minor breakthrough

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Re: minor breakthrough

Post by kuza » Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:34 am

It's fun when they gets used to you :)

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Re: minor breakthrough

Post by blitz » Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:53 am

Awesome! My guys still seem convinced that I am a possible monster! Except for Cookie, my largest PP. I've had my tiny colony (5 PPs) for about 2 months now... I'm assuming it's normal for them to take some time to de-stress and get used to everything, right? I am sure that I've had a least 1 molt (Scrabbles, who made a window in the glass) and I'm pretty sure Oolie molted as well since he was buried for a while and I could see bits of exo in the sand where he had dug in. And I think Bitsy molted as well because she went MIA for a while, just saw her yesterday and she is MUCH bigger than she was!!!! AND she changed shells shortly after coming back up!

Sorry to ramble on there!!
*7 PPs: Curly, Bonkers, Plucky, Pippin, Uppity, Oolie, and Scooter
*4 female guinea pigs: Pickles, Tinker, Puddin, Pumpkin
*1 cat: Toot (Toot is a one-eyed, rescue cat)
*1 horse: Blitz (17h sorrel quarter horse/thoroughbred gelding)
*1 Bearded Dragon: Boogie (female, adorable)
