How long is thier memory?

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How long is thier memory?

Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:53 pm

What if I were to tell you I am a product of both an NDE and have memories of past lives?
I would say that I probably tapped into the super-consciousness before I typed that oh-so-appropriate response and already knew that. HAHA. I can totally see how genetic memory may relate to NDE.
And that I believe much of it resides outside of the brain? Can consciousness extend beyond the physical and embrace a reality far deeper than current science will yet admit?
I feel like more evidence is gathered to support that all the time. It's one of my favorite ideas. Another interesting idea is the question of where will power comes from? That choice we can make to reprogram our brains should we wish to. That's another question for the ages.

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:03 pm

It is interesting what people associate with science these days....

Thisgs such as NDE, past lives, all truth, are not science. It is not that science will not admit to their existance, in fact, there are many people investigating the cause of these phenomenon. But they are not being treated as something that is as it seems, for science, these things do not exist as something found in true science, simply because you cannot empiracally study them. So it is placed in the realm of psuedoscience, odd things that happen yet to be explained scientifically or empirically.

my 2 cents:

Past lives are most commonly seen under hypnosis. Hypnosis is not something that brings one in touch with their subconcious, instead, it is just a highly suggestible state. Things also known about in this area are "recovered memories," which have actually been shown to be implanted memories, something suggested to the individual by either the therapist or the hypotherapist.

As for NDE, it is somethign that happens when the body goes into a particular state of shock, trauma, etc.... Several scientists in canada have been able to reproduce similar "hallucinations" by placing a large electromagnet near the temporal lobes.

I dont mind if people believe in things like this, what bothers me is when they are called science, when in fact they are matters of faith.

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:11 pm

I wondered if we might have a psychologist on the boards who might jump in, or may be I was just tapping into the super-consciousness agian. HAHA.
We, as humans, do not use only 3% of our brains, this is horribly inneffeciant, and is simply false information.
Would this be an accurate percentage for the portion of our conscious brain we use, is this where the statistic comes from?
Things such as the unconscious are actually very outdated constructs put forth by sigmund freud. Truthfully, things are usually labled as an unconscious process, which is actually what is taking place throughout most of your brain. As your frontal lobe is pretty much the center of active thought and "conscious processes."
I have always taken Freud with a grain of salt, but to me it seems the unconscious mind must be about more than just biological functions, take dreaming as an example. What is your explanation of that? You feel it's totally random?

I know there are different kinds of psychology, and fruedian is just one them along with behavioral ect, that I can see you don't agree with, however I'm not sure that that makes it outdated???

But then again, as I've already stated I'm not in college.

The older I get the more I feel convinced that there are no coincidences, and just in this post I've somehow tapped into several of them.

This has been debated by people much smarter than I am, and I'm sure the three of us can't figure it all out tonight.
Last edited by Guest on Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
