. For the first week or so, I got a little medicine thing that they use to give kids. It looks like a syringe, but without the needle? I got the same amount of fresh and salt water, and dripped it into his shell, so he had some shell water. I did this every other day for him, just so he had some water in there.

Good luck!

Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, I've been hand feeding him since the day I found him, so at this time about two and a half weeks. At first I got him out for food and water 3 times a day and kept him in a Kritter Keeper in another tank. Once I was able to get him into my 10 gallon by himself I went to feeding him once a day. There is a dish of food and bowls of water in there, but he doesn't seem to make an effort to go out to them even though he can move around a tiny bit. I did try one baby food, but it was something like peas and carrots and went over about as much as I remember with my son when he was a baby - - not at all! I do have some organic baby foods I keep on hand for the crabs that have chicken so I may try that tonight.

He's able to hold himself up enough that after I have him out for food and deeper water bowls I set him in a flat dish in his tank so he can then eat as long as he wants. When he's done he turns away and I help him to the water dish. When he turns away from that he normally wants to go back in the cocohut. In many respects it's like dealing with a 2 year old. He knows what he wants and has no good way to communicate it so I have to guess and sometimes he gets obviously aggravated if I guess wrong!
Author: Crabbielover1031 [ Fri Jun 15, 2012 5:02 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That's great CrabbyMommy! So glad he's doing well!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky continues to amaze me. This is a crab that has been in captivity about 10 months and has been handled very little. I'm mostly hands off, except when necessary, so he's had very little human interaction until I found him in the tank naked and in trouble. We've been doing the daily feeding and time in deeper water for 3 weeks. At this point if he's stretched out of his shell in the water and I reach to move him he doesn't even bother pulling back in his shell as long as I move slowly. He obviously understands that I intend him no harm.

Tonight I tried something. I think his grooming appendage is missing because in all this time I haven't seen it and he does try to clean himself when he's in the water. He's had a spot of dirt behind his eyes since I found him. He seems like he tries to pull his eyes down and up to get rid of it. I thought...I just wonder if he'd let me "fix" that. So while he was in the water I went and got a Q-tip. Sure enough, he sat there and let me use the wet Q-tip to clean off the area on the top of his head. Amazing!

Here's a picture of Sparky a few days ago. He'll come out in my hand with little hesitation.

Here's a picture from tonight. The gel buds are getting bigger, but haven't changed color or dropped.

Author: SoulLonely [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
wow amazing that's so cute you cleaned Sparkys head with a Q-tip!
Author: kuza [ Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:14 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________that's awesome, good job
Author: annopia [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
great update! the gel buds are pretty significant in has been my experience that they grow very, very rapidly (it seems like almost overnight, but perhaps over a few days) when it grows near to the time of molt. i don't think his time is that far off...a week, perhaps two. of course, my mangled crabs have mostly been PPs, so take that with a grain of salt!

glad to see he's been doing so well!

Author: Invert Mom [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Wonderful update, I'm glad he is learning to realize you are not going to hurt him. You are doing a wonderful job and are an amazing crabby mom!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
This made me laugh so I thought I'd share. We have a routine each night....I put Sparky in dechlorinated water to drink/wash, then he gets food in a dish that is inside a container, mainly to keep him from rolling over and falling off the table, then finally when he's done eating he goes in a container of salt water for a bit. After that he goes back in his tank in the food dish (other food options) then in the water dish in his tank before I put him back under the cocohut.

I usually can tell when he's ready to move from one place to another. I was sitting here posting on the HCA while Sparky was on the table near me eating. I guess I wasn't paying enough attention and I heard a strange sound. Apparently he was done eating!
Author: kuza [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:53 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________lol so cute
Author: Invert Mom [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That is really cute, bless his little heart.
Author: SoulLonely [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 7:35 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
aw! adorable! someone's trying to escape
Author: Striker0086 [ Wed Jun 20, 2012 10:16 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
This is a very good sign!!!lol Funny he tried to get out.
Author: Lyn Penn [ Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:53 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
How precious, see you've been giving him so much attention, he's completely spoiled (as he should be) and he feels he isn't being "tended to" he throws a teeny tempe tantrum! So much like a kid.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:42 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky's gel buds are getting huge, but he's also still eating like a champ. Maybe I'm just feeding him too well. Tonight was ground up mealworms sprinkled with boost powder from the Hermit Crab Addiction store and a side of well crushed fresh organic strawberry.

I took a quick video (would have been longer if my mom hadn't called) of him sitting in the salt water drinking and cleaning himself. It's a lot better view of a crab cleaning itself and it's mouth parts than you normally get since there aren't any claws in the way. At one point my hubby walked through the house and went out the front door. When it closed Sparky pulled back in his shell because that's not a noise he normally hears, although he totally ignored the dog drinking (at the beginning) and my husband and son talking in the next room.

Click on the picture to play the video.

Author: wodesorel [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Oh my gosh he is so precious!!!! Squeeee!

I love the bit with the door, he's all like "Wait wait, I don't know what that is but nothing scary is here so... water time!"

I seriously can't get over how active he is. Sunshine was a lump for most of the time she was legless, but she also had a lot less legs and wasn't able to sit up on her own, so maybe that's why. He just seems so perky.

