Long time no see! 105 gallon questions

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Long time no see! 105 gallon questions

Post by beccaviolett » Sat Jan 03, 2015 10:14 am

Hi everyone, been a long time since I've been on here, my 105 gallon tank has been overrun with mites (the harmless ones; none on the crabs just in the tank) I have started a deep clean and was wondering how I should go about disinfecting cholla wood, and other wood climbing objects? TIA lovely people
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Re: Long time no see! 105 gallon questions

Post by YYWW » Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:26 pm

Harmless mites should only appear on the surface, and not bury much deeper than 1-3 inches. A complete redo of the sub shouldnt be necessary.
You can prob "deactivate" wood stuff by flushing with hot tap water and then baking it dry in an oven. I also like to line everything up in a trashbag, pouring in a gallon of SW, and then twisting it tight to give it a good SW soak, which helps combat mold.
Crabbers are also known to spot clean food remains more often until the mites population dwindles.
I have been wondering, a layer of vaseline around the rim of the tank has been used to stop ants, would that thwart mites as well?

Crabbers unite!!!
