Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

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Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by Bounceraff » Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:54 pm

Ok, so I got a new crabitat set up a couple days ago. It's a 30 gallon with 7 inches of sub (eco-earth and play sand mix). As I was mixing the sand and EE though, it gave off a smell similar to Copenhagen brand chew tobacco. Sort of a sweet, tart/tangy smell?? That's the only thing I can compare it to haha. I have the substrate at sandcastle consistency.

I set up two pools that are about 5-6 inches deep, one salt and one fresh (both with dechlorinated water). There is a moss pit and a make-do shell shop on top of the cork round until I get a shelf for it. There is a large Mopani wood structure that takes up the center space, I've got some fake vines and plants weaving throughout the crabitat.

My concern is here though: Wash, the only one of two crabs above ground (Waldo is still molting in my 10 gallon), doesn't seem to be exploring the tat or showing interest in anything since arriving in the new home. He isn't even showing interest in food?

I recently (4 days ago?) moved over from a town 2 hours away, it was a little bit of a bumpy ride so I can see how stress from the move could affect him, but he was still active in the 10 gallon after we got settled in, I could hear his shell tapping away on the glass as he dug and climbed around. A couple days ago, I got the 30 gallon set up to a balanced temp and humidity (83 temp and 80-90 humidity) Sometimes late at night the temp drops to 75 but I turn on a room heater and it goes back up fairly quickly. (going to be adding a second UTH for night time warmth.

I put Wash on the shell shop when it was ready mainly because it was the closest solid object. He took a little bit of an interest in the shells and shortly after changed into a different one and then back into the old sometime during the night. But, other than that activity, he hasn't done anything. He has just sat there in the same spot for two days. Today I checked on him and he still responds to being touched/picked up like he normally does (He hides for a second then claws and scrambles to try and break for it) I moved him to a few interest spots in the tank to sort of give him a tour of his home, I put him at the water's edge in the pools so he knew where the water was, I showed him his food dish so he knew where to get that, I showed him that his old cork log was there too but he didn't show much interest in any of it. Right now he's sitting tucked up against the Mopani wood, you can see him in the pictures.

He just sort of sits there, super still, out of his shell far enough that I can see the start of his abdomen and when he does move (like when I was showing him around) he moves really slowly.

Here's the pics of the tank:


I'm just worried, is there something in the tank that's bothering him? Did I not let the dechlorinator sit long enough in the water? Or is there possibly something wrong with the EE that I used? It's the same brand as the 10 gallon, but this one smelled different. Is Mopani wood safe? I'm worried about him because he's not normally like this, even before he molted a while ago.
Hermits: Waldo
R.I.P: Bruno, Washington

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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by CallaLily » Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:45 pm

He's probably just adjusting to the change. I would leave him be, keep conditions right and try not to bother him. :)

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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by Bounceraff » Sat Jun 13, 2015 11:53 pm

I don't think he is doing very well . . .

All day he has just sat, unmoving and limp half out of his shell, this really isn't like him, he's usually at least twitching his feelers a bit or brushing sand off the ends of his legs.

I was thinking I should move him back to the 10 gallon just incase??
Hermits: Waldo
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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by Bounceraff » Sun Jun 14, 2015 12:09 am

Quick update.

Moved Wash back to the 10 gallon and he seemed to liven up a bit more, his feelers are twitching and he made a quick trip to both water dishes and refueled. I put some fresh food in there with him and he seems to be more comfortable, he doesn't look all . . . . well . . . dying.

I think I'm going to leave him in the 10 for now and redo the 30 gallon. Something is way off in there and I have no idea what it is. I don't trust the EE because of that smell, but I also don't think the water was quite right for some reason.

Anyone else have problems with weird smelling EE, like not dirt smell, more . . . tangy/chemical/fragrant??
Hermits: Waldo
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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by CallaLily » Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:18 am

It always smells earthy to me.

When was Wash's last molt? What wasn't right with the water? How do the conditions in the old tank compare to the new one? Also, how did you clean the new tank before setting it up?

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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by Bounceraff » Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:10 pm

Wash's last molt was 7 weeks ago and, turns out it lasted about 7 weeks. Is that the turnover rate for most molts? same time on as off? I thought they spent more time above ground than they did molting (mostly).

As for the water, I was thinking I didn't do the dechlorinator right because he avoided it and when I put him back in the 10, he went straight for the water there (which was from a different source/supply) But at the same time, I'm not sure if he even knew the water was there on a count of him never leaving his initial spot

The conditions were mostly the same between the two tanks, same range of temp and humidity, a lot of the same decorations and hides pulled directly from the 10 gallon right before I moved him. I got a new "moon lite" bulb instead of a red one for night time use. The sub was different though.

The sub was a different mix of EE and play sand. I used more EE because Wash is always rubbing the sand off of himself. I got the same brand of EE that I used in the 10 gallon, Zoo Med Eco Earth, but this time it gave off that sickly sweet "chew tobacco" smell -- Definitely NOT Earthy -- that I had never noticed with the 10 gallon that just smelled like dirt. It made me a bit suspicious but I didn't really think anything of it until I put Wash in the tank and he stopped doing everything.

As far as cleaning goes, It was a store bought tank that I wiped down and rinsed out with fresh clean dechlorinated water, the sub was all mixed with fresh dechlorinated water and all of the decorations (except the one pulled straight from the 10 gallon) were boiled and rinsed in dechlorinated salt water to deter molding. (it's ocean salt too by the way, not table :P )

At this point, I've gone with the assumption of bad EE mix and began redoing the entire tank, I've taken all the decorations and re-boiled them and soaked them in salt water and even baked all the wood parts this time to make extra sure. Next I'm going to trash all the old sub and start that over with a new brick of EE that hopefully will smell like dirt?
Hermits: Waldo
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Re: Wash doesn't like the new crabitat? Is something WRONG?

Post by Bounceraff » Tue Jun 16, 2015 3:08 am

It saddens me to report that Wash moved on tonight. I went to check on him to see if he had eaten anything and I found him, un-moving, half out of his shell, two legs lying beside him on the ground. I gave him a gentle brush on the ends of his feelers to see if he was responsive at all and he did nothing. The tank has a slight smell to it, but I'll wait until morning for the definite stink of death.

I have no idea why this happened or what caused it . . . . . . I've lost a little one before, but this one hurts much more . . . . .
Hermits: Waldo
R.I.P: Bruno, Washington
