11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by singlemomwithcrab » Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:21 pm

Rawrgeous wrote:
singlemomwithcrab wrote:if you need shells i can donate for a good cause...food too...pm me if you decide to go for it and need supplies
Awh. That is so sweet of you! I honestly am not worried about the food stuff, I have a bunch in the freezer, and dried items too, but shells....that might be another story. I have a tiny bit of extra cash this week though, so I'm going to see what I can do.
Seriously...I just spent two hours organizing my stuff and guess what - way to many shells, flowers, cholla, decorations. If you need help, I would rather help a veteran crabber make a successful adoption.
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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Rawrgeous » Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:24 pm

Annnnd...I accidently offended her. Didn't exactly mean to... but before I had decided to take them I just assumed she was a new owner, and told her in my last email this website was a good guide while she was working on finding a rehome....she took that wrong. That I was saying she couldn't care for her crabs. -_- I apologized profusely and told her I am interested in taking them all. I'm going to be as nice and not mention anything but meeting up, and keep it as business as possible...don't want her to stop replying. I just realized the dollar per gallon starts tommorrow... I have lots of crab food. I have an extra unused bag of sand, as well as the hermitcrab patch substrate from an adoption. I have an extra small ultratherm...I'm going to order some shells as soon as I have confirmation from her, and I'm just going to make it work. I can't leave them to die, especially since it's obvious she's not aware she's doing them harm. :(

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Rawrgeous » Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:29 pm

singlemomwithcrab wrote:
Rawrgeous wrote:
singlemomwithcrab wrote:if you need shells i can donate for a good cause...food too...pm me if you decide to go for it and need supplies
Awh. That is so sweet of you! I honestly am not worried about the food stuff, I have a bunch in the freezer, and dried items too, but shells....that might be another story. I have a tiny bit of extra cash this week though, so I'm going to see what I can do.
Seriously...I just spent two hours organizing my stuff and guess what - way to many shells, flowers, cholla, decorations. If you need help, I would rather help a veteran crabber make a successful adoption.
Well, If you seriously don't mind, I definitely would not refuse the help. But, let me see where she's at...hoping I didn't scare her off. >_<

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by singlemomwithcrab » Sat Mar 26, 2016 5:34 pm

Rawrgeous wrote: Well, If you seriously don't mind, I definitely would not refuse the help. But, let me see where she's at...hoping I didn't scare her off. >_<
Seriously don't mind... just PM me and we can figure it out
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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Rawrgeous » Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:02 pm

Well...I just got told. Apparantly these crabs are for sale for 150 dollars, everything goes- no exceptions. I definitely can't swing that...I'm hoping she finds that nobody is willing to pay that price....I've made it clear I want the crabs only. :( I don't know what to say to her....I'm not a quitter but I don't think I'm changing this ladies mind....

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by MamaKelly » Sat Mar 26, 2016 6:13 pm

Rawrgeous wrote:Well...I just got told. Apparantly these crabs are for sale for 150 dollars, everything goes- no exceptions. I definitely can't swing that...I'm hoping she finds that nobody is willing to pay that price....I've made it clear I want the crabs only. :( I don't know what to say to her....I'm not a quitter but I don't think I'm changing this ladies mind....
Ouch, that seems awfully steep! I hope she changes her mind.

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Krusty Krab » Mon Mar 28, 2016 1:24 pm

150 for 11 crabs and a "tank" that you might not even use. That's pretty harsh. Good luck.

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by marandashermies » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:34 pm

maybe let her know that you could go down to a pet store and purchase 11 crabs for around $60 tops and that her $10 gallon can be purchased for $10 right now. Somehow saying that "nicely" might but things into perspective for her? That's just crazy! :crazy:
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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by wodesorel » Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:38 pm

Depends on where she shopped - 10 and a lid can cost as much as $40 not on sale, and I see hermits sell for between $4 and $10 each. Add up any extras and she's asking exactly what she paid.
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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Rawrgeous » Wed Mar 30, 2016 1:42 pm

I did try to, and I was intentionally very polite....I don't know. :/ in my last email I told her to let me know if she changes her mind...I understood wanting to get some of her money back, but realistically when you buy a pet, you know it's a money pit, and accept that. At least I do. They're part of the family, and another mouth to feed/ person/pet/whatever to purchase daily essentials for....but nobody will take those crabs for that price....it's a rare hobby here anyways. It's farm country. I just pray she changes her mind, or decides to keep them, and checks out the HCA. I just hope the best for them. If I had the money, I would have just purchased them...but I can't justify that expense for something I could buy new, for cheaper. Especially since I had to emergency travel this week due to my father having health issues and being sick myself and paying for medicine ... :/ I'm hoping for a peaceful rest of the week..... Life needs to keep its problems, or I might have to quit adulting. -_-

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by hprmom » Wed Mar 30, 2016 11:14 pm

Rawrgeous wrote:I'm hoping for a peaceful rest of the week..... Life needs to keep its problems, or I might have to quit adulting. -_-
Is that an option?! :)

I paid for my last adoption (four crabs), $50, but I needed the tank and it came with well over $50 worth of supplies, shells and decor, most of it pretty new. The two crabs before that came free. You're right about the money pit thing! And nobody should realistically expect to get the amount they paid new for things they've used (like a car driven off the lot!). In my area I'm seeing Craigslistings every few weeks, some asking $100+ for what they don't even realize is not much of a set-up, others asking $15-25 for a "rehoming fee" and still others free with all supplies (since my space is limited, I'm forcing myself to hold out). Back when I worked full time we used to say that if something was free, people were less committed, so I kind of see the $15-25 range as screening for someone who's serious. IMHO, a photo and/or description of your set-up should answer that question (I love Wode's story of someone going from asking $100+ to giving her everything and then some for free after she saw a picture of her set-up!). You've done everything a reasonable person could.

I hope you have a peaceful rest of the week, too!

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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Rawrgeous » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:09 pm

hprmom wrote:
Rawrgeous wrote:I'm hoping for a peaceful rest of the week..... Life needs to keep its problems, or I might have to quit adulting. -_-
Is that an option?! :)

I paid for my last adoption (four crabs), $50, but I needed the tank and it came with well over $50 worth of supplies, shells and decor, most of it pretty new. The two crabs before that came free. You're right about the money pit thing! And nobody should realistically expect to get the amount they paid new for things they've used (like a car driven off the lot!). In my area I'm seeing Craigslistings every few weeks, some asking $100+ for what they don't even realize is not much of a set-up, others asking $15-25 for a "rehoming fee" and still others free with all supplies (since my space is limited, I'm forcing myself to hold out). Back when I worked full time we used to say that if something was free, people were less committed, so I kind of see the $15-25 range as screening for someone who's serious. IMHO, a photo and/or description of your set-up should answer that question (I love Wode's story of someone going from asking $100+ to giving her everything and then some for free after she saw a picture of her set-up!). You've done everything a reasonable person could.

I hope you have a peaceful rest of the week, too!
Lol Sometimes I wish quitting was an option....but sadly it's not. Threatening to quit still made me feel better though. XD But like you said, a small rehoming fee I can understand...but 150 is a lot of money, especially when you are contacting me for adoption...bah, Moving forward. Good vibes for her and that clan, really hope she figures it out, or will change he'd mind or go down in price.

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11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by Ryry » Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:49 pm

Wow I really feel for you in this. I have had 3 separate adoptions and never once paid anything. The First Lady gave me 2 crabs in a tote tank with a ton of supplies- she slipped some money in the supplies because she knew how expensive they were and how rare of a hobby it is. She's a rare soul. 2nd adoption was for some exotics and the lady mailed them to me- she wanted to be sure they were going to a good home. Last adoption was someone who didn't know what they were getting into. Gave me a crazy small tank and said 1 maybe 2 crabs were in there- all for free- ps it was two crabs and the one that was dug under was cemented in calcium sand glad I got them!

I digress- I hope this person realizes soon that they should be more worried about the crabs future than in money... Best of luck!
Ps. I would put some in your bigger tank and let the small tank only house a few- if you get them!
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Re: 11 crabs up for adoption...possible?

Post by wodesorel » Fri Apr 01, 2016 10:07 pm

I've had a couple local adoptions where the best I could do was talk them down to the price of the nearby pet store, who were kind enough to back me up online about their prices. Not everyone can be reasoned with. :( I have happily 'overpaid' for adoptions of a couple of crabs when I was in a place to do so, but it's not something that can always be done. The worst was the girl who claimed the crabs sold for $35 each so she wanted $60 for 3 without anything included. Even the local let shop jumped all over her for that! They were tiny PPs.
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