And yes, giant gel limbs! Oh he better molt soon.
Author: Happy Crabber [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That is such a great video. I had no idea the mouth parts were so much like hands! Crazzzzzy.

Author: kuza [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
awesome video, glad he`s doing so well!!
Author: annopia [ Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
great glad to see him so responsive!

Author: SoulLonely [ Mon Jun 25, 2012 10:11 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________wow, that was so cute!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 6:22 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
It's been 4 weeks since I found Sparky naked and mangled. He's made great progress and seems to be really strong. Hopefully, strong enough to make it through what will be a tough molt.

This guy's gel limbs are HUGE! Base on annopia's comment about them dropping or unrolling I think molting will be soon, but he's still eating pretty well.

Check out those gel limbs!

Author: annopia [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
looking great! those gel limbs are wonderful...really coming along. i'd say they'll get a little bigger though...i know MHC are a bit different, but when Eleusis had these gel pinchers (about the same size, considering the size of the crab, as Sparky's) 3 days before he molted:

Author: kuza [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________those gel limbs are awesome
Author: wodesorel [ Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Less than a week now!
Author: annopia [ Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
can Sparky send some good vibes my Bacon's way? on the deep clean today, came across Bacon, freshly molted....only one walking leg, no pinchers . the leg is on his left side, but he won't come out enough for me to tell if its the shield leg or the second walking leg. he's definitely alive though...i hope he is half the fighter that Sparky is.

Author: Careyenz [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:08 am ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
We are all rooting for Bacon, too! Sending healthy vibes his way!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Author: Careyenz [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:24 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I've read your post from start to finish and it's giving me hope for my E I found today. I hope Sparky is still doing so well. He's definitely been inspirational. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both our little guys!
Author: sontron [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Come on, Sparky! I want to see those new legs!

Re: Mangled Straw

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:23 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
annopia wrote:
can Sparky send some good vibes my Bacon's way? on the deep clean today, came across Bacon, freshly molted....only one walking leg, no pinchers . the leg is on his left side, but he won't come out enough for me to tell if its the shield leg or the second walking leg. he's definitely alive though...i hope he is half the fighter that Sparky is.


Sparky sends good crabbie vibes to Bacon! Sent you a PM.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! It really does take a commitment to work through this and some nights I'm beat, but Sparky still needs his one on one time for food and water.

His molt has to be soon! His gel legs keep getting bigger. The gel limb for his BP is so large that it is getting in the way of his mouthparts to eat, but that apparently doesn't stop Sparky my chow hound.

Author: RockyGurly [ Tue Jul 03, 2012 1:14 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Those things look like they're ready to burst! I'm so proud of you two
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
There have been some questions about the crabs that have damage and how to handle the water. I'm just going to put what has been working for me in Sparky's thread to have it all in one place.

Also, I've noted that in Sparky's case, as well as other recently attacked crabs, the limbs that seem to remain (if any) are the legs on the crab's left side. I'm not sure why that would be the case, but am interested in others' thoughts. Is it because the BP protects them until the BP is attacked and by then the attacking crab has had enough?

Since Sparky is a straw and they seem to need more salt water than fresh, I start each night with time in the fresh water, then the food dish, then the salt water. After that I put Sparky back in his tank in a different food dish with other options (all changed daily to provide lots of variety). I put about 3/4" to 1" of water in the containers and Sparky is a large crab. This is enough that if his shell is propped up the water is just below the bottom edge of the shell, but he can reach the water with his mouth parts. Sparky regularly will push himself over with his 2 remaining legs so that he is opening up in the water. Here is a picture right after his did this tonight. Sorry it's not clear, but I thought the concept was more important than the clarity in this case and it's the only picture I took. Note that he is actually upside down in the shell. The spiral of the shell is normally to the crab's left as you face them. In this picture note that it is to the right. He does this all the time. I think it is because his legs are on the left and when he flips himself over he ends up in this position, plus, like this he can use his legs to push himself up out of the water some.


Other times he just pushes himself forward so his eyes are under water like in the video below. He often just sits there for several minutes before attempting to move up out of the water. Note that when he is in the water I'm never more than a few feet away at the computer and checking on him regularly. I highly recommend that you closely monitor these guys who are damaged while they are in the water. That said, Sparky is out about 45 minutes to an hour each night and I do other things like getting food for the other crabs or doing stuff on the computer, but never let more than a minute go by without checking on him. I have him out on a table near my PC. For those working with these guys I recommend that you figure out a way to make it work for both you and the crab because I understand that most of us don't have an hour or more a day to commit to 1 crab.

Each night in the salt water I turn him opening side up and get water into his shell, then I move him to an upright position so he can drain some of it. For PPs I'd do this in fresh water. E's probably salt water. I didn't start doing that until a week or so after I found him and only after he started to pretty much throw himself over in the water dish in an apparent attempt to get water in his shell.

After 5 weeks of doing this I pretty much know how to read what Sparky wants when he's out. When I hold his shell in either the water or the food I do so very loosely so that I can feel the direction he is trying to go. Note in this video that he is pushing himself forward into the water, not me. Also, note at about 20 seconds that he starts to pull his leg around in front of him. I know that this is when he wants out of the water and right away I assist. Sorry about the video quality. My camera doesn't refocus once you start recording and I was moving the camera around too much and got it a different distance away. Honestly, when Sparky is out he's the priority so I don't feel too bad about he cruddy video.

