How long is thier memory?

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How long is thier memory?

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:20 am

Yes, and Candace is well-studied, having been a student/researcher at Johns Hopkins as well as an employee at the NIH. Definitely another point of view with merit. (If you are at all interested in the "politics" of women in science, she writes from this angle, but beyond this, her scientific take is enlightening, including a short discussion of cancers' affect by inhibiting biophotons, light emissions from cells.) Just another point of view. So many out there.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:20 am

If I may poke in here, I saw a documentary of The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene for home schooling. Interesting stuff. The idea of other realities is very interesting.
It was just what Einstein was trying to hit upon, the unifier so to speak, I so LOVE Einstein! may be I'll name a crab after him.......

Topic author

Post by Guest » Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:25 am

Yes, Lakota, the Elegant Universe, was just discussing this with another crabber about a week ago (can still find info on this if you search NOVA online - alot on String Theory. Also, I believe my Dad has this on video still if any of you would like to borrow.). Had a couple of special speakers come to my workplace a couple of years ago to speak on this in depth. Interesting.

Crabber - cute name for future crabbie. :lol:
