New to crabs!

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New to crabs!

Post by Guest » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:05 pm

Hi all!
I just purchased 4 crabs from another tenant that was "Tired of them". I've been asking my fiance for months if we could have some and I guess it was just time to get them! I have four, One is HUGE and the other 3 are smaller. I have re-done a tank from them by searching these sites, and am wondering if there is anything else I need. They were on just straight fish gravel with 2 coconut shells [smilie=cry.gif] so they were not very happy! I got some "Bed a beast" for them for now but we are going to be picking up sand to put in there when I clean it again! They are having a blast digging in it! I also gave them a saltwater dish along with a fresh and i think they all drank almost the whole dish last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They were also bathing in it and having tons of fun. I took out the crappy painted shells and put in some that I found at Micheal's (Plain, Boiled them) but so far they haven't switched. I need to find some larger shells for tank (The big guy) but I don't think even petsmart has them big enough! I also got them a chola stick (It is colored, I boiled it and could not get the paint off at all, but will watch for it) for climbing and some rocks. They are having a blast and when I wake up in the morning they have already messed everything up haha. They are in a 10 gallon (Were in a 20 high, But it was stinky and didn't want to re-use it) so it is starting to look very packed. I put a humidity gage in there, along with thermometer and coconut backing. I have a few questions though!

#1 the humidity keeps going way up to around 90 and fogging everything up, Should I have my fiance cut some holes in the tank lid? (We purchased a glass top, But it has plastic in the back)

#2 What can I use for lighting? They get indirect natural light, But i have read something about moon lights or something that I could use? Are these ok for use at night?

#3 We checked out a reptile store yesterday, and they had a type of aquarium, they were longer/wider but not as tall with built in screen tops, Would these work for hermies if I covered the screen some??? I am trying to figure out a better larger home for them eventually!

#4 is there a better choice for water/food bowls besides the god awful florescent ones???? They look horrid!

#5 I know hermies like a lot of different foods, But i was wondering if I piece of cat or dog kibble (Innova, California natural/solid gold are the things that I feed mine, all natural) would hurt them at all? I figured it would be a variety!

#6 how much calcium do they need and how do I give it?

Well that's all for now! Thanks! Roshelle

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Post by Guest » Sun Jul 02, 2006 8:55 pm

My humidiy keeps going up too. Sometimes over night, it will be up to 100%. I just keep the lid open every once in a while.

I read that they hate light, so natural light would be ok.

I got my water bowls from the reptile part of the store, and they are natural colors. They are for Iguanas.

They like any kind of food, dog kibble should be good. Mine like crackers and cereal. I think you just should not give them dairy food.

I don't know about calcium but i think there is enough in the store bought food.

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Post by Guest » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:00 pm

welcome to advised that hermies are very that i have done the obligatory warning, i will try to answer some of your questions...

in regards to the "stinky" 20 can wash it out with vinegar, rinse thoroughly and sun dry to get it ready for reuse....

yes you want to provide air circulation and bring the humidity down somewhat...the high humidity typically is not an issue for the is the mold growth that occurs with consistently high humidity that is the bigger around with opening up the back (larger..smaller...etc) until you get the humidity stable in an acceptable is a good idea to "open" up the top of the crabitat daily to allow fresh air careful not to allow any areas where the hermies can climb out...they can climb to the top using just the sealant in the corners of the habitat, so be aware...

those "reptile" habitats with the fitted screen top are a great choice...then you cover it with glass/plexiglass to maintain humidity...

calcium can be provided by using bird cuttlebone...i just put large pieces in my crabitat and let them help themselves...egg shells are another choice...sand dollars are a favorite with my hermies....

again welcome and good luck

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Post by annopia » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:07 pm


I would look at the ingredients in the dog food to make sure it doesn't have salt or any other preservatives that could be harmful to hermies. I don't feed my hermies cat or dog food (even though I have both) because some of the ingredients sounded sketchy, and I can already give them a wide variety of fruit, veggies, meats, and grains that I know for sure are safe.

i too have trouble finding shells for my large PP Big 'un, you might need to order online from somewhere like naples sea shell company.

also, for calcium you can use crushed oyster shells or calci sand.

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie

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Post by Guest » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:10 pm

#1 the humidity keeps going way up to around 90 and fogging everything up, Should I have my fiance cut some holes in the tank lid? (We purchased a glass top, But it has plastic in the back)

Mine went up overnight to 97% as well. What I did was, take my lid off completely. It finally stabilized to a 75-85. Even without the lid, the humidity in my tank sometimes reaches 90. That's when I start fanning my tank to keep the humidity down. ^^; For you, I suggest making some holes in the lid. If it still remains high, try taking the lid off for a while to let the humidity lower. O_o; If you think crabs might escape though, use a screen lid instead.

#2 What can I use for lighting? They get indirect natural light, But i have read something about moon lights or something that I could use? Are these ok for use at night?

I use a lamp sometimes but they mostly shrink away from the light for me. But light is still good. :)

#3 We checked out a reptile store yesterday, and they had a type of aquarium, they were longer/wider but not as tall with built in screen tops, Would these work for hermies if I covered the screen some??? I am trying to figure out a better larger home for them eventually!

Yes, those would work. :) as long as it isnt one of those tiny Kritter Keepers. It doesn't allow for much room.

#4 is there a better choice for water/food bowls besides the god awful florescent ones???? They look horrid!

Lots of people use tupperware, dishes, whatever they can find really. :) So...yes! There are plenty of choices. ^^

#5 I know hermies like a lot of different foods, But i was wondering if I piece of cat or dog kibble (Innova, California natural/solid gold are the things that I feed mine, all natural) would hurt them at all? I figured it would be a variety!

That should be fine. Mine eats all sorts of fruits, bloodworms, dried shrimp, dried fruits, eggs, and veggies.

#6 how much calcium do they need and how do I give it?

You can provide some calcium for them in the form of egg shells and cuttle fish bone. You can find the cuttlefish bone in the bird isle. I also provide CalciSand.

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Post by Ryanstein » Sun Jul 02, 2006 9:15 pm

Welcome to HCA!

Hope you are enjoying yourself!

In regards to the water/feeding dishes, I know that these are good. They are for small reptiles. You might consider getting a large one, then putting pebbles/aquarium gravel in it to prevent the smaller guys from drowning. ... hes_i.html (for water) ... hes_i.html (for food)

As for food, Epicurian Hermit run by Julis crab is great for food suggestions! Your crabs I'm sure will love some of these things!

As for the dog food, I'm not sure. That's a new one for me. I'm not sure weather it is good for our little friends or not!

Read this: ... 5&Itemid=9

Very interesting update in the feeding department fo dairy foods for LHC's by Julia Crab.

PM or post for more help!

Ryan :D