Click on the picture to view the video.

Author: annopia [ Wed Jul 04, 2012 12:39 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky is looking good!

my other sick crab (years ago), Domino, also only had remaining legs on the left side. although, with her, i am inclined to believe that she wasn't attacked. i think she ate paint chips and got very, very sick and dropped the limbs that way. but i think perhaps that crabs are less willing to drop limbs on that side because they are the more "protective" side.

i've been doing your little trick to get the fresh water in the shell for Bacon (since he's a PP) and i think its been working well.

go Sparky! we're rooting for you! those gel limbs are truly impressive...Bacon is jealous .

Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:11 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky update and looking for input. It would seem like molting is imminent, but then I've been thinking that for weeks. Here's what I've observed. In the past week the gel buds have dropped a lot and have increased in size significantly, to the point that they are actually in his way when he tries to eat. Yesterday, and more so today, the gel buds have changed from more white to tan or pinkish. All of this would say molting is soon based on what everyone has said. It's been 5 weeks and 2 days since I found him. The boy still is eating like a horse! He isn't drinking quite as much. Tonight in the dish out of the tank he had brine shrimp, didn't want the honey cuttlebone, then is back in his tank in that food dish and is eating away. He has 4 options in there. I guess I keep getting him out for food and water as long as he's taking them.

Here are pictures from tonight. You can see a big difference from pictures just a few days ago. Take a look at the first image from July 1, just 4 days ago and the second one below.


Author: wodesorel [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
The color change is absolutely startling! I never got to witness Sunshine's having changed - hers were still that pale white cellophane when I checked and then when I looked again a week later she had molted. I don't know if the color change is aStrawberry only thing or if all crabs do that right before they molt.

I would make sure that he's set-up where if he surface molts overnight (either tonight or in the next few days) he'll be in a place where you can make it dark and leave him be without having to move him. I really can't imagine that he's got much time left. He might just be a little greedygus and doesn't want to stop eating even though he needs to. But I hate to say leave him be if he's still hungry and thirsty and unmolted!
Author: kip.rogers357 [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Wow that is incredible!
Are his eyes cloudy or is it just the picture?
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:41 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yeah, that's the struggle I'm I leave him alone and figure he needs to molt, or follow his lead and keep offering food. I guess this comes back to the fact that he knows better how to be a hermit crab than I do. By all signs he's absolutely ready to molt. What worries me is can he prepare like he needs to without having the darkness to have the molting hormone function like it normally would?

Good thought on making sure he has a good set up. He's STILL in the food so I'll be sure to lightly spray the sand under the cocohut and make sure the hole it good before I put him under there tonight. I do have a shell ready to use to cover the hole on the cocohut when the time comes.

On the color change, if you click on the picture to enlarge it and look closely you can see red at the tips of the gel buds for the claws.

Yes, his eyes do appear to be more cloudy than they have been before.

Also, I noticed tonight that he just didn't act the same. I can't really put my finger on it, but his behavior was different. Maybe he was a little less outgoing.
Author: CrabbyIrene [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:48 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He'll molt in the next few days! My E's gel limbs changed too right before she molted. Good luck! I hope all goes well
You've done great!
Author: wodesorel [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
Also, I noticed tonight that he just didn't act the same. I can't really put my finger on it, but his behavior was different. Maybe he was a little less outgoing.

Go with your gut. I swear they send out vibes that we can read. It's how I found and saved Sunshine (and many more). I always listen to that "little voice in the back of my head" when it says something about the crabs! It has never been wrong.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:28 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
After his time in the food in his tank I gave him time in both the salt and fresh water in there too. I dug him a bit deeper hole under the cocohut, sprayed it well with dechlorinated water, then put him in there. I decided that he's so close that the darkness is probably good so I covered the opening to the cocohut with a shell. I will check him tomorrow night, but if he's ready to molt the darkness will be better and if not, it shouldn't hurt him.
Author: annopia [ Fri Jul 06, 2012 10:59 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
that is such a huge change in just 4 days! wow! i've never seen the color change...but all of my experience has been with PPs, so perhaps they don't have one (or, if they do, its not as obvious and noticeable as that of a straw). i think giving him darkness, but providing the waters and food, is a good idea. i am so so excited for him!

Author: Lyn Penn [ Fri Jul 06, 2012 12:55 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Always trust your instincts. I always notice little changes in my hermies and I'm never wrong. We know and we love them.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
My instinct is torn, that's my problem! On one hand he's eating and drinking every night so I don't want to deprive him of food and water if he needs it, and on the other hand he's so close to molting that I don't want him to put off molting if he's ready to do so.

He continues to be more hesitant each night. I think hesitant is the word I needed the other night to describe the way he is acting. Just in the past few days he's been much more hesitant to come out of his shell around me, which is very different.

He drank very little when he was out tonight, but he did eat some, although not as much as previous nights. When I put him in the food dish back in his tank (different food) he ate some more. Then I put him in his salt water in the tank and he sat there for a while and drank. While out he was incredibly pitiful looking. He looked like he couldn't even hold his eyes up. I was honestly afraid he was just going to go ahead and molt in the water dish while he was out. Once back in the tank in the salt water he did look a bit better and more alert.

