How long is thier memory?

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How long is thier memory?

Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:33 pm

crabber wrote:What a great Qs, brain research, whether for animals or people fascinates me!

First off, Subconscious psychology can be tricky, because my associations with any one thought or idea, can be very different from someone else's depending on what my past experiences with it are, and it could release a different emotion. For example the word "Love". If I've been continually broken hearted, that word may create the emotions of fear and pain, if I've had good experiences with love then the emotions released are pleasurable. It can take years to try and get through all these layers and associations, and re-program them.

There are many drugs on the market which do exactly what you're kind of hinting at, they restore a chemical balance in the brain to counteract certain chemical reactions that create our emotions, like medications for depression, for example.

You are very smart, osippi, I hope that all made sense.

You're very bright too, thank you.

I'm curious, do you know how associations are created? And if brain drugs are so effective, why are there so many side-effects with them? That would leave me to believe though there is some understanding of brain chemical creation, there is still alot of misunderstanding.

It's fun to have an interesting conversation, thanks! :lol:

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Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 6:57 pm

Some more wonderful questions, this is fun!

Let me start by saying we humans only really use a small portion of our brains (I think it's like two or three %, but my brain refuses to drudge up the particulars right now, ADD is like that). I get very excited about the ideas of uncharted territories like our jungles, oceans and space, but IMO the exploring the human brain is the most exciting and potentially beneficial journey we could take! This is why we don't quite have these chemcial reactions competely figured out yet.

On a subconscious level our brains do not distinguish between new experiences, and old ones. So every time our brain travels back to that first memory, that first emotion we generated by instinct it is strengthening that association, we are in effect reliving it. This is what makes reprogramming our associations so difficult, we have to kind of catch ourselves in the act of doing it, make a conscious choice to create a different association, and our brain will slowly re-program itself.

On a chemical, biological level, one has to consider genetic memory. This is where instinct comes from. Have you ever heard the statistic that every 7 years every cell in your body has died and re-generated, and in reality you are a completely different person than you were? If one considers this then one has to come to the conclusion that memory is stored in the genetic code. There have been studies done about genetic memory, but I won't go into details right now.

Basically, our initial associations are a combination of nature AND nurture. This genetic memory is very likely the way a hermit crab operates and where it's behavior comes from.

I hope that made sense. :?

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:14 pm

crabber wrote:Some more wonderful questions, this is fun!

Let me start by saying we humans only really use a small portion of our brains (I think it's like two or three %, but my brain refuses to drudge up the particulars right now, ADD is like that). I get very excited about the ideas of uncharted territories like our jungles, oceans and space, but IMO the exploring the human brain is the most exciting and potentially beneficial journey we could take! This is why we don't quite have these chemcial reactions competely figured out yet.

On a subconscious level our brains do not distinguish between new experiences, and old ones. So every time our brain travels back to that first memory, that first emotion we generated by instinct it is strengthening that association, we are in effect reliving it. This is what makes reprogramming our associations so difficult, we have to kind of catch ourselves in the act of doing it, make a conscious choice to create a different association, and our brain will slowly re-program itself.

On a chemical, biological level, one has to consider genetic memory. This is where instinct comes from. Have you ever heard the statistic that every 7 years every cell in your body has died and re-generated, and in reality you are a completely different person than you were? If one considers this then one has to come to the conclusion that memory is stored in the genetic code. There have been studies done about genetic memory, but I won't go into details right now.

Basically, our initial associations are a combination of nature AND nurture. This genetic memory is very likely the way a hermit crab operates and where it's behavior comes from.

I hope that made sense. :?

I have heard of your cells dying over 7 years time, very interesting. Kind of like hermit crabs molting, eh? :wink:

My parents read this conversation and found it interesting. :lol:

Topic author

Post by Guest » Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:32 pm


And thanks for your compliment on my smarts. I'm not good at thinking abut myself that way because I have Attention Deficit Disorder, and have a negative association between myself and intelligence. I'm trying to reprogram it. :wink: :P
