First Crabs! Big surprise - Little did I know :)

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First Crabs! Big surprise - Little did I know :)

Post by Guest » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:24 pm

Well, let's just say I was not prepared for hermits like I thought.

I went to the shore with my family and fell in love with a few hermit crabs (my son HAD to have one, too). First night there I bought a tiny tank and 2 little guys. The 4th day, before we left I came across a HUGE jumbo I had to have. So I bought the large screened tank, another tiny hermie, and the jumbo crab thinking "how hard could 4 little hermit crabs be to take care of?" ... little did I know. So I took my new pets and went home.

Well, when I got home I was in for a surprise... the large $2 shell I bought for "Big Papa" to move into if he wanted had ANOTHER jumbo crab in it. He was pulled into it so far that you could only see the tip of his claw if you looked really far in... so our hermie family became 5, 1 tiny (Sparks), 2 mediums (flame and fiona) and 2 jumbos (Surprise and Big Papa).

Well, being the crazy person I am (a slight perfectionist) I started to read everything online (including this site and others) about how to take care of hermits right. I had NO idea how far off from reality I was in taking care of them. In the screened cage I had for them they would have died a slow painful death and broke my heart.

I immediately went to the pet store and bought a 10g tank, sand, coconut fiber blocks, wood to make a cave (jumbos were too big for the little caves the pet store sold), water dish, water conditioners, salt water stuff, food dish, wood to climb on, gauges and a couple books on hermits.

After getting the tank setup at home I realized "this is NOT going to work with 2 jumbos", so I went back out and tried to find something bigger. I was going to put them in 2 different tanks (2 10g, 1 for jumbos, 1 for the small one) but I thought they may like to be all together, and one tank is easier to take care of than 2. I looked into the 20 long, but it was smaller in square inches than the exo-terra 18x18x18, and the 30 long was only slightly bigger than the exo-terra and more money, so I got the exo-terra.

I also bought a bi-light with sun-glo and night-glo bulbs, lots of plants, cuddlebone, more wood to build with, and the exo-terra waterfall.

I built the tank the coconut fiber subtrate, a "tree" in the right corner, with a wood cave and a tree branch ladder to get to the second level (which is covered in the "trees" leaves and makes shade. The water fall is in the left corner with plants behind it so they can't get back there, and lots of cubbie holes and walking space, even for the jumbos. It looked great :)

Well, Right before I got the tank finished and set up, "surprise" burried himself and so did fiona. So i moved the 3 others to their new home. A few days later surprise came up (from the looks of things he just destressed) and I waited a bit and moved him into the new tank. He seemed to immediately like it. He ate, drank, climbed, and then went to sleep on the second floor in the tree. I still am waiting on Fiona in the old tank, she looks to be molting though, I can see her on the bottom of the tank. I hope she is ok.

So far the temp and humidity are a nice constant 80/80, and I think, since the are climbing all around at night and each has a little cubbie they like to sleep in, the hermies seem to like it. Been giving them lots of "salad" stuff and fruit, and bits of dried shrimp, which they seem to really like.

I am new to all this, only been over a week, but I hope I can do right by my little guys. Had I known before hand what was entailed in hermit crabs I probably would not have bought them, but now that I have I will make every effort to make them a nice life. To tell the truth I am glad I had no idea how hard they would be, because I would have not had the chance to own these adorable like crabs.

Well, that's my LONG and not so exciting story of my new family. If you got this far, thanks for reading. And thank you all for the wonderful help these boards have provided me in my first week as a new hermommy :)

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Post by Guest » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:32 pm

Hi Jinxz!

Welcome to the HCA! It sounds like you have made a great setup! I'd love to see pics of it if you are able. The tree sounds very interesting!!

Funny how quickly you become attached to these little guys isn't it? :) The work is worth it when you realize how much you begin to sit and watch them and realize that you are smiling the entire time you are sitting there, just waiting to see what they are going to do next. :lol:

Congrats and welcome again!

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Post by Guest » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:32 pm

Hi and Welcome.

Looks like you are off to a good start. :)

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Post by annopia » Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:36 pm

welcome to the HCA! It sounds like you have done well by your little family. i liked the story of how you got Surprise, so funny! If you have any specific questions, just ask.

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Post by Guest » Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:47 pm

Welcome to the HCA! I'm glad those adorable crabs made their way into the home of someone who would take great care of them.

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Post by Guest » Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:02 am

Hi jinx, that sounds like a wonderful crabitat that you have. I am a new crab owner too and glad for these boards. There is alot I didn't know about taking care of the little guys. Your crabs sound so cute.

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Post by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs » Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:54 am

Excellent job on educating yourself on these fascinating creatures. :D
Last edited by Hermit_of_Hermit_Crabs on Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by starmaiden » Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:30 am

Hi and Welcome to the HCA!

I'm so glad your crabs have got such a conscientious owner! Sounds like you are off to a great start and are doing a great job! Jumbos fascinate me! I would love for all my Purple Pincher crabs to live long enough to become jumbos! Crabs that size are 15-25 years old!

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Post by HERMEZ » Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:15 am


are you sure your not related to me :lol: sounds like how I started (almost) and you will be a full fledged addict in no time :P

Post pics :P
CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by Guest » Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:20 am

Awesome! I'd love to see pics!!

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Post by Guest » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:37 am

congratulations on your new additions and welcome to the HCA! We're all here if you need anything. .... and we patiently await your pictures. :D

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Post by Guest » Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:40 am

Thanks for all the warm welcomes! :)

I will try to post a few pics today if I can.

As of right now Surprise has disappeared again :( Kind of worried about him, but I will wait a while before I worry too much. Little flame burried himself for a couple days, too, and just came up this morning. Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves though.... Big Papa spent a few hours yesterday sitting in the waterfall splashing water on himself :P

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Post by Guest » Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:53 pm

Congrats on the new crabs and welcome to the HCA! Those crabs must be enjoying the new tank!

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Post by annopia » Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:13 am

ah, don't worry that they've buried themselves. they're just destressing from everything thats happened recently, especially Surprise, because who knows how long he was without food or water?

26 LHC: 6 PPs, 5 Es, 1 Straw, 6 Ruggies, 2 Indos, 1 Blueberry, 4 Violas, 1 Aussie