I wasn't planning to post more pictures this soon, but in just 2 days his gel buds are noticeably larger and redder.


Back in his water in his tank


Author: annopia [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
hmmm...i'm torn with regards to your situation. on one hand, i've always considered having the eyes down like that as a sign of an impending molt. on the other hand, i've noticed that Bacon sometimes has his eyes in that position when i get him out for food/water, and i don't think he's ready to molt. i have, however, seen gel limbs that are proportionately larger (with regards to the body) than Sparky's are right now. the most developed gel limbs i have seen were on my PP Chrestomanci (unfortunately i didn't get a pic)...they were only slightly shorter than his normal legs would have been, and completely unrolled and hanging down in the position that a normal leg would be in. so i think you would be safe in giving Sparky food and water for a couple more days.

Author: wodesorel [ Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Holy cow is he close to molting. I'm with annopia, it may be a few more days, but if he needs the water and food then I would keep providing him with it.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:36 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Looks like it's time for molting! When I got Sparky out tonight and sat him in the water he barely moved forward in his shell. After 10 minutes he had moved out just a tiny bit and was very slowly moving his mouth parts toward the water. It was as if he could hardly move at all. He never moved his eyes up or moved his antennas at all. I tipped him just a bit forward so he could reach and he took his mouthparts to his mouth twice, very slowly, and that's it. Didn't even move when I held him over the food and I held him there a couple minutes. So, Sparky is back under the cocohut with all the openings covered. I plan to leave him completely alone until next Sunday, then check on his status. It's going to be a long week!
Author: wolfnipplechips [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Good luck!!!
Author: Careyenz [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:00 pm ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
Yay! I can't wait to hear an update! Wishing you and sparky the best of luck!!! I'm definitely sending good vibes your way!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Author: cortney_mae00 [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________good luck Sparky!!
Author: Happy Crabber [ Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:41 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yahoooo! Go Sparky Go!! We'll all be waiting with you. I'm sure you'll keep us posted.

Author: sontron [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:05 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yay sparky! Not long now! sending good vibes your way!
Author: Draven451 [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 8:08 am ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
What a great story! This website has been a great resource of information and really shows how compassionate and caring people can be for these marvelous little creatures!

Here's hoping for Sparky's continued recovery~*
Author: Lyn Penn [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:47 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I'm really getting nervous now. Like waiting for a birth!
Author: Careyenz [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:25 pm ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
I feel like I'll need a bottle of champagne to toast his good health when he pulls through!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 7:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Thanks for all the good thoughts everyone! I really appreciate the encouragement from everyone and the sharing of information from those who have gone through this before. I'm obviously hoping for a good result, but regardless of the outcome I've tried to document the process well in the post for those with similar situations in the future.
Careyenz wrote:
I feel like I'll need a bottle of champagne to toast his good health when he pulls through!

I feel like I'll need either wine or a lot of chocolate to get through the next week without peeking!
Author: kuza [ Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Well you earned a good mom award for sure.
Author: annopia [ Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:26 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
Thanks for all the good thoughts everyone! I really appreciate the encouragement from everyone and the sharing of information from those who have gone through this before. I'm obviously hoping for a good result, but regardless of the outcome I've tried to document the process well in the post for those with similar situations in the future.
Careyenz wrote:
I feel like I'll need a bottle of champagne to toast his good health when he pulls through!

I feel like I'll need either wine or a lot of chocolate to get through the next week without peeking!

hehe...perhaps a new crab project to keep you occupied? go Sparky!

Author: SoulLonely [ Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:01 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________So exciting! Go Sparky!
Author: stan [ Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:24 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Wow, I read the whole topic, obviously not complete, but the most substantial texts. It's so touching, so exciting to watch how that little crabbie goes far. You know that treat feeder spoon from HCP? I read on the comments that some people use it to feed their missing part crabs, and that helps them a lot to bond. Since my crabs are small, I once tried to immitate this with a thin plastic straw with honey, but my crab wasn't that hungry.

Answering late, but that could be useful for people going through this. All good vibes.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 5:37 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky molted!!! I managed to behave and keep my hands out of his tank for a week. Pretty much as soon as I was up and had coffee this morning the first thing I did was check on him. His shell was in the exact position as when I put him in there a week ago so I think he molted very shortly afterward. Normally he would be completely in a different position under there from one day to another.

He has eaten all of his exo except for small pieces from the 2 legs he had remaining. I didn't leave him uncovered long, nor did I take time to count legs and claws. That will have to wait until he decides to dig out. He did come out just a bit further than the picture, enough to see his eyes, and he was wiggling those antenna at me. Not sure if it was "hello" or "get out of my molting cave".


Author: kuza [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:13 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: Lizardlady [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 6:21 am ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
Excellent!! Hope he looks good as new! That is so good to hear that he has molted. How wonderful!
Author: SoulLonely [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 7:32 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
that's awesome good to see he's still going good!
Author: Happy Crabber [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 8:46 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yahoooo! Can't wait to see how his legs turned out!
Author: annopia [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:26 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
go Sparky! i'm so happy for him and for you!

Author: wodesorel [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:46 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!!
Author: Lyn Penn [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 12:00 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He couldn't have done it without you. He literally owes his life to you!
Author: Careyenz [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:00 pm ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
I'm so excited for you both! All the time and patience you invested in this little guy paid off. Congratulations! I'm hoping for the same outcome for my little guy!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Author: Charper [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:06 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: wolfnipplechips [ Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:29 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Awesome!! Hope you're giving him extra calciums??
Author: RockyGurly [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:35 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
All your hard work paid off! The legs that are showing look lovely he's gone be so cute with all his mini legs congratulations!
Author: Lyn Penn [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:47 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Please remember to keep sending pictures along his molting process and don't return him to the main tank too soon. When they have the "molt smell" the other crabs sense it and will attack. Think about bathing them all in saltwater so they all smell the same, But only when Sparky is super strong.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 4:52 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Actually, I only uncovered him for a minute or so, long enough to take a quick look and get a picture. He's under a coconut hut, in a small hole and with a shell covering the opening of the cocohut. I figure that now that he has legs I should treat it as a normal molt and leave him there until he decides to dig out. Anyone think I should do other than that?

I do have mineral supplement and worm castings set up in the tank, as well as some dry food. As soon as he is out I'll start daily fresh food and add more to the dry food dish.

He's currently in a 29 gallon by himself. I did fix up the tank a bit yesterday, adding a shower caddy moss pit, some cork bark, and additional shells. He'll be staying in there for a while, possibly through his next molt. I'll have to see once he's out how his legs and claws look and how well he can get around, then assess whether he just hangs out in there a few weeks to gain strength, or through the next molt.
Author: Lyn Penn [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:32 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Sounds Perfect to me.
Author: wodesorel [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:08 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He's probably going to be up soon, if he's already through his exo. I doubt it'll be much more than a week or two, but he might surprise us all and decide to dig in and destress for a little while now that he's capable of doing so. I'm sure they miss being able to bury at will.

But yes, he will dig himself out when he's ready!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Interesting question...since he would have had minimal exo compared to a normal molt (body plus 2 legs) should I put a calcium source under the cocohut with him? I was thinking something like Fluker's river shrimp that would have the shrimp exo plus the protein. Another option would be cuttlebone. There's not room for a dish under there and something like mineral supplement would just absorb into the sand.
Author: wodesorel [ Mon Jul 16, 2012 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That would be an excellent idea! I would think cuttlebone or eggshell would be better since neither have "flesh" that would rot in the moisture like shrimp would.
Author: Crabbielover1031 [ Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:32 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Awwwwww!!! He just melts my heart! So SWEET! Glad he pulled through.

Also, if you know anyone with chickens, get a fresh egg from them. My crew LOVES farm fresh eggshells! They gobble them up every time I put them in! I get cuttlebone and eggshells and throw them in the blender. It makes a great powder that I store in sandwich baggies then pour in the calci dish as needed. Could you use a soda bottle lid for a dish temporarily?
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:21 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I realized that I had crab exo that I got from Wolf so I put some of that in for him a few days ago. I did another quick check on Sparky tonight and took him out just long enough to get some pictures. He doesn't look like he's eaten much, if any, of the extra crab exo and he's in the exact same position. It just seems like he's taking some chill time.

After getting a good look at him he's so tiny! His BP is about 3/8" and was more like 3/4" before. On the plus side he seems to have all the appropriate parts, although small. Even the new leg tips on his legs he had remaining are small. I basically had him out just long enough to get the pictures below. They aren't all that clear, but I basically just took them and put him back and checked them afterward. He does seem to scare much more easily now. A very slight movement and he snaps back in his shell.

I'm glad I checked because as a result I put in a few smaller shells. Not sure if his butt is smaller, but if he can fit in a smaller shell he may want one when he does come up. At his previous size this shell would have been the right size, or maybe even a bit big. Notice that when he is fully retracted he is way back in the shell. The legs on the right (his left) are the ones that were mostly there. The claws are tiny, but seem to be fully there. My plan now is to leave him under the cocohut until he digs back up. I know he has the legs and claws to dig out, so I'm going to leave him alone.

Fully retracted


Starting to come out


Here's Sparky with his new legs and claws!


Author: kuza [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: kip.rogers357 [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:27 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Yay Sparky!!! He looks great!
Author: wodesorel [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Squeeeeee! Look a those little legs!!!! And that teeny tiny claw!!!!
Author: SoulLonely [ Wed Jul 18, 2012 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
aw! so cute! but, what is that on his shell.... looks like some weird, gross poop! Did anyone else notice that when enlarging the pic? haha, I just thought it was funny
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:17 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
SoulLonely wrote:
aw! so cute! but, what is that on his shell.... looks like some weird, gross poop! Did anyone else notice that when enlarging the pic? haha, I just thought it was funny

Figured someone would notice that. Yeah, I figure it's exactly that - -weird, gross poop! I sprayed the hole before a put him back in the other day so it was nice and damp. I also gave him a quick dip in the salt pool to see if he wanted a drink. Water probably got in the shell to add to the gross factor. I guess it's good to see that he's doing normal stuff like cleaning out poop!
Author: Happy Crabber [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:01 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
YaYYYYYY Sparky!! Those little legs are awesome. Way to regenerate, big fella!!
Author: SoulLonely [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:41 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
SoulLonely wrote:
aw! so cute! but, what is that on his shell.... looks like some weird, gross poop! Did anyone else notice that when enlarging the pic? haha, I just thought it was funny

