Strange crab hiding?

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Strange crab hiding?

Post by mward59 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:32 pm

Hello all!

I am new to the crabbing world but trying to get everything figured out. I was asked to take in a crab that my cousin didn't want anymore. It was in bad conditions and his partner died so I felt like I had to take him in. Well that is besides the point, but now I have this crab who is normally very active during the days. I came home a few hours ago and checked on the tank to make sure everyone is accounted for. I saw the others, and I see his antennae sticking out of the sand. What is he doing with them sticking out but his body completely buried?! I have one who is always buried a tiny bit but I can usually see half of the shell. It is so strange just seeing these 2 things sticking out of the sand!
5 PPs: Peanut, Ornal, Rowdy, Big Guy, JD. With a total of 6 successful molts!
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The Mad Crabber
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Re: Strange crab hiding?

Post by The Mad Crabber » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:40 pm

Oh my gosh thats so funny....Are you sure they are his feelers??? Are they moving?

I have never heard of that at all....Maybe he's acting like a submarine and spying on whats going on up on the surface, but is buried for cover :P because obviously crabs know what submarines are...
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Re: Strange crab hiding?

Post by mward59 » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:49 pm

They aren't moving, but I really do think they are his! I will have to check tomorrow to be sure, but it seems so strange! If it isn't him then maybe he went down for a molt? I hope so! His only molt in the last year was a surface molt due to his sand only being probably a cm deep.
5 PPs: Peanut, Ornal, Rowdy, Big Guy, JD. With a total of 6 successful molts!
1 English Bulldog: Winston.
10 gallon tank of freshwater fish: Convinced it is bad luck to name fish!

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The Mad Crabber
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Re: Strange crab hiding?

Post by The Mad Crabber » Thu Aug 30, 2012 10:19 pm

Aww poor kid :[ I would check...that seems really odd that he buried his entire self, but his feelers.
Momma of;
8 PP's; Monti, Moose, Herm, Lily, Lola, Rosie, Marcel, Myrtle
1 Kitty Cat
5 Bettas
7 Tropical fish
