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Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2014 8:57 am
by Brittanybaby22
I go hard for my hermit crab i get lots of shells at Petsmart i spend over 800$ on my hermit crab food water stuff sea salt water stuff tanks heating pads climbing stuff hiding places play sand misters food bowls water bowls lighting worm castings crickets calcium stuff i am all over the place looking for stuff for my hermit crab its alot of work to make shure the little guys get what they need and it cost alot of money

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 12:36 am
by happycrabbymama
I spent over $500 in one go for a new tat and all the fixins (fake plants, vines, shower caddies, moss, shells, sand, EE, lights, lid, 90g tank, miles and gas driving to adopt crabs, 500 lbs of lava rock, lumber to build a new cabinet for the 90g, FlexWatt and all the wires and cords to make it work, syro foam insulation, food from the organic food store, etc...).

I have adopted ove 45 crabs in the last 4 months alone, with miles going into the 500+ range.

I am picked up ANOTHER 90g that we are going to join to the current 90g in order to make a massively AWESOME 180g. And I drove over 2 hours to pick up the tank in my Escort, and in order to get it in the car... we had to take the door off the car and then put it back on after we got the tank in there. (Dismantling the car in order to give my crabs more room for climbing and digging... all in a days work! A husband that knew you were crazy from the start and goes along with your crazy hair brained plans anyway... priceless!)

I spend hours a day fussing over the tats, checking temps and humidity every time I go by the tanks.

Setting an alarm in the morning and one in the evening for turn lights on and off.

Climbing up an a step stool because the top of your tat is at least 3" above my head, to replace water, food bowls, and mist.

Give my crabs more fruits and veggies than an I consume myself.

Get weird looks from the lady at the organic all natural food store, when I go in an buy rose petals, bee pollen, coconut flakes, numerous dried fruits, powdered kelp, powdered seaweed, stinging neetles, etc... and tell them that they aren't for me they are for my hermit crabs.

Bought a dehydrator just so I can make my own hermit crab food. (much to my family's dismay... they thought they were going to be able to make jerky. :( )

Getting excited and going out in the rain and cold to collect those lovely little yellow weeds from my yard.

Looking for pieces of wood and then dragging my husband out to the woods to haul it home for me.

Begging family members in Florida on vacation to bring back shells and sending a detailed picture chart of the size and types I need.

Planning the family vacation around locations for shell hunting and collecting.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 3:23 am
by fluffy
I've had the urge to take a few hermit crabs out of the tank (on a humid day) to watch big bang theory, because I watched them watching the t.v with their eyes glued to it while big bang theory was on and have bad quality picture to prove it.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:18 am
by Luckythecrab
I will stand out in the rain for days to get the cleanest rainwater for charm, lucky and happy.
I will go to the near bottom of the ocean to get the best coral
I will trudge through endless deserts to get the best substrate sand.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 2:59 pm
by kitkathermiesworld
I go hard for my hermies I spent $30 on one beautiful turbo shell
Everytime I go food shopping for my family I always have their shopping list ready
I spend hours online just reading about them
I have a little funeral for each crab that unfortunately left to soon. :innocent:

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 10:18 pm
by HandyHermits
i lugged a heavy 10 gallon complete w/ sub, food,and hides for half a mile to use as an iso(it was only $5)

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:31 pm
by kitkathermiesworld
I go hard for my hermies because I just went broke for my hermies :( :lol:

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:07 am
by courtbri
I have braved spiders and other creepy crawlers to pick up Isopods- which also freak me out really bad, because I read that a good colony of them make really good janitors. EWWW I'm itching and squirming just thinking about it.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2014 10:13 am
by courtbri
My husband tells everyone how I without fail will be up between 1 and 2 am with my flashlight watching my tank come alive with activity.
Also, how I left work early and drove at breakneck speeds in the rain to get home after my daughter said one crab was streaking and looked like he was in trouble.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:57 am
by Skymall007
Lolz I am not the only one collecting discarded crab exos from the beach.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:59 am
by Skymall007
I have tried to convince my boyfriend that in the future we could create a small rainforest / beach in the garage for them. A line got drawn.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 11:29 am
by KellyCrabbieLove
1 spent $600 on a tank, stand and canopy - which was a great deal. Then I went on to refinish it by hand and with everything purchased for all of it including tank decor supplies themselves, new shells and specialty food ended up spending about $3,000. Good thing I love them.

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 12:35 pm
by Skymall007
Ohhhhhh can I see pictures of your tank? It must be awesome!

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 2:37 pm
by Ryry
Phew that's a lot of dough! Though admittedly I have been dropping crazy amounts of money on my crabs and upgrades for them. And please post pics!!

Re: I go hard for my hermit crab's.......

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2014 6:33 pm
by KellyCrabbieLove
Skymall007 wrote:Ohhhhhh can I see pictures of your tank? It must be awesome!
Ryry wrote:Phew that's a lot of dough! Though admittedly I have been dropping crazy amounts of money on my crabs and upgrades for them. And please post pics!!
The Jerks just destroyed the plants. Lol I have Cholla on order and many more things in the mix. I am trying to rig up my current lighting with my canopy so ignore the light sitting funny and the supplies on top. We have to put child locks on the cabinet. My 2 youngest won't stay out of it.ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

This is some of the stuff I bought and am using in my tank. My canopy is in the garage and still needs to be refinished. I can't even begin to tell you how much stuff I bought for them. Under the screen is custom glass lids. I leave the screen on to lock it from my kids. I have ultratherms on the back covering the entire things plus it is insulated with full sheets of styrofoam. I have the push on lights inside the cabinet to be able to see better. I started giving things to megmaholm stuff. There is about $300 in hermit crab patch food. About $400 in shells. $75 in miscellaneous food and ...who knows what else. I have done all of this since June 20th and this is my 2nd upgrade. 10gal to 55gal to 125 gal which is my max size. The majority of the money was spent over a 5 or 6 week period.