Protein skimmer hanging on right side of salt water pool (view from front of crab tank)
(view from left side of tank showing ramp into water)
Hi all
I have been monitoring my crabs over the past 18 months and have made many changes along the way. I have made many mistakes but have learnt from them.
I have a book which I record everything in on a daily basis which has been very helpful. From the information I have collected I have been able to create a maintenance schedule that works well for me.
I have also recorded each crabs activity e.g. accessing the fresh or salt water pools, moulting, shell changes, and preferred times they like to swim and how long. (e.g. moe like to swim in the early hours of the morning)
My main aim is to create a setup which ensures I spent more time enjoying my crabs then stressing out with problems.
I hope the following information will help others and save them both time and money.
Due to my setup my crabs use their saltwater pool everyday and will spend many hours underwater. Most will be out within 12 hours.
Some of my crabs like to sleep while in their saltwater pool either on a shell/under the pool ramp or at the bottom of the pool.
Saltwater pools are great for a stressed out crabs who might have just came up from a moult (removes smell ) been attacked, eaten bad food or need a little bit a space away from the others.
Below is a list of items I use to resolve the main factors that depend on how long my crabs will use/stay in their saltwater pool
One of the most important things to remember is to ensure everything going into your saltwater pool is marine grade not tropical. (check yourself not trust sales staff as anything with a metal part will hurt your crabs e.g. pumps, filters etc)
1) water temperture eg crabs don't like cold water especially in the colder months (monitor water temp with thermometer suction capped to side wall)
I use a AQUEL Easyheater 50watt which is set at 25 deg (if water temp drops heater turns on until it reaches 25 deg at which time it will turn off again) This model will not burn your crabs, its thin and short so it doesn't take up much room and best of all its unbreakable.
2) conditions of water eg clean water, ph, nitrates and salt levels etc Marked water level ensures I know how much water in tank. Use a refractor to measure salt levels each week
I do weekly top ups of fresh water if needed to my saltwater pool, I test the saltwater weekly with API high range test kits (depending on results of test will add required product if needed e.g. buffer to raise ph. My ph level is maintained at 8.3)
I remove 9 litres every month from my saltwater pool when I do my major clean. I use the old water to clean equipment from the tank e.g. ceramic balls, protein skimmer etc
I measure and mix up 9 litres of Red Sea Salt in a bucket on day of use. i use a pump to mix the water and add a heater to ensure water is 25 deg before it is added to tank water
3) oxygen levels within the water eg micro bubbles produced by the protein skimmer and air stones
I use a AquaOne Nanoskim 90 Litre Protein Skimmer which hangs on the side of the salt water pool.Its fantastic at keeping the water clean and creating micro bubbles in the water .
I use ceramic balls within the protein skimmer as my media which ensures good bacteria is maintains within the salt water .
I have a long air stone along the bottom of the pool so my crabs can use to assist them in cleaning out their shells.
4) water depth ensure pool water is deep enough that largest crab is fully submerged (double height of largest crab when fully extended /stretched out)
28 cm deep pool ensures all crabs are happy (they seem to enjoy the water pressure and it give their gills a good workout)
5) substrate and items in pool eg crabs need something to hold onto while they remove the air from their shells before they can enjoy a swim.
My crabs like to explore/climb/move items while in their pool . I change the items in their pool each month so it makes the pool a fun area to explore
My substrate is Aragonite which is small enough that it doesn't get caught in their shells and the crabs enjoy walking/digging in it.
Aragonite also assist in maintaining a good ph level in your saltwater.
6) good access eg ensure your crabs can get in/out easily eg a safe place to explore
My ramp system is made out of garden kneeling mats (foam) plastic gutter guard, cable ties and a flat rock so its suitable for use in a marine use.
I have a shell/rock placed at the bottom of the ramp in the pool to aid the crabs getting air from their shells on the way into the pool. (most crabs remove the air as they walk down the ramp but sometimes air is still trapped when they step of the ramp and if they can't grab something quick they will float to the surface.
This can be very stressful for a crab. That is why I have added a weighted plastic plant. They can pull themselves down the plant and remove the remaining air from their shell.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information and hopefully this will assist you with your salt water pool
King regards,