2 new PPs + question

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2 new PPs + question

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 09, 2006 2:41 pm

I just bought 2 new small PPs. that makes a total of 4 crabs for me now. Ive only named 1 so far and it took me a week! I also got a wood climby thingy that they went insane over. I finally bought some salt mix. the 2 new ones explored for a few minutes and then one found a nice shady spot and hunkered down. I also purchased 5 new natural shells. the other has changed out of its tiny shell and into a new perfect fit.

The only thing I was wondering is why my indo has been lethargic ever since i got him. he dug down for the first week and then came up and has been lethargic ever since. crabitat conditions are good....PMS possibly?
here's a template:

1. Substrate used? play sand

2. Humidity % level in crabitat? 74

3. Temperature of substrate in crabitat? warm....no measurement taken

4. Temperature of crabitat? 77-80

5. Location of gauges? therm- 3 inches above substrate, humidity- 2 inches

6. What is your heat source? lamp, dampened by cardboard on lid to provide shady part, UTH mid tank.

7. Types of water available? Fresh dechlorinated water, Fresh salt dechlor water.
8. Dechlorinator used? purified water safe

9. What do you feed? grapes, apple, crab pellets, watermelon, honey nut cheerios.

10. How long have you had the crab in question? first 2 ive had almost 2 weeks (indo and PP), 2 new ones today (PPs)
11. Do you know the species? 1 indo i think, 3 PPs.

12. Do you bath them? no.

13. What type of housing are they in? 10 gallon tank

14. What size is your tank? see above.

15. How many crabs are in the tank? What size are they? 4 total, havent measured exact....largest is half dollar w/shell, 2 are tad larger than a quarter w/ shell, one is little smaller than half dollar with shell. sorry for the cruddy estimates....ill measure them later if i feel like it.

16. How deep is the substrate? 5 inches at deepest, slopes to 3 or 4 inches.

17. If you take your hermies out daily to exercise, do you mist their gill area first? I dont really take them out daily... wouldnt know where to mist if I did.

18. Has there been any cleaners, paints, perfumes, air fresheners, candles, or smoking near the crabitat? No.

19. How often do you clean/sterilize and how? Im thinking ill clean every 3 weeks? let me know what you think.

20. Any unusual odors? No.

21. Do you use sponges? Are they rinsed daily with dechlor water? Are they exchanged every 2 days for a sterile one?

at 2.60 a pop I cant get new ones every 2 days, but otherwise I clean daily.

22. Do you feed fresh food? When do you remove it? I clean and put new food in the dish every night, remove it the next night. (I figure they are nocturnal so they will eat at night...hows my reasoning? tee hee)

23. Are your hands clean before handling? Sure are.

24. Has there been anything new added to your crabitat recently? grape vine climby thing from store, 5 new shells cleaned before added.

Thanks for your input guys! (and gals)

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Post by annopia » Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:19 pm

hmmm...perhaps the indo is just more shy of a crab, or is really active at night when you can't see him? also, its usually better to get at least two of the same species if possible (I know this may sound odd since my signature says I only have 1 ruggie, but I just can't find one). but maybe you can't find another one?

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie

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Post by Guest » Fri Jun 09, 2006 3:48 pm

I think Indos are typically less active, I do not have one, but I have seen postings here regarding their activity level...could be just the way he is :P

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Post by HERMEZ » Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:21 pm

Indo's do NOTHING! You might see them at night but the generally do NOTHING...LOLOLO
if your not sure what species get a pic and we can tell you

Also you might need to raise your humidity to 78% better for the possible Indo

can also be PPS/PMS

also the sponges they said sterilized not a new one LOL you can rinse in dechlor and nuke when bone dry for 3 min in the micro...you can get them cheaper in mom and pop stores or go to the paint dept and make sure they are NATURAL sponges and not treated they are cheaper yet!!

looks good so far...(template)
CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by Guest » Sat Jun 10, 2006 11:46 am

Well thanks LOL for the LOL help LOLOLO......