Figured someone would notice that. Yeah, I figure it's exactly that - -weird, gross poop! I sprayed the hole before a put him back in the other day so it was nice and damp. I also gave him a quick dip in the salt pool to see if he wanted a drink. Water probably got in the shell to add to the gross factor. I guess it's good to see that he's doing normal stuff like cleaning out poop!

yes, it definitely means he's doing good if he's pooping! glad to see he's doing so good!
Author: sontron [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 9:52 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He just looks SOOOO adorable with those tiny legs Congratulations!
Author: wolfnipplechips [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:16 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Looking good!!! Hope you'll keep this updated with future molts!
Author: Careyenz [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:26 pm ]
Post subject: Mangled Strawberry
He looks so good! What perfect little legs!!! I'm so happy for you and your little guy. You give me hope for the same outcome!!
Author: annopia [ Thu Jul 19, 2012 7:23 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
so so precious! just look at how wonderful he looks!

Author: kip.rogers357 [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:01 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Any updates!? I hope he's doing great!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:15 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I just checked on Sparky this morning. All of his exo, plus all the crab exo that I had put in there that I got from Wolf was gone. Not a speck left! He was still sitting under the cocohut and I picked him up long enough to look at him. He still looks great! He was a bit less shy about coming out to see me this time. I only had him uncovered a few minutes and put him back under the cocohut with some little shrimp exos and a piece of cuttlebone. I keep expecting him to either come out or dig down, but so far he's just chilling under the cocohut.
Author: Happy Crabber [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:53 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Hey! That's good news! Well done, Sparky!
Author: wodesorel [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________ Go Sparky!!!!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:43 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Jailbreak! More and better pictures in the next few days, but I didn't want to frighten Sparky from more than one flash picture tonight. I just went over to switch the tank lights from day to night and saw the shell that was blocking the cocohut knocked over and Sparky just outside of it.


Author: Careyenz [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:58 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yay for Sparky! It's great to see him out and about!
Author: wodesorel [ Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:05 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry

Look at him go!!
Author: kuza [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:31 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: Happy Crabber [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:00 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: Lyn Penn [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Looking Sparky warms my heart, since I struggles with my Hershey for days not, but we lost the battle this morning. I take such pleasure in your success, because you struggled with him so long. HE'S BEAUTIFUL!
Author: SoulLonely [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:46 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
yea! that's awesome he is up and moving around! Go Sparky!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky changed into a new shell last night, both smaller and lighter. I anticipated that he would want to do that and had lots of options in the tank for him. The first shell outside the cocohut was the one he had been wearing when he was attacked. I found it when I cleaned out the tank and put it in there for him, but it's now a bit too big. He did check it out for a while last night. Something to consider for anyone who gets to this point with a crab like this is that they will likely want a lighter shell once they molt to be able to handle the shell better with their smaller legs.

Sparky had been in a carved petholatus shell when he was attacked. I grabbed a regular petholatus shell when I helped him reshell. He moved to a white polished turbo, probably a gold mouthed turbo.

I got a couple pictures, but they aren't great because the tank and room were dark and I was several feet away to not use the flash right on top of him. The second one isn't very clear (darn straws scratched the heck out of the side of the tank!), but it makes me smile because he is eating...on his own!!!


Author: wolfnipplechips [ Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Yes!! Awesome!! Congrats!
Author: wodesorel [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:10 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Thank you for all the updates and pictures. Seeing Sparky gives me lots of smiles!
Author: JamesTosches [ Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:43 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________Nicely put!^ I agree!
Author: Invert Mom [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:41 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Wonderful news! He is looking so much better already, and is lucky to have you as a hermit "parent"!
Author: Careyenz [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
He really looks like he is doing well. I'm so happy to see him out and about. The new shell is beautiful with his coloring!!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Careyenz wrote:
He really looks like he is doing well. I'm so happy to see him out and about. The new shell is beautiful with his coloring!!

I thought so too, but apparently our opinion doesn't count. He changed into a darker turbo over the weekend. He's spending a lot of time every evening sitting in the dry food dish at the back of the tank and eating.
Author: patchouliii [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:52 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
This is an AMAAAAZING story, and you are an AMAAAAZING momma to crabbies!!! AKA crabby mom!
Author: Lyn Penn [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 11:02 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
We can all learn so much about love, dedication, and patience for these amazing little creatures. Thank you for your daily progress reports.
Author: Kilimanjaro [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 5:54 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I just read this entire thread and I really want to commend you for how much patience and care you've extended toward this crab. I think it's really beautiful. I'm so glad that everything worked out. Sparky looks wonderful!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:17 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
A quick update - Sparky has been eating the past couple of weeks like, well, like a crab with little legs and claws that wants to grow bigger ones. Sparky apparently dug down during the night of the 13th. I found a mound of sand on one end of the tank. It also looks like the teeny E with a missing BP and leg that was in the same tank with Sparky dug down on the same night and about 4" away. Now to wait on both of them and hope for the best. Sparky waited about a month since his previous molt until this one.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:30 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky is back up from his first "real" molt after all the damage! So excited! I was really starting to worry a bit. It was exactly 6 weeks from the night that he dug down to molt to when he came up last night. He looks much better! His legs on his right side and his claws are still smaller than they were originally, but they are much bigger than they were after the initial molt to regrow them.

