My 2 Micro PPs!

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My 2 Micro PPs!

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:00 pm

i have had 2 eensy weensy PPs for about a week now and i have now officially witnessed hermie personalities. Blinkie is the one in the natural shell and has proven to be the most active and has dealed the best with post purchase stress..( i dont abrieviate that...PPS and PPs are too similar..of course i think that PPs should be CHCs for caribbean hermit crabs just to stop confusion..but thats just me...and i doubt a lot of people will listen to a Rookie crabber who is 14..i can actually say that i am 14 now..yay!) Cucomber, or Lil' Miss Cucomber (i have this feeling that its a girl..not that the shell is pink she just has a feminine quality to ever...) comes out some times but not as often. can be found mostly under my hollowed out half-log, destressing. i have refrained from playing with them but Blinkie seems to already like me a bit..

they are not eating..i think..i feed them t-rex flower and fruit powder-ish food and they walk through it to get to the water dish. i put out a slice of mango left over from my b-day party and they ignored this a part of PPS or am i doing something wrong? Help!!

RawR. i WilL coNqUeR thE cRABbies..dont ask....

(i did not add my signature because i am not sure if its up to date or avatar should be a picture of my crabs..they are in the shells..that was the first day i got them)

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Post by annopia » Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:50 pm

they are tiny! i wouldn't worry about not seeing them eat, they are probably doing so at night and its just impossible to tell because their bites are so small.

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie
