Isolate Molting crab?

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Isolate Molting crab?

Post by tonycoenobita » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:10 am

I would like to ask if your crabs molt, do you isolate him/her if you have more than 2-3 crabs in a tank..I saw many crabs lover keep many crabs in one tank.

How you deal with the crab moling??


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Re: Isolate Molting crab?

Post by kuza » Sat Apr 28, 2012 10:38 am

Mine molt in the same tank as everyone else. I have a 29 gallon and 6 crabs. I have 3 down molting now, and 3 up, 2 of them just molted a few weeks ago. I think most people only isolate a molting crab if it tries to surface molt, or if they dig it up by mistake.

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Re: Isolate Molting crab?

Post by CrabbyIrene » Sat Apr 28, 2012 12:15 pm

I let mine molt in the main tank and I will only iso if there is a problem such as another crab dug them up. Though that has become less of an issue with switching to a 75gal from a 20long :)
I choose to not iso because, honestly, I'm too busy to try and keep track of them. I have mostly little guys and they molt so frequently that if I had to iso for molts I think I would go crazy!
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Re: Isolate Molting crab?

Post by emberfusion » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:14 pm

Mine stay in the main tank.
I've never had an issue arise before, but I think the only time I would ISO is if something went wrong (surface molt, dug up molter, etc.).

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Re: Isolate Molting crab?

Post by wodesorel » Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:46 pm

I will remove any that choose to molt in one small section as I've had several crabs attacked while molting in that spot. Everywhere else in the tank is safe for them, just not that 10x10 inch square. (Why? I have no idea. :roll: ) Otherwise I let them be unless I collapse a cave or find one disturbed when I'm in there doing daily chores.
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