New white Rug - pics

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Post by Mormegil » Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:08 pm

Yeah, I meant to Iso for about a week and a half. But since the humidity went up, I didn't see the humidity as a problem.

I only have 3 other crabs, and 2 of them are dug down, and the 3rd one only comes up for about an hour or 2 max at 6 in the morning. Not much competition.

Oh well.

Good luck with Pearl. I'm sure s/he'll be fine.

Posts: 419
Joined: Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:41 pm
Location: Washington State

Post by starmaiden » Tue Jun 20, 2006 11:35 pm

Oh wow! She's coming out for you? The only one of my new ruggies I ever see on a regular basis is Pronto Tonga. Fiji was coming out, but I haven't seen him/her for about 4 days now. I've been struggling to keep my humidity stable in my 10 gallon tat. It's been fluctuating between 70% and 90%. It will drop to 70% and I'll mist the tank, then it will skyrocket to 90%.

I guess they're all fine. No fishy death smell. I know now from my other crabs to just be patient during this destressing time and let them stay buried. <sigh> Just put on my pacing shoes and wait for them to resurface. [smilie=worry.gif]

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:45 pm

Thanks! Yes, the first time I tried this method I couldn't control the humidity levels and since it was at 75-80 all the time anyway I put the little Rug in mt main tank after a week (that was Pluto who I haven't see since). I used to ISO for a month.....but I quit doing it. It was no fun to take care of several tanks for a whole month, and crabs don't get a lot of diseases. [smilie=thanku.gif]

Topic author

Post by Guest » Wed Jun 21, 2006 9:01 pm

You've got lots of sympathy from me! I really want to put Crouton in my hand and have him out walking to admire - he's the tiniest crab, but oh, so shy! Gumbo is the first E in my household, so I want to see him rearranging the tat every night. Quiche is beautiful red and purple colors, but they really need to adjust and acclimate after I changed everything in their world! I'm trying to be patient, but they are new babies, after all! All's quiet in their tat so far, but I'm sure they'll be social soon!

I know just how you feel!
