How much fresh air?

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Re: How much fresh air?

Post by JessicaAFM » Sat Jan 31, 2015 1:27 pm

soilentgringa wrote: Alabama is on the Gulf Coast in the southern part of the US. Lots of rivers and the ocean (at least by where I lived for a year). It's hot, humid, and full of mosquitos, love bugs, and mole crickets!!!
Note: I lived in Magnolia Springs/Foley so I was about 20 mins from the beach. I can't say what northern AL is like. :)
Hey Im less than an hour away on the other side of Pcola. :) Ive got bubblers going in this weekend. I had some large pools in there that they already loved so I am hoping the like the new bubbles. As others said they are pretty cheap an easy to build. I also bought a backflow valve for $2 so if the power goes out it wont siphon water back into your pump.
Crabbie mom of 19 PP's: Kingler, Adventure, Time, Sebastian & Penelope plus our new adoptions; and our little angel: Krabby (PP)

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Re: How much fresh air?

Post by Lburns » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:25 pm

Thanks again! I'm going to add a bubbler! For some reason I thought my pools would need to be a lot deeper but sounds like my current pools are just fine. Happy crabs = happy life :D
4 PPs. Crabbing since Sept. 2014. Batman - Found as a stray (holy crab!) (2 molts). Killer Croc (1 molt). Man-Bat (1 molt). Lex Luthor (1 molt).
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Re: How much fresh air?

Post by wodesorel » Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:26 am

Just be cautious - bubblers can backfire and lower humidity if the humidity outside of the tank is a lot lower that what is inside. In those cases, you're pumping in dry air and the moving water can't compensate for that. The air stone should be completely covered with water for it to work the way it's supposed to.
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Re: How much fresh air?

Post by Lburns » Mon Feb 02, 2015 9:02 pm

I'll keep an eye on that, thanks. I just installed it tonight. My crabs actually seem a little scared of it at this point. Is it too bubbly? Deep enough?

This is Batman, my largest crab, taking a quick walk thru it:

4 PPs. Crabbing since Sept. 2014. Batman - Found as a stray (holy crab!) (2 molts). Killer Croc (1 molt). Man-Bat (1 molt). Lex Luthor (1 molt).
RIP Robin (did not survive 1st molt).

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Re: How much fresh air?

Post by YYWW » Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:10 am

Not sure how bubbly it is, but they do seem scared at first, probably from the constant, monotone vibration. Do you think its deep enough? That dish looks gorgeous but can the crabs submerge? I think they submerge to wash their bums. Is the water splashing too much? Too much splash could get annoying, due to super frequent water changes and saturated sub.

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