Here's the progression of pictures from the beginning all in one place.

Here is Sparky back in early July about 6 weeks after the damage and just before he molted.

Here is after the first molt in early August.

Then here is Sparky tonight!


Author: patchouliii [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:32 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Sparky is AMAZINGLY STUNNING!!! You're the best momma ever!
Author: sontron [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Congrats! I'm glad that sparky's going along nicely. It's nice to see his legs back. He looked kinda helpless with those tiny little legs after the first molt.
Author: kip.rogers357 [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:34 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Yay Sparky!!! So glad to know that he's doing great! You are just absolutely awesome CrabbyMom!
Author: Happy Crabber [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Rock on, Sparky! So can you remind me, how long was he up between molts? So fascinating!
Author: kuza [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Author: cjmiller [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:54 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________This is insanely sweet! Amazing
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:56 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
hermitmommy wrote:
Rock on, Sparky! So can you remind me, how long was he up between molts? So fascinating!

Here are the key dates:
5/29/2012 - found naked and missing 2 legs, parts of the other 2 legs, and both claws
7/8/2012 - refused food and water, looked very ashy, put under cocohut with opening covered
7/15/2012 - checked and he had molted
7/29/2012 - came out from under cocohut on his own (knocked down shell covering opening)
8/13/2012 - dug down to molt
9/25/2012 - came up from second molt after the damage

So, he ate and built up to the first molt for about 6 weeks, but that last week he was eating less and less and if he had the ability he would have likely been dug down. Then he was only up about 4 weeks before going down to molt again, with only 2 of those weeks being out and eating (like a little piggy!).
Author: CrabbyIrene [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:00 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
On wow! Congrats on the 2nd molt! He looks beautiful !!!!
Author: Careyenz [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:06 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
So glad he's doing better!! I'm looking for my own little mangled guy to go back down any day now myself. I was going to ask how long it took sparky to go back under, so perfect timing. He looks beautiful! So happy for both of you!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Author: stewartx4 [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Wow! He looks incredible!!!!! I am so happy for both of you!
Author: ifeelcrabby [ Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:02 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
________________________________________ Go Sparky! Looking good!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:33 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I've been trying to watch for how Sparky is getting around in the tank, but he seems to hide until late at night and I haven't really caught him out moving around a lot to be able to tell. Well, this morning I heard familiar types of noises from his tank. Looks like he's quite able to get around since he can climb on the lid!

I guess that means it's time to move him over to the main tank. It's a bit like sending your kid off to kindergarten. I'm worried about how he'll do with the other kids. I think I'll wait until this weekend to move him when I can keep an eye on things. Also, that gives me a few days to pack some high value foods into his dish since he may dig down once he gets in there.
Author: patchouliii [ Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
That just made me so . So happy for you and Sparky!!
Author: wodesorel [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 12:43 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
It is terrifying putting them back in, but then you'll see him hanging out with his buddies and doing normal crab things and it'll make you so proud of him! (And you should be proud of yourself, too! You did so much for him. )
Author: SoulLonely [ Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:21 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Look at that cutie! Seems ready to me Good luck! You did such a great job taking care of him!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:40 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Four and a half months after I found Sparky on the surface naked and holding on to a shell with one of his two partial remaining legs, he has moved into my 90 gallon tank with the other crabs. It's been a long road for both of us and I think Sparky is much more ready for the next stage of this journey than I. I'm honestly worried that something will happen to him since crabs will be crabs. I worry about them all, but I have so much invested in this guy. After his antics on the lid of the 29 gallon the other day he's obviously physically ready to be in the big tank and I know he'll benefit from the company of the other crabs. One good thing is that all of my 4 other straws are up right now so he will find several of his own kind in there.

Sparky had only been in the 29 gallon with the other straws so this is a big move for him since it's a new tank and new crabs that he hasn't met. The first thing he did was start checking out he shell shop and after 3 shell changes has settled on what I think is one of my other straw's original shell.

We spent a little time before he moved and I got some new ID pictures. One interesting thing was that when I let most crabs loose on the table they run away, but when I let go of Sparky he walked toward me.

Here he is in the last shell decision, but last time I looked he was looking at shells again. He only had about 15 shells in the 29, so there was plenty of choice, but apparently the prime shells are in the 90.

Author: cjmiller [ Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I still love this story. Not that he was hurt or had to go through this but how far he came in such a relatively short time. You did such an amazing job!!!!
Author: SoulLonely [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 8:58 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
So cute about all the shell changes Glad to hear he is doing good so far!
Author: wodesorel [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 4:00 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
I can't get over how much smaller he looks! If we saw him for the first time we would just think that he was always a small crab. He looks perfect.
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
wodesorel wrote:
I can't get over how much smaller he looks! If we saw him for the first time we would just think that he was always a small crab. He looks perfect.

His left legs are still a bit larger than the new ones on the right. Yep, the shell he is wearing in the second picture is the natural shell that my small (now medium) straw came in. That shell was on the substrate this morning and Sparky is no where to be found. Of course, half the crabs that are up are no where to be found during the day, so he's probably fine, but I'll worry anyway. I just wish I knew what shell he switched into so I know what to look for in there.
Author: Ambria [ Sun Oct 14, 2012 12:32 am ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
Oh wow!!! I am completely amazed by his recovery. I read every single post up until now (and there were a lot), but I couldn't stop reading!!! I just had to know every update and the outcome. He is gorgeous and such a strong lil guy. I love the fact that instead of running away from you, he went toward you. It just demonstrates the trust he has in you. He knows you were there for him the whole time helping him. It brought tears to my eyes when I read that part. Great job taking care of him. I'm so happy for you and him!!!!
Author: CrabbyMom33 [ Mon Oct 15, 2012 8:39 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
wodesorel wrote:
It is terrifying putting them back in, but then you'll see him hanging out with his buddies and doing normal crab things and it'll make you so proud of him! (And you should be proud of yourself, too! You did so much for him. )

You were right, Wode! It's been 3 days and every night I worry and check all over with a flashlight. Each day Sparky is venturing out further and I'm silently cheering him on. I did have to rescue him from a battle with Gemini, my obnoxious E, but all it took was me walking to the tank with a flashlight and saying her name and she ran. A while later Sparky had climbed up to one of the upper moss pits (first time I've seen him on an upper level) and was hanging out with Ember, my large female straw who is likely the one who ran across him and did the initial damage.

Sparky (on the left) and Ember

Author: SoulLonely [ Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: Re: Mangled Strawberry
CrabbyMom33 wrote:
I did have to rescue him from a battle with Gemini, my obnoxious E, but all it took was me walking to the tank with a flashlight and saying her name and she ran.

So funny!

Glad to hear Sparky is doing just fine!

Re: Mangled Straw

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:25 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Just a note, for those of you who were here for the initial Sparky posts you will notice the format is a bit different. The post got identically removed and is recovered with all the posts in 2 threads, but all the data and pictures are there.

Re: Mangled Straw

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:33 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Sparky has molted again and now appears to have all limbs that are about the same size, although he is not as big overall as he was prior to the attack. This is his third molt since the damage. He was down for 3 months this time and I was really starting to worry.

Here's a summary of Sparky's molts:
- 7/8/2012 to 7/15/2012 (surface molt post damage under cocohut)
- 8/13/2012 to 9/25/2012
- Late October 2012 to 1/23/2013

The glass where he was hanging out is on the side where I can't reach to clean it, so some of the pictures aren't great. Sparky is the one in the polished white turbo. In the second picture is Ember in the forground and Flicker, two of my other straws.

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:42 am
by Careyenz
Go sparky!! He looks gorgeous! So glad to see him come full circle!!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:17 pm
by Theodora
woohoo! good for you sparky! soooooo cute!

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:05 pm
by Bman006
I know this is old but......very inspirational and is a must read for new members and crabbies alike! Crabbymom, let me say one are crabbin AWESOME and have a huge heart. All I can say is wow.

P.S. I also learned a lot just by reading this post. Very informative!

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:49 pm
by hermilove
This was a truly inspiring story! :') I read through every single post and I couldn't stop. I have to say is CrabbyMom you are an AMAZING Crab mom! :D And I truly hope the best for you and Sparky :)

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:08 pm
by Marion705
This was the first story I read and just had to read the entire thread. I needed to know how Sparky made out and was really happy to see he survived and came back as good as new.

Way to go Sparky, and CrabbyMom33, you have a huge heart and unlimited patience. WOW!

I love how there were so many photos posted with the story, showing every step of the progress, and the wonderful details of the care and food each day. It's very inspiring to say the least.

In time the story may become old but I hope it will be available for reference and never removed. It's inspirational and educational, full of useful information. If ever I have a hermit crab of my own I would want to revisit this thread for the teaching factor it provides.

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:30 pm
by Danceratheart79
I agree u are an inspirational crabbie mommy!!! My sister had her little spongebob in a similar situation & I did a google search awhile ago & found ur posts. Thanks to ur info I think she was able to make his last few weeks as comfortable as possible. I'm so sad that we lost him, my sis tried so hard to save him. He also ate off a q-tip & that seemed to help. Anyways I wasn't a member back then so I just wanted to say thanks & sparks looks great! I'm so happy he made it!!!

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 5:35 pm
by CrabbyMom33
Thanks for all the positive comments! Sparky is the one who did most of the work; I just gave him the opportunity. :) It was a lot of extra work, but I learned so much through the process. Sparky is still doing great!

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:01 pm
by Skymall007
I loved reading this story =) I am so glad Sparky is doing well. You are an amazing pair! Sparky looks fantastic and this thread really gives me hope. Thank you for documenting everything so well :crabbigsmile:

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:05 pm
by Mattygun
My daughter and I are new to crab keeping. Just joined the HCA site tonight. We have 4 PP's (one is a Jumbo) and an E in a 20 gal. We hope to learn more and more as we enjoy the critters. Eventually we want to fet a bugger tank and keep exotics like strawberries. At any rate, read this whole marvelous! I learned so much. Big Sparky fan! Lovely work with him! Thanks for sharing!

Re: Mangled Strawberry

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 6:44 am
by KrabovyKral
Wow- yay for Sparky and three cheers for CrabbyMom!