wow my star fish is gone

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wow my star fish is gone

Post by Guest » Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:12 am

i put a star fish in my tank ,i bought it from a craft store for decoration and this morning it was chewed up :shock: is that safe or should i take the rest out :?: it looks like they had a party and didn't invite me :wink:

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Post by annopia » Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:47 am

has the star fish been died or bleached? if so, its not safe for the crabs to eat. even if it isn't, I would take it out and boil it before putting it back in the tank.

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Post by Guest » Thu Jul 20, 2006 7:26 pm

whoa... that's kinda funny... but then again, as Caroline said, if it is bleached, it is bad for the crabs to eat...

Little word of advise... don't put anything that has been treated with chemicals into your crabitat.

Including sand-dollars that have been bleached... i know people say sand-dollars are good for hermit crabs to eat, but people don't know a lot of them are bleached, and can kill your crabbies.

What i personally do, is i use Cuddle-Bone (that birds eat) and i crush it, and sprinkle it on there food.
