crab laid eggs in my tank; now they've hatched!

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Post by Guest » Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:19 pm

Holy... that's incredible! Just goes to show you that just when you think you have nature all figured out she'll throw you curve ball! Anyways, sports analogy aside, good luck with them, and it's amazing you even had eggs laid even if the larvae don't survive.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:16 pm

It's a girl! and a boy! and another boy! and a girl and a girl and a boy and a...

Wow, that's so great! Congratulations!!!

I heard that hermit crabs usually lay their eggs during a crescent moon. June 26, 2006 (the last day of my vacation!) was a new moon, so that's pretty close.

What will you feed them? Plankton? Baby fish food? They look bigger than plankton, right?

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:28 am

I went and payed a visit to the new babies, and they are soooo tiny! They look like microscopic wiggly shrimp. It took me a minute to see them, until I knew what I was looking for. JS is doing a great job of caring for them, and her experiance with fish tanks is helping a lot. I helped her figure out how to set up a tank so that they can come out onto land on their own. It will be interesting to see what happens!

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:40 am

They sound like they look like Sea Monkeys! :D

I didn't think they came out on land for quite some time. What do you think the duration is for this stage?

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Post by HERMEZ » Fri Jun 30, 2006 4:05 pm

its very exciting to read your updates :)
CrAbBy aNd PrOuD
crabbin since 2005.

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Post by BAB » Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:12 pm


LOVED the pix!

What kinda water and dechlor do you use then?

**Crabbing since July 2005*~*100+ successful molts**
I have a total of 2 PP's

Note:My information on crab care is NOT the only way to do things. Please research your topics.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 30, 2006 7:32 pm

This is just so exciting. Do you have pics of your tat somewhere?

I'm not sure about how long females hold their eggs or how they are fertilized. Do you know? I thought she was probably harvested with the eggs, but it sounds as though a mating ritual did in fact take place in your tat. That is beyond exciting! I'm totally blown away for you!

Any pics or information you would like to continue to share...I'm all eyes and ears!! You have always been a respected crabber in my eyes, now you are like the Goddess of Crabbing!!

MAN! I am just so excited!!!

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:11 pm

I forgot to comment on the moon phase that Tardigrade brought up. I had wondered what phase the moon was in as I know the egg laying is related to the tides. So that is neat that you brought it up!

Also, I use tapwater dechlorinated with Marineland's Biosafe. It is one of the few dechlors that doesn't also contain a slime coat stimulant. I also prefer using tapwater as bottled water can sometimes be too pure.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Fri Jun 30, 2006 8:17 pm

That is so exciting. I'm in awe. You really need to warn people before they come over to your house that they may reproduce. You should get a sign over your door reading "The Fertile Farm". You are having quite a year. Best wishes.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:21 am

thats so awsome hopfully they will make it that would be so cool :-)

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:43 am

*no comment* :shock: :D

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 01, 2006 10:27 am

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love the salt water pool.

I think i have to copy that. My tank is half and half too. But I don't have the bubbler or the filtered pool. I will!!! Not that i want eggs, mind you. I wouldn't know the first thing to do with them. But if you are getting mating. My guess is the conditions are stellar. Maybe that is too much of a leap? (Scientifically speaking) But i think it bodes well.

I remember the phases of the moon coming into play with the tides and when the females would take their eggs to sea. Which brings me to another question (sorry) where is your tank in relation to a window? I'm wondering if she determined this timing soley based on a physical pull of instincts or is she still in tune with moon phases and pull. And how does that pull work? Is it the light of the moon or lack thereof? Or is it something physical? Or is it the tide that clues them in and this was a big coincidence with the moon? Okay, that was more than one question. And anyone can answer.

P.S. No blushing. You do good things!! They should be noted. :wink:

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 01, 2006 9:45 pm

My thought is that being that they are animals, and wild ones at that, that they are very in tune to their instincts, and that tells them when to do what.
This is my opinion with just about any animal. Provide them with a variety of conditions, then watch what they choose to do.

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:34 pm

Ok so from what you've said the daddy must be your other Rug, even though he's small, right? It's not possible for them to crossbreed - or is it? No, that couldn't be... WOW it's just so cool! I can't even imagine if all those babies make it *claws crossed* - I'm thinking - Rugs all around! I'll take one! LOL

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:26 am

Wow. I am utterly delighted and gripped by this turn of events.

On the other hand, I am totally and completely curious about some of the questions that have come from this dialogue.

1) If wild animals are so inclined and driven by instinct can they make choices or do they react on instinct alone?

2) Can hermit crabs cross breed? After seeing first hand a variety of animals crossbred, that would never meet in the wild, I'm inclined to think not. But I don't know.

3) How does the moon drive the body?

I know these seem unrelated. They are just some thoughts that came to me while reading through this. Any thoughts?

I don't want to detract from what is at hand, but I'm so fascinated too. I'm happy to start another thread posing these questions if anyone is interested in discussing them.
