AHHHH! Shell Fight!!! help

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AHHHH! Shell Fight!!! help

Post by ceo1282 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:29 pm

I witnessed my first shell fight :shock: I've run into many snags in trying to move & do my re-setup of the pp's 29gal tank, so they are still in the 10gal iso tank...3 in one & 4 in the other :oops: It's bad, I know. Luckily I am GOING to complete their home tomorrow. I've never had any trouble & I think the fight was due to the current conditions :( As I walked in to "say goodnite" I saw Jewel & Midge in a big pincher lock, Midge naked & Jewel holding her in the air while sizing up poor little Midge's shell. If only I could've rationalized w/Jewel..."Jewel, hon, you barely fit in the shell you're in & the shell you took Midge out of is even smaller. So do you think this is a good choice?" :toothy10: Thankfully my daughter was by my side & able to help...I had her grab 2 containers & the distilled water for me. Once I had both set up I took Jewel out (as soon as I reached in, their pinchers unhooked), took Midge's shell from her, set her in one container w/2 other shells, scooped up Midge, put her in a container w/her shell & watched them. Midge jumped back into her shell in less than 3 seconds. Jewel sized up the shells I gave her & finally chose a striped turbo that's a bit big for her but a beautiful shell. I put Midge into the other tank & had to move someone from that tank over or it would've been 5-2! But who to pick :smt102 I decided to put who I think is Paco in the tank w/Jewel. He's in a really thick tapestry shell (I know that won't stop a shell fight) & i'll be checking on the situation throughout the night. Like I said, they'll be back in their usual home tomorrow but is there ANYTHING I can or should do to keep the peace for tonight? I'm maxed out on extra tanks (even a kk is currently being used!) & I can't really split up a 10gal...I guess I could just for the night, I don't know :smt017 I'm so frustrated w/all that has gotten me to this point & the night before our return to normal they go bonkers on me :smt013 Jewel doesn't know it yet but she's grounded :wink:
Yes, I own hermit crabs. Am I crazy? Yes, but not because I own hermit crabs :p

E's:*Spot*Valory &*Squiggles
Ruggies:*Luna,*Scarlet, &*Mack

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Re: AHHHH! Shell Fight!!! help

Post by wodesorel » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:51 am

It probably would have happened even if they were in their normal home. :) You did the right thing is separating them out for the night, and I'm sure Paco will be fine now that little miss Jewel found a new shell!
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Re: AHHHH! Shell Fight!!! help

Post by ceo1282 » Fri Aug 24, 2012 9:30 pm

All shell fighting has ceased but the 2 largest (1 male, 1 female) have been pushing each other around :smt064 It's just like having human kids :roll:
Their home is back up & running :banana: but I they're just huddled together on a cholla. My guess is the switching from place to place has been stressful so they're just hanging out & slowly getting use to it. They're eating & all so I'm not too worried. They tore up a couple superworms today but I found out I'm allergic to them :( Oh well, I have tons of other foods they love!
Yes, I own hermit crabs. Am I crazy? Yes, but not because I own hermit crabs :p

E's:*Spot*Valory &*Squiggles
Ruggies:*Luna,*Scarlet, &*Mack
